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This page lists people who can become followers during their related quest(s). (Note: Replacement followers are often seen by other players on the quest in order to prevent you from seeing duplicates of the same follower.)
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- 1 Aldmeri Dominion
- 2 Daggerfall Covenant
- 3 Ebonheart Pact
- 4 Neutral and Disputed
- 4.1 Blackreach: Greymoor Caverns
- 4.2 Blackwood
- 4.3 Clockwork City
- 4.4 Coldharbour
- 4.5 Craglorn
- 4.6 The Deadlands
- 4.7 Gold Coast
- 4.8 Hew's Bane
- 4.9 High Isle
- 4.10 Imperial City
- 4.11 Murkmire
- 4.12 Northern Elsweyr
- 4.13 The Reach
- 4.14 Southern Elsweyr
- 4.15 Summerset
- 4.16 Vvardenfell
- 4.17 Western Skyrim
- 4.18 Wrothgar
- 5 Unzoned
Aldmeri Dominion[edit]
Khenarthi's Roost[edit]
- Gathwen, during Tears of the Two Moons and The Tempest Unleashed
- Khari, during Moon-Sugar Medicament
- Rurelion, during The Tempest Unleashed
- Sergeant Firion, during The Tempest Unleashed
- Auridon Marine, during Teldur's End
- Bear, during Silent Village
- Eranamo, during The Veiled Choice
- Lakhazga gro-Rimat, during The Wayward Dagger
- Sorondil, during Rightful Inheritance
- Tanlorin, during The Garland Ring
- Azareth, during The Honor of the Queen
- Bakkhara and Kargand, during Consuming Darkness
- Behelir, during Heart of the Matter
- Calion, during The Unquiet Dead
- Comes-When-Called and Eager-Teeth, during Scars Never Fade
- Daraneth, during The Grip of Madness
- Dringoth, during Keeper of Bones
- High Ordinator Danys, during The Wakening Dark
- Irrai and Vastarie, during Eyes of Azura
- Nuttall, during Luck of the Albatross
- Rakhaz, during A Chief Concern
- Rufinus, during The Grip of Madness
- Sabonn, during Blood Hunt
- Senche-Tiger, Snake or Wolf, during Bosmer Insight
- Aranak, Gathiel or Spinner Eranas, during Pact Advocate
- Aranias, during The Witch of Silatar
- Elolir or Laeneval, during Razor's Edge
- Indaenir, during Retaking the Pass, The Blight of the Bosmer, Right of Theft and Striking at the Heart
- Indanas, during Stone Cold
- Khajiiti Recruit, during Lurcher Demonstration
- Mel Adrys, during Mist and Shadow
- Nanwen, during The Dead King
- Razum-dar, during Veil of Illusion and Double Jeopardy
Malabal Tor[edit]
- Altmer Officer, during House and Home
- Ambassador Raen and Ambassador Sariel, during The Prisoner of Jathsogur
- Arithiel, during the quest of the same name
- Captain Seritenya and a Fist of Thalmor, during The Captain's Honor
- Corporal Brelinith, during The Ties that Bind
- Dariel, during Brothers and Bandits
- Flame Atronach, during Arithiel
- Haron and Lanwaen, during The Hound's Men
- Jaqspur Scout (Haron)
- Hengekeeper Lara, during Awakening
- Oraneth, during The Tale of the Green Lady
- Shade of Ulthorn, during The Ties that Bind
- Spectral Bear or Spectral Lion, depending on which of the ambassador is spared during The Prisoner of Jathsogur
- Thunderbug, during Shock to the System
- Vanando, during The Show Must Go On
Reaper's March[edit]
- Akkhuz-ri, during Stonefire Machinations
- Aniel, during Baan Dar's Boast
- Cariel, during A Traitor's Luck
- Centurion Gavo, during The Colovian Occupation
- Evoker Ahainar-jo and Journeyman Mirondil, during Knowledge Gained
- Ezreba, during On the Doorstep
- Journeyman Mirondil, during Knowledge Gained
- Khali, during Grimmer Still, The First Step, Motes in the Moonlight and The Moonlit Path
- Rid-Thar-ri'Datta, during The Golden Claw
- Shazah, during Grim Situation, Grimmer Still, The First Step, Motes in the Moonlight and The Moonlit Path
- Tand, during Hadran's Fall
- Zerith-var, during A Moonlit Shadow
Daggerfall Covenant[edit]
Stros M'Kai[edit]
- Qawi, during Washed Ashore
- Jakarn, during Into the Hills
- Bumnog during The Dagger's Edge
- Camlorn Volunteer, during The Fall of Faolchu
- Khajiiti Recruit during Skeleton Demonstration
- Lurcher, during Champion of the Guardians
- Recruit Gorak, during Pride of the Lion Guard
- Countess Clairene Auzin, during Family Secrets
- Dreaming Cultist, during The Gate to Quagmire
- Gedric Serre and Yahyif, during No Second Chances
- Khajiiti Recruit during Goblin Demonstration
- Marlene Vanne, during Can't Leave Without Her
- Scamp, during Azura's Relics
- Shade, during King Aphren's Sword
- Vengeful Crocodile, during A Predator's Heart
- Federic Seychelle, during A Change of Heart
- Lashgikh, during Foul Deeds in the Deep
- Marnest Barclay, during The Sanctifying Flames
- Puddles, during Guar Gone
- Scholar Cantier, during A Traitor's Tale
- Skordo the Knife, during The Liberation of Northpoint
- Thibierry, during Hope Lost
- Verandis Ravenwatch, during Shornhelm Divided, The Conceiling Veil, Puzzle of the Pass and The Lightless Remnant
Alik'r Desert[edit]
- Ash'abah Healer or Ash'abah Warrior, during Revered Ancestors
- Goat, during Satak was the First Serpent
- Paldeen, during Secrets of the Lost City
- Prince Azah or Throne Keeper Farvad, during Amputating the Hand
- Prince Haqmir, during The Initiation
- Khajiiti Recruit, during Spider Demonstration
- Seqbar, during Crawling Chaos
- Talia at-Marimah, during Amputating the Hand
- Taren, during Trapped in the Bluffs
- Azei at-Owynok or Herminius Sophus during Present in Memory
- Gluineth, during Troll's Dessert
- Izzara, during A Marriage in Ruins
- Lady Clarisse Laurent, during Tongues of Stone
- Snaruga, during Rising Against Onsi's Breath
- Wyress Rashan, during Heart of Evil
Ebonheart Pact[edit]
- Irenni Elendis, during A Mother's Obsession
- Princess, during A Noble Guest
- Spectral Warrior, during Through the Aftermath
- Aerona Berendas, during Bad Medicine
- Dolril Belvayn, during Honor Bound
- Elynisi Arthalen, during Restless Spirits
- Ithis Omalor, during Mechanical Murder
- Sela, during A Family Divided
- Shatasha during What Was Lost
- Tervur Sadri during Mine All Mine
- Valeyn's Familiar, during Vision Quest
- Kazdi, during The Dominion's Alchemist
- Khajiiti Recruit, during Lamia Demonstration
- Sargon, during They Keystone
- Shadowscale Assassin or Shadowscale Deadeye, during Scales of Retribution
- Wades-In-Muck, during Unbridled Wealth
- Aspect of the Bear, Aspect of the Fox or Aspect of the Wolf, during Gods Save the King
- Bloodfiend, during The Better of Two Evils
- Borald and Jofarr, during On a Dare
- Giant, during Strange Allies
- Kireth Vanos, during Kireth's Amazing Plan
- Legendary Companion and Lesuin, during Shattered Hopes
- Speaks-with-Blades, during Security Details
- Timberstand Goat and Valding the Bard, during Merriment and Mystery
The Rift[edit]
- Pact Fire Mage, Pact Healer or Pact Soldier, during Securing the Pass
- Scout, during Ritual at the Dragonshrine
- Scout Littvolk, during A Ritual in the Ragged Hills
- Skald Svari, during The Rise of Sage Svari
- Worm Slayer body possessed by Hakra, during Tomb Beneath the Mountain
Neutral and Disputed[edit]
Blackreach: Greymoor Caverns[edit]
- Aesa, Jaskar, Pickle, and Viggol, during One Last Adventure
- Claudina Ildene, during Digging Up Trouble
- Gwendis, during The Lady of Blood
- Neramo, during Scraps Matter
- Tranya, during Hounds of Hircine
- Adrahawn, during Harrada Harvest
- Alchemy, during The Face of Change
- Amalia Vasatoln, during Relics and Rumblings
- Bastian Hallix and Tenarei Vels, during Competition and Contracts
- Beragon, Elam Drals, and Eveli-Sharp Arrow, during An Unexpected Adversary
- Calia and Destron, during Weapons of Destruction
- Daluion, during The Golden Anvil
- Deet-Loh and Hokatsei, during In Need of a Bath
- Erilthel, Otten, Pintia Ventrilla, and Seeks-the-Dark, during A Keep's Ransom
- Eveli Sharp-Arrow, during A Deadly Secret, A Hidden Vault, Pyre of Ambition, and Heroes of Blackwood
- Eveli Sharp-Arrow and Sombren, during A Mysterious Event
- Faric Gemain, during Haunted Legacy
- Heem-Jas, during Shadows in the Swamp
- Jela, during Idol Threats
- Lady Clarisse Laurent and Stibbons Duplicate, during An Abundance of Stibbons
- Mim-Jasa, during Destroying What Remains
- Mirri Elendis, during Shattered and Scattered
- Nuxul, during The Rising Winds
- Remvnus Demnevanni and Tiras Tirethi, during Giving Up the Ghost
Clockwork City[edit]
- Divayth Fyr, during To The Clockwork City
- Kireth Vanos and Lankin, during In Search of a Sponsor
- Knave of Rooks, during Unto the Dark
- Neramo, during The Strangeness of Seht
- Raynor Vanos, during In Search of a Sponsor and Family Feud
- Proctor Luciana Pullo, during Lost in the Gloam and Where Shadows Lie
- Sherizar, during Oasis in a Metal Desert
- Snuffler, during Deepening Shadows
- Tilelle the Mender, during The Halls of Regulation
- (?) during (?)
- Fighters Guild Soldier[verification needed]
- Cadwell, during Crossing the Chasm
- Darien Gautier, Cadwell, Skordo the Knife or Tzik'nith, during The Final Assault (In The Endless Stair)
- Faraniel, during The Shadow's Embrace
- Darien Gautier, Cadwell, Faraniel, Gabrielle Benele, King Laloriaran Dynar and Vanus Galerion, during The Final Assault (In The Planar Vortex)
- Kireth Vanos, during The Library of Dusk
- Mezha-dro, during Holes in the World
- Shadow Court Jester or Zombie, during The Final Assault (depends on who was sided with at the Cliffs of Failure)
- Stibbons, during What the Heart Wants
- Treeminder Xohaneel, during Wisdom of the Ages
- Vanus Galerion, during Breaking the Shackle
- Vanus Galerion or Virgar the Red, during The Harvest Heart
- Zombie, during A Thorn in Your Side
- Flame-Bearer, during The Trials of Rahni'Za
- Ibrula, during The Seeker's Archive
- Kelmen Locke, during The Missing Guardian
- Little Leaf, during The Serpent's Fang
- Regent Cassipia, during Slithering Brood
- Scion of Molavar, can be summoned in Molavar
- Titus Valerius, during The Warrior's Call, The Missing Guardian and Dawn of the Exalted Viper
The Deadlands[edit]
- The Anchorite, during The Celestial Palanquin, The Durance Vile, and Deadlight
- The Anchorite and Eveli Sharp-Arrow, during The Last Ambition
- The Anchorite and Lyranth, during Destruction Incarnate
- The Anchorite and Rynkyus, during Born of Grief
- Atrozu and Khazasha, during Death Stalks the Weak
- Lyranth, during Against All Hope
- Noroth, during Peace's Wretched Price
- Selveni Andalor, during Mettle and Stone
- Skrix, during Web of Lies
Gold Coast[edit]
- Green-Venom-Tongue, during A Ghost from the Past and The Wrath of Sithis
- Razum-dar, during The Sweetroll Killer
Hew's Bane[edit]
- Dashka, optionally during Forever Hold Your Peace
- Narahni, during A Faded Flower
- Quen, during Partners in Crime, A Double Life and His Greatest Treasure
- Quen, Silver-Claw, Velsa or Walks-Softly, during Forever Hold Your Peace
- Tashmin, during That Which Was Lost
- Walks-Softly, during Partners in Crime and Shell Game
- Zeira, during A Flawless Plan
High Isle[edit]
- Ember, during Tower Full of Trouble
- Isobel Veloise, during Tournament of the Heart
- Moric Guidroz, during A Sheep in Need
Imperial City[edit]
- Captain Caudex, during The Sublime Brazier
- Dradeiva, during The Lost Legion
- Famia Mercius, during Death and Dreaming and The Remnant of Argon
- Haxara and Iskenaaz, during Empty Nest
- Chukka-Saak, replaces Haxara
- Jaxsik-Orrn, during Whispers in the Wood and The Swamp and the Serpent
- Dead-Water Hunter, replaces Jaxsik-Orrn during Whispers in the Wood
- Dead Water Hunter, replaces Jaxsik-Orrn during The Swamp and the Serpent
- Kishi, during Death Among the Dead-Water
- Sun-Blessed Toad, during The Sounds of Home
- Xukas, during Missing in Murkmire, Whispers in the Wood and The Swamp and the Serpent
Northern Elsweyr[edit]
- Abnur Tharn, during The Usurper Queen, The Final Order, and Jode's Core
- Burtle, during Scariest in Show
- Cadwell and Khamira, during Cadwell the Betrayer
- Cantor Krin'ze, during Beyond a Veil of Twilight
- Captain Nala-do, during Two Queens
- Elhalem, during Preserving the Prowl
- Grand Adept Ma'jha-dro, during Bright Moons, Warm Sands
- Khamira, during Jode's Core
- Mizzik Thunderboots, during The Riverhold Abduction and Where There's a Will
- Nazdar, Sereyne, and Vole during Thick as Thieves
- Prefect Calo, during The Final Order
- Razum-dar, during Home Sweet Home
- Silhu-jo and Vazbi, during In Sickness and In Health
- Vastarie, during Path of the Hidden Moon
- Zamarak, during The Battle for Riverhold, Bright Moons, Warm Sands, Two Queens, The Final Order and Jode's Core
The Reach[edit]
- Adusa-daro, during By Love Betrayed
- Apprentice Fialyn, during After the Storm
- Arana, during Blood of the Reach, and The Awakening Darkness
- Bound Chillfiend, optional follower during Vateshran's Rites
- Count Verandis Ravenwatch, during The Study of Souls, The Dark Heart, and The End of Eternity
- Lyris Titanborn, during Kingdom of Ash
- Lyris Titanborn and Sai Sahan, during Red Eagle's Song
- Psijic Calis, during Endeavor in the Gloom
- Vateshran Barth, during Vows and Oaths
Southern Elsweyr[edit]
- Abnur Tharn, Khamira and Sai Sahan, during New Moon Rising
- Abnur Tharn and Sai Sahan, during The Dark Aeon
- Adara'hai, during Chiaroscuro Crossroads
- Aeliah Renmus, during Uneasy Alliances
- Aeliah Renmus, during The Pride of Alkosh
- Aeliah Renmus, Caska and Za'ji, during The Dragonguard
- Caska, during The Dragon's Lair
- Daini, during A Childhood in Flames
- Sai Sahan, during The Dragon's Lair
- Sai Sahan, during The Pride of Alkosh and The Dragonguard
- Skordo the Knife, during The Deadliest Prey
- Za'ji, during Uneasy Alliances
- Zhasim, during Another Khajiit's Tale
- Andewen, during The Ebon Sanctum
- Arathel, during A Tale of Two Mothers
- Darien Gautier, during Lost in Translation, A Necessary Alliance, and The Crystal Tower
- Earl Leythen, during A Necessary Alliance and The Crystal Tower
- Faidur, during Wasting Away
- Grog, during The Abyssal Cabal
- Hevla, during Illusions of Grandeur
- Mehdze, during Savage Truths
- Pandermalion and Castire, during Storming the Walls
- Razum-dar, during A Pearl of Great Price and The Tower Sentinels
- Ritemaster Iachesis, during Buried Memories
- Talomar, during Untamed and Unleashed
- Valsirenn, during The Queen's Decree, A Pearl of Great Price, The Tower Sentinels, The Dreaming Cave and Lost in Translation
- Baron Maloren and Ibaal, during An Armiger's Duty
- Canon Llevule, during Divine Conundrum
- Farwen Temolire, during Haunted Grounds
- Naryu Virian, during A Purposeful Writ and Family Reunion
- Neramo and Vimy Lacroix, during The Heart's Desire
- Seryn, during Divine Intervention
- Veya Releth, during Of Faith and Family and Family Reunion
Western Skyrim[edit]
- Alwyn, during Prisoner of the Past
- Fennorian, during The Gathering Storm
- Fennorian, Lyris Titanborn, and Svana, during The Gray Host and Greymoor Rising
- Morthal Guard (Lyris)
- Solitude Wastrel (Svana)
- Ravenwatch Alchemist (Fennorian)
- Fennorian and Lyris Titanborn, during Dark Clouds Over Solitude
- First Mate Drigsen, during Of Ice and Death
- Hafskjar, during The Blood of Old Karth
- Hamvir, during Poison's Sting
- Lyris Titanborn, during The Gathering Storm, and The Vampire Scholar
- Lyris Titanborn, and Svana, during Danger in the Holds
- Morthal Guard (Lyris)
- Priest Bavian, during Meridia's Brilliance
- Rigurt the Brash, during Cultural Conciliation
- Yrsild, during The Fading Fire
- Yvara Plouff, during The Aspiring Scholar
- Alinon the Alchemist, during The Hidden Harvest
- Chief Bazrag, during To Save a Chief and Blood on a King's Hands
- Eveli Sharp-Arrow, during Blood on a King's Hands (depends on choice made in previous quests)
- Gahar or Unsulag, during Forcing the Faith
- King Kurog, during For King and Glory
- Laurig, during A Question of Succession
- Lord Ethian and Skordo the Knife, during Where Loyalty Lies
- Narsis Dren, during Draugr Dilemma
- Shield-Wife Razbela, during The Anger of a King
- Ulghesh, during A Question of Succession
Prologue Quests[edit]
- Abnur Tharn, during The Demon Weapon and The Halls of Colossus (Elsweyr Prologue)
- Captain Xarei, during Of Knives and Long Shadows (Clockwork City Prologue)
- Eveli Sharp-Arrow, during The Emperor's Secret (Blackwood Prologue)
- Gwendis, during The Gray Council (Markarth Prologue)
- Gwendis and Shelaria, during The Ravenwatch Inquiry (Markarth Prologue)
- Jakarn, during Ascending Doubt and A King's Retreat (High Isle Prologue)
- Jee-Lar, during The Cursed Skull (Murkmire Prologue)
- Khamira, during The Halls of Colossus (Elsweyr Prologue)
- Lyranth, during The Key and the Cataclyst (The Deadlands Prologue)
- Lyris Titanborn, during The Coven Conspiracy and The Coven Conundrum (Greymoor Prologue)
- Sai Sahan, during The Dragonguard's Legacy and The Horn of Ja'darri (Dragonhold Prologue)
Fighters Guild[edit]
- Aelif and Merric at-Aswala, during Will of the Council
- Sees-All-Colors, during The Dangerous Past
Mages Guild[edit]
- Arch-Mage Shalidor, during Simply Misplaced
- Valaste, during The Mad God's Bargain
Main Quest[edit]
- Abnur Tharn, during Castle of the Worm, The Tharn Speaks, Halls of Torment, Valley of Blades, Shadow of Sancre Tor and God of Schemes
- Lyris Titanborn, during Soul Shriven in Coldharbour, Daughter of Giants, Castle of the Worm, Halls of Torment, Valley of Blades, Shadow of Sancre Tor and God of Schemes
- Norianwe, during The Gates of Adamant
- Sai Sahan, during Valley of Blades, Shadow of Sancre Tor and God of Schemes
- Varen Aquilarios, during God of Schemes