Online:Into the Hills
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Laganakh senses evil spreading on Betnikh. We need to know what we're facing before we can fight it. A totem may grant me visions that will help us. (If taken from Laganakh)
Quick Walkthrough[edit]
- Talk to Laganakh.
- Find and activate the vision totem.
- Locate the Ayleid site.
- Investigate the Bloodthorn Lair.
- Return to Laganakh.
Detailed Walkthrough[edit]
If you walk along the road near the Carved Hills Wayshrine, you may run across an Orc who mentions concerns regarding a dark ritual and directs you to the village.
Talk to Laganakh at the giant structure southwest of the Stonetooth Wayshrine. She says that there may be a way to look into the recent past, and asks you to go to a totem by the bridge to the south which will allow you to do so. Go southeast from Laganakh until you come to a stick with skulls on it: activate it, and a vision of a Bloodthorn Cultist will appear— it will lead you to your objective, but it isn't necessary to.
Turn east and cross the stone bridge continue into the area near some ruins and watch the scene: a cultist is told to use a scroll at a nearby Ayleid site by his superior. Go southwest past some wolves until you come to more ruins near the Carved Hills Wayshrine and watch another scene: Drusila attempts to use the scroll, but fails, and her associate assumes there to be an ancient curse here.
If you recruited Jakarn in Stros M'Kai he'll show up and help you. Go southeast until you come to some water— go through the cave in the east wall until you meet the door into the Bloodthorn Lair. As you enter, mind your footing while crossing the wooden walkways as you go further into the cave, taking care to watch out for enemies as you go. At the end of the cave passage, cross another wooden walkway and continue further. At a T-intersection the path on the right leads nowhere so go left down the path.
You'll come out in a big cave section. In this final scene, watch Vardan as he succeeds the ritual. Leave the lair via the passage in the north wall right before the door— if you have Jakarn with you, he will leave to loot some cultists. Outside, jump down the rocks until you reach the water then swim to land. Laganakh will be standing on the nearby road: tell her about your findings and receive your reward.
- If you recruited Jakarn in Stros M'kai, he will help you on this quest. Mercenaries will take his place for other players in the area.
- It is possible to skip prior objectives by going straight to the Bloodthorn Lair, as it is not marked as inaccessible prior to reaching the relevant story step, even though Jakarn mentions having unlocked the door only after meeting up with you in the ruins. Jakarn will be there upon entering the cave regardless.
- This quest is part of the Zone Story, but is missing from the Zone Guide.
- It is, instead, Carved Hills' Point of Interest quest.
Quest Stages[edit]
) is dynamically set by the game and will be filled in with the appropriate word(s) when seen in game.
- Not all Journal Entries may appear in your journal; which entries appear and which entries do not depends on the manner in which the quest is done.
- Stages are not always in order of progress. This is usually the case with quests that have multiple possible outcomes or quests where certain tasks may be done in any order. Some stages may therefore repeat objectives seen in other stages.