Online:Mettle and Stone
This page is currently being rewritten as part of the Online Quest Project. The page is being both written and checked. All users are welcome to make changes to the page. If you make a change that is relevant to the project, please update this template accordingly, and make sure you have observed the project guidelines. Detail
Quick Summary: written by Unk, checked by Solomon1972
Quest Stages: not written |
Quick Walkthrough[edit]
- Attune the Mother Stones at three energy fonts.
- Accompany Selveni to the altar in the Divination Chamber.
- Place the stones on the altar.
- Retrieve the attuned mother stones.
- Locate the imprisoned spirits.
- Decide how to use the mother stones.
- Speak to Selveni outside False Martyr's Folly.
Detailed Walkthrough[edit]
Outside False Martyrs' Folly you can either find a journal or speak directly to Selveni to begin the quest. He will ask for your help in attuning several Mother Stones to rescue two heroes of the sacking of Mournhold in 1E 2920. Selveni believes you are Sotha Sil in disguise and does not believe you when you tell him 600 years have passed since Mournhold was sacked.
Head into the delve. You'll attune the Mother Stones by escorting Selveni to three energy fonts. All are located on the western end of the delve. Afterward, accompany him to the altar in the Divination Chamber at the north end of the map. If pressed, he will explain that the stones act similar to dowsing rods, allowing someone to locate a specific statue within False Martyrs' Folly. At the Divination Chamber, place the stones on the altar. He will pray, quite pitifully, to Mehrunes Dagon, at which point one of the three Mother Stones will break, causing Selveni no small amount of consternation. Retrieve the remaining stones.
Head outside to locate the imprisoned spirits. There will be one obstacle for you to overcome: Kurkron the Mangler. He's a large mantikora. A journal nearby will tell you more about the monster from Craglorn. After defeating it and reaching the statues, decide how to use the remaining Mother stones. You need to free one or more of either Ordinator Nilera or Priest Sovisa. Afterward, head south to drop off the cliff to take the shortest route to the delve exit. Speak to Selveni outside the delve to complete the quest.
Quest Stages[edit]
Mettle and Stone | |
Finishes Quest | Journal Entry |
Selveni's journal page said that he was headed to the False Martyrs' Folly, I should head there and see what I can learn from him.
Objective: Talk to Selveni
Selveni said he would meet me inside the False Martyrs' Folly.
Objective: Enter the False Martyrs' Folly
Selveni has three magical rocks called the Mother Stones that he needs to fill with power from energy fonts in the Folly. He said that we should start looking for the fonts in the northwest.
Objective: Power the Stones
Hidden Objective: Find an Energy Font
Now that the Mother Stones have been attuned to the energy of the Sever, I should speak to Selveni to find out what our next step is.
Objective: Talk to Selveni
Selveni told me that there is an altar in the Folly that we can use to locate the statues where the spirits are trapped. We need to find the altar first.
Objective: Place the Mother Stones on the Altar
I should talk to Selveni about what just happened and why one of the Mother Stones exploded.
Objective: Talk to Selveni
I need to take the remaining Mother Stones and help Selveni find Ordinator Nilera and Priest Sovisa.
Objective: Take the Attuned Stones
I should make my way to where Ordinator Nilera and Priest Sovisa's statues are located.
Objective: Reach the Imprisoned Spirits
I found Ordinator Nilera and Priest Sovisa in the Folly. I should ask Selveni how we should use the remaining Mother Stones.
Objective: Talk to Selveni
Selveni asked me to make the choice between freeing Ordinator Nilera or Grandmother Sovisa Andalor for him. I should find their statues and choose one.
Objective: Free Ordinator Nilera
Objective: Free Sovisa Andalor
Selveni asked me to meet him outside the Folly. I should find him outside and see what he wants.
Objective: Meet Selveni Outside the Folly
I should speak to Selveni about what just happened. | |
With the third stone broken, there's no way to free both spirits and get Selveni back to Mournhold. It's a sacrifice he is willing to make. We should find and free the spirits.
Objective: Free Ordinator Nilera
Objective: Free Sovisa Andalor
With the third stone broken, there's no way to free both spirits and get Selveni back to Mournhold. It's a sacrifice he is willing to make. We should find and free the spirits.
Objective: Free Ordinator Nilera
Objective: Free Sovisa Andalor
Hidden Objective: Find an Energy Font
) is dynamically set by the game and will be filled in with the appropriate word(s) when seen in game.
- Not all Journal Entries may appear in your journal; which entries appear and which entries do not depends on the manner in which the quest is done.
- Stages are not always in order of progress. This is usually the case with quests that have multiple possible outcomes or quests where certain tasks may be done in any order. Some stages may therefore repeat objectives seen in other stages.