Arthropods • Bipedals • Camelids • Canines • Cervines • Constructs • Equines • Felines • Heavyweights • Serpentes • Ursines • Multi-Riders • Toys
Heavyweight mounts are senche-raht, quasigriffs, dremnaken, ursauks, or welwas. They can roar.
- Yahareni sought to survive by any means necessary when the Knahaten Flu struck Orcrest. Death won, and Namiira gained their corrupted soul. Now, freed from the Dark Behind the World by a foolish mortal, they seek an equal to walk beside them in darkness.
The Ahz-m'Athra is a heavyweight mount. It is available as a Radiant Apex-level reward in the Unfeathered Crown Crates. It can also be bought directly from the Crown Store for 2,500 Gems/ 16,000
Seals of Endeavor while the Unfeathered season is active. Their default name is "Yahareni".
All-Maker's Senche-raht[edit]
- Unlike other Senche-rahts, Thryn has accepted many riders in its time, though only a few have lasted beyond one battle. This is due to Thryn's habit of testing its rider's mettle with daring maneuvers and wild risks—all in the name of a good story.
The All-Maker's Senche-raht is available as an Apex-level reward in the All-Maker Crates. Its default name is "Thryn".
Anchorborn Welwa[edit]
- Born in the blasted wastes of Coldharbour, Molag Bal's ferocious welwa pursue their prey with terrifying tenacity. It is said that only the chains of the Dark Anchors themselves can hold the beasts back once they've scented their quarry.
The Anchorborn Welwa is a heavyweight mount. It will be available in Q3 of 2024 by combining event fragments with a Molag Bal Illusion Imp. Its default name is "Chainbreaker".
Ardor's Devotion Senche-raht[edit]
- "Why the flowers? Because this one finds them beautiful, that's why. Charging into battle together does not mean we can't enjoy their colors. And a battlefield littered with petals is a sight to behold."—Mathi-jo
The Ardor's Devotion Senche-raht is available as a Radiant Apex-level reward in the Dark Brotherhood Crates. It can be purchased directly for 2,500 . Its default name is "Mathi-jo".
Atmoran Snow Ursauk[edit]
- Though fearsome in appearance, these ursauks make staunch companions when properly socialized. Their thick fur and hardy constitutions allow them to thrive even in the harshest environments, especially those in the northern reaches of Tamriel.
The Atmoran Snow Ursauk will be available in the Crown Store for 2,500 from April 18 to 22, 2024. Its default name is "Hanssrel".
Aurielic Quasigriff[edit]
- Taken from the nest almost as soon as it breaks through its shell, this quasigriff is pampered and preened as befits a creature sacred to Auriel. Its golden feathers are used as fletching by archers in Balfiera.
The Aurielic Quasigriff can be obtained by combining an Aurelite Gryphon Feather, Gilded Gryphon Barding, and Sacred Seeds of Akatosh with a Soulfire Dragon Illusion pet. These fragments were available from the Impresario during events in the second quarter of 2022. Its default name is "Lapidary".
Azuredoom Wrathsteed[edit]
- "The sight of this welwa's claws sparks something in my imagination, showing me different scenarios where those icy talons end my life. It's beautiful. In a horrible, gruesome way. I wonder if it can be tamed?" —Pyn Bossard, Welwa Researcher (Deceased)
The Azuredoom Wrathsteed was available in the Crown Store for 4,000 from August 18 to August 25, 2022. Its default name is "Cadaver".
Baysong Quasigriff[edit]
- Unlike their mainland cousins, the quasigriffs of the Systres Archipelago have vibrant, sea-tinted feathers. Admittedly, Irastimil Direnni never intended to create such colorful creatures. Noble Bretons adore them and travel about High Isle on their backs.
The Baysong Quasigriff was available in the Crown Store for 3,500 from August 31 to September 7, 2023. Its default name is "Venerate".
Cursebound Senche-raht[edit]
- Once known as the toughest Baandari thief in the Stitches, Abahayda ran afoul of a terrible curse in the Ashen Scar. She seeks a companion who will help restore her former life and vigor. Is that you?
The Cursebound Senche-raht a heavyweight mount with the appearance of a vampiric Senche-raht. It is a Crown Gem exclusive that was available in the Crown Store from August 25 to September 8, 2022 at 10am EDT. Her default name is "Abahayda".
Cursebound Senche-raht Darkfang[edit]
- Zarnor, seeking to quench his insatiable curiosity, took part in experimental rituals that twisted and marked him. Though he still seeks to satiate his ceaseless desire for knowledge, he does so to free himself from servitude to loathsome masters.
The Cursebound Senche-raht Darkfang is available as a Radiant Apex-level reward in Nightfall Crates. His default name is "Zarnor".
Dagonic Quasigriff[edit]
- "Burning ash and feathers dark, sharpened claws and rage—these hew close to the Razor Prince, or so explains a sage. Yet ere chaos warped this beast, Direnni crafted well. The Deadlands taints it with fell heat, impossible to quell."—Qilik the Skaafin
The Dagonic Quasigriff is acquired by combining a Black Iron Bit and Bridle, Black Iron Stirrups, and Smoke-Wreathed Gryphon Feather with an Unstable Morpholith. Its default name is "Ashknell".
Dremnaken Wrathsteed[edit]
- "Dremnaken are fearsome creatures with crushing footpads and jagged teeth that promise only pain. Anyone who can strap armor onto one's back and ride it into battle should be doubly feared. That's only logical." Nororlie, Alinor Daedrology Society
The Dremnaken Wrathsteed was available in the Crown Store for 4,000 from December 2nd through 9th, 2021. It was offered at a discounted (?)
to ESO Plus Members when it returned in 2023. Its default name is "Bloodhide".
Druid-Bound Ursauk[edit]
- "I prefer the company of animals over people. Communing with the Evergrowth provides a calming respite from the need to speak. This ursauk, for example, has proven most personable. And now, it needs a rider."—Druid Dolvasie
The Druid-Bound Ursauk is a heavyweight mount with the appearance of an ursauk. It was available in the Crown Store for 3,500 from September 8 to October 11, 2022. Its default name is "Headscratch".
Dunewalker Senche-raht[edit]
- The Dunewalkers once roamed deserts beyond Elsweyr, seeking knowledge amid the sands of other lands. Mighila seeks to return to that tradition, hoping to bring back information on how to definitively vanquish the Dragons. Will you assist her?
The Dunewalker Senche-raht was available in the Crown Store for 3,000 from April 18th to April 25th, 2022. Her default name is "Mighila".
Duskfall Welwa[edit]
- Using knowledge gained from the forbidden book Occaecium Beluaria, followers of Hermaeus Mora transformed a welwa into a multi-hued, darkly shimmering steed. He allows his most experienced agents in Tamriel to use them for overland tasks.
The Duskfall Welwa is a heavyweight mount. It is available as a Legendary-level reward in the Unfeathered Crown Crates. It can also be bought directly from the Crown Store for 100 Gems/ 3,600
Seals of Endeavor while the Unfeathered season is active. Its default name is "Night's Death".
Fargrave Walker Welwa[edit]
- Even the most well-traveled adventurer should tread with care when entering Fargrave. This haunting welwa has an uncanny sense of direction that allows it to traverse the many planes of Oblivion with ease.
The Fargrave Walker Welwa is a heavyweight mount. It is available as a Radiant Apex-level reward in the Mirrormoor Crate Crates. It can be purchased directly for 1,600 or 16,000
. Its default name is "Sighter".
Glimmertarn Ursauk[edit]
- "We choose some of our guardians based on their overwhelming presence, like this ursauk. While riding it, I swear that the marrow in my bones resonates with her growls."—Rolmanoril of Glimmertarn
The Glimmertarn Ursauk is a heavyweight ursauk mount covered in foliage and antlers. It is available as a Radiant Apex-level reward in the Stonelore Crate, and can be bought for 2,500 / 16,000
. Its default name is "Growlgrizzle".
Goutfang Senche-raht[edit]
- After spending many years in a Vrin-Thak adeptorium, this powerful Senche-raht decided it was time to work with someone who regularly goes toward danger. She prefers to learn by watching, however.
The Goutfang Senche-raht was available in the Crown Store as a Crown Gem exclusive for 500 , from October 10 through 24, 2019. Her default name is "Daibayda".
Grudge-Rock Welwa[edit]
- These petulant welwas hail from Wrothgar and more than live up to their name. Hardened by their difficult landscape, the creatures delight in punishing their riders for the smallest slight, whether it's a late feeding or a slightly too-tight saddle.
The Grudge-Rock Welwa was available in the Crown Store from August 12 to August 15, 2024 for 3,500 . Its default name is "Grumpus".
Hoardhunter Ursauk[edit]
- Gallivant across any terrain, seeking your next treasure, with this massive, gilded ursauk. Not only does it bear the blessing of Sai, or so its breeders claim, but its gear contains one element from another successful treasure-seeker's hoard.
The Hoardhunter Ursauk is an upcoming heavyweight mount. It will be available in Q4 of 2023 by combining event fragments with a Passion Dancer Blossom. Its default name is "Sai's Blessing".
Inkfur Ursauk[edit]
- "Tales say Grahtwood's ancient oaks called these black-furred ursauks from the deep woods. But why? Every reason this one hears is different! Guards for a sapling grove. Help with a werewolf problem. Or maybe for bear hugs."—Zhiraz, Traveling Farmhand
The Inkfur Ursauk was available in the Crown Store for free to those who completed the Kingmaker achievement in Wrothgar. It was available from March 4 until April 1, 2024. Its default name is "Oakborn".
Iron Orc Welwa[edit]
- Iron Orcs labor hard and long, fight until their dying breath, and train mounts to do the same. So, if you're lucky enough to ride one of their welwas, expect to be pushed to your own limits as your mount keeps going despite all obstacles in its path.
The Iron Orc Welwa is a heavyweight mount. It was available in the Crown Store for 3,000 from September 14 to September 21, 2023. It is being distributed for free as a daily reward for the 21st day of March in 2024. Its default name is "Indestructible".
Lucent Guardian Senche-raht[edit]
- Chirhazi has fought more Daedra than most know exist. She's become accustomed to the protective armor necessary for such battles and willingly allows her partner to be her eyes.
The Lucent Guardian Senche-raht is available as an Apex-level reward in the Mirrormoor Crate Crates. Its default name is "Chirhazi".
Midnight Cantor Senche-Raht[edit]
- After spending years expelling dro-m'Athra from Nirn, M'aar decided to follow a new path. Now they hope to explore as much of the Mundus as possible before venturing to the Gates of the Crossing.
The Midnight Cantor Senche-Raht was available in the Crown Store for 3,000 on all platforms from October 27 to November 3, 2022. Their default name is "M'aar".
Mystical Quasigriff[edit]
- This beast has been touched by the deep magic, connecting to the power between the worlds. It carried a draught of creatia back with it to Nirn, glimmering with potential in every feather and bone.
The Mystical Quasigriff is available as a Radiant Apex-level reward in Order of the Lamp Crates. Its default name is "Voidfeather".
Nagahide Welwa Ravager[edit]
- As stablehands across Tamriel can attest, the ravager comes by its name honestly, destroying anything that moves between it and its master. Scholars speculate that the blue Hist of Dead-Water Village brought forth this green-hided breed.
The Nagahide Welwa Ravager was available as a bonus to anyone who pre-ordered the Blackwood Chapter. Players who pre-ordered the Chapter received the Nagahide Welwa in-game immediately following their purchase. Its default name is "Heartripper".
- A product of wizardry and selective breeding, these chimeric steeds descend from Summerset gryphons. According to creator Irastimil Direnni, their wingless frame kept upkeep costs low, while maintaining superiority over the upstart Bretons' clumsy steeds.
The Quasigriff was available in the Crown Store for 4000 from February 16 to March 2, 2023. Its default name is "Meylonaire".
Queen's Claw Senche-raht[edit]
- A scholar studying Mnemoli the Blue Star as well as a Whispering Claw warrior, this Senche-raht serves Queen Khamira with both brain and brawn. He volunteered to travel with you, lending you speed and steady companionship.
The Queen's Claw Senche-raht was available in the Crown Store for 3,000 from April 22 through April 26, 2020. His default name is "Sarshaar".
Reaper's End Quasigriff[edit]
- Having been created through selective breeding and magic, quasigriffs have a penchant for absorbing any excess magicka they're exposed to. This stock was raised within the penumbral realms of Evergloam, as you can see.
The Reaper's End Quasigriff is a heavyweight mount. It will be available in the Crown Store for 4,000 from October 24 to October 31, 2024. Its default name is "Crowplume".
Sagacious Psijic Senche-raht[edit]
- Aloof and strangely mournful, there's no question Pirzbi wields powerful magic. Some say their innate ability and keen intellect have become an obstacle for those who wish to partner with them. Perhaps you will find success where they did not.
The Sagacious Psijic Senche-raht will be available in the Crown Store for 4,000 from March 14 to March 21, 2024. Their default name is "Pirzbi".
- Largest of all the furstocks, or "breeds" of Khajiit, the Senche-raht is fully intelligent, and in combat often serves simultaneously as a warrior and mount.
The Senche-raht is obtained by purchasing the Elsweyr Collector's Edition. Its default name is "Humongous".
Shackled Titan[edit]
- "This titan failed the Dark Lord once, and paid the price for it. After he ripped off its wings, Molag Bal bound it to his dark will, making it a useful—if grounded—mount for his more faithful servants."—Worm Cultist Valoel
The Shackled Titan was available as a Radiant Apex-level reward in Diamond Anniversary Crates. Dark Anchor effects appear while riding this mount with the Molag Bal Illusion polymorph equipped. Its default name is "Ser the Wingshorn".
Speckled Welwa[edit]
- This savage welwa so interested members of the College of Sapiarchs that they brought several to Sil-Var-Woad for study. To help endear them to the public, an enterprising conservator trained them to saddle and "lent" them out into the wild.
The Speckled Welwa is available as a Legendary-level reward in Wraithtide Crates. Its default name is "Investigator Welwa".
Spellscar Quasigriff[edit]
- The unchained potential that emanates from the Spellscar twists and changes everything it touches. Who or what drew a quasigriff to Craglorn is still a mystery, but these esoterically beautiful beasts add something new and transcendent to Tamriel.
The Spellscar Quasigriff is available as a Radiant Apex-level reward from Buoyant Armiger Crown Crates. Its default name is "Indomitable".
Spotted Duneracer Senche-raht[edit]
- Years of winning racing competitions finally bored Hazazkheran, so he ran messages for the queen for a time. Alas, even that grew predictable. Now he wants to poke his whiskers into all the hidden corners of the world—perhaps with you.
The Spotted Duneracer Senche-raht is available in the Crown Store for 3,000 from November 11 to November 18, 2021. His default name is "Hazazkheran".
Sul-Xan Fleshripper[edit]
- Through an Argonian ritual imbued by the Razor Prince's chaos, this former welwa mount seethes with both fury and destruction in conflagration-touched form. Only the strong-willed can control this beast. Perhaps that's you?
The Sul-Xan Fleshripper is acquired by completing the "Xalvakka's Bane" achievement. Its default name is "Seethes-With-Fury".
Sunset Welwa[edit]
- "Reptilian welwa are particularly prized among the Argonians. This could be due to their perceived connection to the Hist, or simply the fact that their scales allow them to wallow in the marsh alongside their masters."—Black Marsh Rider's Guide
The Sunset Welwa is available as a Legendary-level reward in the Order of the Lamp Crates. Its default name is "Neeti-Nassa".
Umbral Striped Senche-raht[edit]
- When this beautiful beast lost their rider while traversing a labyrinth, this banded Senche-raht left to seek mystical help to get back inside. Since their efforts often lead them into peril, Nushaben hopes to find a partner for the long journeys ahead.
The Umbral Striped Senche-raht was available in the Crown Store for 3,000 from November 2nd to November 9th, 2023. Their default name is "Nushaben".
Voidmother's Welwa[edit]
- "Come closer, Namira's chosen. Take a good look at this spectacular welwa. The Spirit Queen wishes to reward you with it. Of course, journeys with this steed will lead you into further efforts for your queen. Small price to pay, yes?"—Voidmother Della
The Voidmother's Welwa is available as a Radiant Apex-level reward in Ragebound Crown Crates. Its default name is "Chainbreaker".
West Weald Tharriker[edit]
- "We subdued this one and trained it a bit. Poor beast, fresh from the Recollection grow pits. Doesn't know what it is or where it came from. Maybe it will take to you. Just mind the tail, now."—Fausta Arius, Legion member
The West Weald Tharriker is a heavyweight mount that was distributed to players who purchased the Gold Road Deluxe Edition. Those who pre-ordered the Deluxe Edition received their mount when the content launched in June of 2024. Its default name is "Viper's Bane".
Whispering-Claw Senche-raht[edit]
- Feanirr witnessed the demise of her proud adeptorium, not to war, but to a sickness faster and stealthier than all but her. Since then, she lives only in the moment, knowing that at any moment something deadlier than her could catch her by the tail.
The Whispering-Claw Senche-raht was available in the Crown Store for 3,000 from January 7 through 14, 2021. Her default name is "Feanirr".
Worm Cultist Senche-raht[edit]
- Legend says that Mannimarco himself indoctrinated this Senche-raht to the way of the Anchorite. It's unknown if Zalzagh knows whether this is true, or if they have any recollection of life before joining the Worm Cult.
The Worm Cultist Senche-raht is available as a Radiant Apex-level reward in Diamond Anniversary Crates. Their default name is "Accursed Zalzagh".