Gold Road


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Home Settlement Sutch
Race Redguard Gender Female
Reaction Friendly

Maerenah is a Redguard and former vampire who can be found on the outskirts of Sutch in West Weald. Her past as a bandit has caught up with her as her old gang, now known as the Terrors rampage through the town.

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Terror of the Weald[edit]

As you approach her, you may hear Maerenah mutter "The Terror of the Weald? Oh, Balandrus, what have you become?"

Speak with her to see what is going on in Sutch:

"Turn back, traveler. There's trouble in the town of Sutch that you want no part of.
Vampire trouble."
"Bloodsuckers, pale skins, night hunters. Whatever you call them, this particular crew has left a trail of corpses in their wake. Get too close and your lifeless husk will get added to the heap.
I should know. I used to run with this lot."
You're a vampire?
"Was. Past tense. But I'm not about to bandy my history with Balandrus, the so-called Terror of the Weald, to a stranger. If you want to tag along while I finish him, feel free.
But I'll pay you. I don't like to owe favors. Not if I can avoid it."
I'll help you stop Balandrus and his gang of vampires in Sutch.
"If you're reckless enough to stand with me against Balandrus's gang, who am I to say no?
Let's make our way to the tavern at the center of town. An old friend, Tham, owns the place. I want to find out what happened to him."

After you agree to help, you can ask her more questions:

What should I know about the Terror of the Weald and his gang of vampires?
"Didn't I say I wasn't going to talk about that? Yes, I ran with Balandrus. Yes, I've done things I regret. And he put these marks in my neck when I was young and stupid.
All you need to know is Balandrus is dangerous and I plan to stop him."
And you're sure you're no longer a vampire?
"I went out of the way to put my time with Balandrus behind me. But when I heard he had returned to Sutch and was calling himself the Terror of the Weald … had turned the gang into murderers … I couldn't just stand by and do nothing."
What can you tell me about the town of Sutch?
"Sutch benefits from its location near the Gold Road and the nearby mines. In my early days with the gang, we worked out of the town. Watched for traders and caravans. That's when I got to know Tham. He was one of the good ones."
And Tham owns the tavern?
"He did. Made more coin serving drinks than I ever did robbing travelers with the gang. I suppose the current occupants of Sutch prefer their drinks a bit more crimson than anything Tham poured.
He wrote to me. Told me Balandrus had returned."
Why do you think Balandrus came back here?
"I know exactly why he became the Terror and returned to Sutch. It's because of me. He hated it when I left. When I turned away from the blood and the gold.
I plan to make him pay for what he did here. To send him to Oblivion minus his head."

After this, Maerenah will become your follower and you can head into the Sutch. As you fight your way to the tavern, she will make the following comments:

Maerenah: "The vampires are dangerous. We need to be on guard."
Maerenah: "Sutch doesn't deserve this horror."
Maerenah: "Balandrus needs to pay for what he's done here."

When you reach Tham's Tavern:

Maerenah: "This is Tham's place. I hope he's all right."

Once you enter the building, you will encounter the Spenard twins looking down at you from the second floor:

Entienne Spenard: "Maerenah, here?"
Cybella Spenard: "We need to tell Balandrus!"
Maerenah: "Run, you bastards."
<The pair disappear in a cloud of bats.>
Maerenah: "Damn vampires! Cowards, the lot of them! Look around. We need to find Tham or a clue as to what happened to him."

You can speak with Maerenah before you continue your search:

"Those bloodsuckers were hunting. That means they think there's still someone or something to find.
Let's look around and see what they were searching for here in the tavern."
Could Tham still be alive?
"I don't know what to expect. But I plan to put my sword through anything that moves unless I'm certain it's not a vampire. I have no desire to feel the sharp prick of fangs on my neck again.
Still, I can hope. Let's search the tavern."
What are we searching for?
"Tham knew I was on my way. If there was something he thought I should know, he'd find a way to tell me.
And on the off chance someone is alive in this blighted town, maybe we'll find them, too."
Those vampires recognized you.
"I told you I used to run with the gang. And those Spenard twins were bad even before Balandrus took on the name, Terror of the Weald.
But they're also cowards. Won't raise a finger without Balandrus's say so."
Won't they go warn Balandrus that you're here?
"Oh, I'm counting on it. I want that bastard to know I'm coming. When I left, I tried to put this behind me. But now Balandrus calls himself the Terror. Now he's hurting this town ….
I swore the next time I drew this blade, it would be to end him."

As you look around the tavern, Maerenah will comment on the things you find:

Tattered Cloak:

Maerenah: Tham's favorite, torn but no blood. Could be a good sign. Maybe."

Bloodied Sword:

Maerenah: "That's Tham's sword. I gave it to him so he could protect the tavern."

Tham's Note:

Maerenah: "I knew Tham would get word to me. Don't like the way he ended it, but I know exactly where to find the best vintage."

Once everything is found:

Maerenah: "All right. Let's talk this through."

Speak with Maerenah to go over what you found:

"It's obvious there was trouble here. Tham's tattered cloak, his bloodied sword. And the note he managed to leave for me. Clever of him to tell me where to find the surviving townsfolk without alerting the vampires."
Survivors? The note didn't mention any survivors.
"No, but it did mention his best vintage. A dark joke referring to my days as a vampire. And the place where Old Desius slept it off? That's the bank vault.
Damn Balandrus! Why did he have to return to this town, of all places?"
You said the letter mentioned survivors ….
"The chance that anyone's hearts besides our own are still beating in this town is next to impossible. I really want to deal with Balandrus … the Terror ….
But I suppose I owe it to Tham to go where he pointed. Let's check the bank."
All right, let's go to the bank.
"The Sutch Depository is across from the tavern.
Balandrus always had ambitions. But to become the Terror of the Weald … I saw all the signs but didn't want to believe he was capable of such atrocities. Still, I left at the first opportunity."

You can take the opportunity to ask about her past relationship with Balandrus:

Sounds like you and Balandrus had a falling out.
"Our relationship started out well enough. A band of outlaws, trying to raise thievery to an art form. Whatever he did, Balandrus wanted to be the best. Later, when banditry turned to blood, we hit a dry patch.
That's when Balandrus began to change."
"After we became vampires, we remained outlaws. We took blood from the recently dead and dying. We had honor.
Only a few of us accepted the curse at first, but eventually Balandrus convinced us there was more blood to be had than gold. He was wrong."
That's when you decided to leave and find a cure?
"I saw the darkness growing in Balandrus, but it was Tham who convinced me to find a cure. He said I was better than what the rest of the gang was becoming.
Now, my sword reminds me of myself in those darkest days. It's thirsty and craves blood."

Once you enter the Sutch Depository, Maerenah will comment:

Maerenah: "The clerk kept a spare key in a box by her desk. We'll need that to open the vault."

You can then speak with her:

"Either the Terror and his gang haven't checked here yet, or they haven't been able to breach the vault. That doesn't mean they won't be back though, so let's be quick.
Helnzin the clerk kept a spare key to the vault in a box by her desk."
How do you know about a spare vault key?
"Look, I made a career of knowing how to get in and out of places where valuables are kept. And I got friendly with the bank's clerk. She couldn't see very well and was always misplacing things, so the banker let her keep a spare key for emergencies."
Can't we just pick the lock to the vault?
"Pick the lock? Sure, if you have a lot of time and the right tools. It's a bank vault, not the door to Farmer Dalph's pantry.
Just look for the key. She kept it in a lockbox right by the clerk's desk."

When you get the Sutch Depository Vault Key Maernenah will say:

Maerenah: "Told you there was a spare key. Now let's go down and open that vault."

At the door to the vault, you will hear voices:

Abel Metrick: "Father? Is that you?"
Rosalyn Metrick: "Hush, Abel! You'll give us away!"
Maerenah: "I'll be damned, there are survivors! Use the key and open the vault."

Speaking with Maerenah before opening the door:

"Let's open the door nice and slow. Would hate to startle the survivors into doing something foolish."

Once inside the vault, the survivors will be understandably wary:

Rosalyn Metrick: "Stay back! Wait—Maerenah? You're with those bloodsuckers?"
Maerenah: "I'm not with them. Not anymore. My friend will explain while I keep watch."
<Maerenah walks away to stand by the door.>

Speaking with her before Rosalyn:

"You talk to her while I keep watch. I got along with Tham and a few other townsfolk, but most were wary once they figured out what I was back then."

Talking with Rosalyn, you learn that her husband Grivier been leading groups of the survivors from the vault to safety. She mentions that Tham was with them, but her husband insisted that the innkeeper accompany him with escorting the last group. Rosalyn hasn't seen either of them since. Before you end the conversation, Rosalyn will mention that you should visit her apothecary to pick up supplies.

Once the conversation is finished Maerenah will say:

Maerenah: "We'll kill Balandrus and put an end to this. You have my word. And we'll find your husband. Let's go."

Talking to after this:

"I don't like what Rosalyn told us. Imagine, a vampire army.
Let's head outside. Grivier's a good scout, but even the best leave a trail if you know what to look for. We follow Grivier and we find Tham—and maybe learn where Balandrus is hiding."

When you leave the bank, Maerenah will want to track Grivier to see if you can find the group:

Maerenah: "Might not be a bloodsucker anymore, but I can still hunt with the best of them."
Maerenah: "Stay alert. Just one clue from here will point us in the right direction."

Talking to Maerenah before you start tracking:

"Let's find Grivier's trail and follow it."

After you find the footprints in the dirt:

Maerenah: "There, tracks! Take a closer look."

Speaking with Maerenah while tracking:

"I was a tracker long before Balandrus inflicted me with that damn curse. That trail is as clear as day. Group of folks left the bank and headed southwest, trying to be quiet.
Let's keep moving."

When you come across the Miner's Pack along the way:

Maerenah: "That pack. Check it out while I keep watch."

After picking up the pack:

Maerenah: "Mining gear. Discarded to lose weight, I'd guess. Looks like they started veering west here."

Asking Maerenah about it:

"Packs like that are a common sight in Sutch. Miners from the town of Ontus and around the region pass through here on a regular basis.
Tough decision to toss it, but better to lose your livelihood than your life."

Going west, Maerenah will notice something on the ground:

Maerenah: "What's that on the ground ahead?"
Maerenah: "Clothing. Must have been torn in a struggle. Careful, I think we're close."

Speaking with her about it:

"Not sure if the fabric got caught on something or if it was lost in a struggle. Either way, I think we're getting close. Let's keep moving."

Going past the Sutch Well, you will eventually reach a broken cart surrounded by dead bloodfiends:

Maerenah: "Someone took out these bloodfiends. And look. What's that paper?"

Talking to her before reading the note on the ground:

"Doesn't look good. Something killed these bloodfiends, but at least I don't see Grivier or Tham lying among the dead.
See if that piece of paper contains anything interesting."

Reading The Terror's Orders you learn the true of what Grivier has been doing:

Maerenah: "Damn Grivier and his cowardly eyes! We need to talk."

Speak with Maerenah to hand over the note:

"That's Balandrus's handwriting all right. Looks like he made a deal with Grivier to sacrifice the rest of the townsfolk to the Terror of the Weald.
If Grivier's still alive, I can make him talk."
What do you think Grivier can tell us?
"Grivier's been working with these bastards! He must know where Balandrus is hiding. And he can tell me what happened to Tham.
After that, I'll show him the same mercy he gave the townsfolk."
The note suggested they stowed Grivier in the stables. Let's go see.
"The stables are nearby, right on the edge of town. If Grivier's there, I'll make him talk."
Both the orders and Rosalyn mentioned something about an army.
"Balandrus always wanted more gold. Then more blood. Now he's calling himself the Terror. Sounds like he wants power now.
Come to think of it, the stories of the Gray Host always fascinated him. Maybe they put a very bad idea into his head."

When you reach the stables, you find Grivier tied up and calling for help:

Grivier Metrick: "Maerenah? Stranger, cut me free! She's one of those monsters!"
Maerenah: "I'm the monster? After what you did? You better speak to him. Not sure I can guarantee I won't snap his neck if I get too close."

Speaking with her before Grivier:

"Damn it, I thought I could do this, but you should talk to Grivier. Find out what he knows.
Just the sight of him makes me what to run him through. If I try to make him talk, he won't last long enough to tell us anything."

Talking with Grivier, he explains his side of the story and blames Maerenah for the vampire gang coming to the town. He will then reveal that Balandrus is building a vampire army and has taken Tham and the other townsfolk to the Sutch Mines.

Maerenah: "Friend, we need to talk about this."

You can then speak with Maerenah about this, and decide what to do with Grivier:

"I knew Balandrus was angry when I left the gang. But to destroy a town and raise an army ….
He's really trying to live up to his new name—the Terror of the Weald."
What do you think we should do, Maerenah?
"Do? We kill Balandrus, just like I planned. He broke our pact and started consuming innocent people.
We robbed gold to pay blood servants to sustain us. We were thieves first, vampires second. Or so I thought. The curse was just a means to an end."
So we head into the mine?
"Not quite yet. Stopping the Terror won't be as simple as just killing Balandrus. We need to destroy his weapon stockpiles and shatter his army. Maybe something in the alchemist shop can help with that.
But first, we need to deal with this worm."
Grivier deserves to be punished, but his family doesn't. Let him go so he can help them.
Grivier can't be forgiven. Leave him here. Maybe he'll get loose before the vampires return.

Depending on your choice, the following will happen:

Free Grivier:
Leave Grivier:
Grivier Metrick: "Please! You can't leave me here!"
<Maerenah frees him.>
Maerenah: "Shut up, Grivier. Run back to your wife before I decide to tell her we were too late."
<Grivier runs off.>
Grivier Metrick: "Wait … you can't just leave me here!"
Maerenah: "Oh, yes, I can. Stop complaining and maybe you can free yourself before the vampires return."

Speaking with Maerenah afterwards:

"I don't know what's worse—Grivier's family learning what he did to save them or never finding out.
Anyway, not our problem. Let's see if we can find something we can use in Rosalyn's alchemy shop. It's east of the stables."

Go back to town to find Rosalyn's Alchemy Shop it will be marked with a purple light. Once inside you can look around the store, speaking with Maerenah she will tell you what to find:

"Rosalyn said we could use components in her shop to create an explosive. Look for alchemical oil and combustion canisters.
Just don't put them together until we're ready to use them."

Once you have the Combustion Canister and Alchemical Oil, Maerenah will be ready to go:

Maerenah: "With that oil and the combustion canisters, we're all set. Let's find those weapon stockpiles."

Speaking with her here:

"Let's find those weapon stockpiles and blast them straight to Oblivion!"

You can then find the weapon stockpiles:

Maerenah: "Those crates. That has to be one of the weapon stockpiles. Place the components and I'll do the rest."

As you get closer:

Maerenah: "Place the components and I'll add the spark."
<You place the items and Maerenah triggers the explosion, causing the crates to go up in flames.>
Maerenah: "That takes care of the weapon stockpiles. Now let's head into the mine."

You can talk to Maerenah before you continue:

"The entrance to the mine is on the southeast side of town. Let's go find Balandrus. It's time to put an end to the Terror of the Weald—one way or another."
What do you mean, one way or another?
"I would have kept the curse if it would have meant saving the people of Sutch.
Now, there's barely anyone left. All I can do is make sure Balandrus meets his end. Even if it means my end as well."
What if he tries to turn you back into a vampire?
"I'll find my way to the Far Shores before I let that happen. Promise me you'll send me on my way if he turns me again.
Now it's time to draw my blade and make good on my promise."
All right. Let's head to the mine.

When you enter the Sutch Mine, Maerenah will comment:

Maerenah: "Balandrus must be keeping the bloodfiends in dens. Just follow the sound of their wails and we'll use the remaining explosives."

Talking with her at this point:

"If Balandrus is turning the townsfolk into bloodfiends to create a vampire army, then he must be keeping them in dens until he's ready to set them loose. Let's use the remaining alchemical components to destroy those dens.
Listen for their wails."

As you approach the first den, Shulluz will shout at Maerenah:

Shulluz: "The Terror will make you pay for destroying our weapons, Maerenah!"
Maerenah: "That's not all I plan to destroy, you bastards."

Getting close to the vampire den:

Maerenah: "Hear that? Bloodfiends beyond that door! Place a combustion canister and step back!"

Speaking with her before placing the canister:

"Place the combustion canister in front of the door and I'll take care of the rest.
I do suggest you take a few steps back before the boom, though."

Once the canister is placed:

Maerenah: "Stand back!"
<The canister explodes and the den is destroyed.>
Maerenah: "One bloodfiend den taken care of. There's probably one more. Let's go find it."

Speaking with her afterwards:

"Well, those bloodfiends won't be joining the Terror's army any time soon. Let's see if we can find another den."

Further into the mine, the Spenard twins will be standing on a stone ledge looking down at you:

Entienne Spenard: "Balandrus doesn't need you anymore, Maerenah. You've been replaced."
Cybella Spenard: "Tham the barkeep will be a much better vampire than you ever were."
<The Spenard twins disappear.>
Maerenah: "The bastards turned Tham? Hurry, I hear more bloodfiends. Place the combustion canister and stand clear."

After you place the second canister:

Maerenah: "Stand clear!"
<The canister explodes and the den is destroyed.>
Maerenah: "All right, now we can get to the real business."

You can then speak with her afterwards:

"That takes care of the bloodfiend dens. But were those vampires lying about Tham? Damn it, I never wanted anyone to get hurt when I decided to leave the gang and throw off my curse!
Come on. Let's find Balandrus's lair and finish this."
Anything specific I should know before we face Balandrus?
"Balandrus was formidable when I ran with him. Now that he calls himself the Terror, I'm not sure what to expect. He'll be with his lieutenants. Maybe a few bloodfiends. And Tham, curse their eyes!
Just remember, if I get turned again, kill me."

You can then find Balandrus' lair and enter it, speaking to Maerenah after this:

"Balandrus and his lieutenants know we're coming. And they've got Tham. Our best option is to strike fast and strike hard!"

Further into the lair, you will find Balandrus is surrounded by his vampire lieutenants and is clutching the now vampirised Tham by the throat:

Balandrus the Terror: "You're part of my army now, barkeep. Get used to it."
Maerenah: "He's got Tham! Let's finish the bastard!"
Balandrus the Terror: "Come back to join the slaughter, Maerenah?"
<Tham is thrown to the ground and the lieutenants turn into a cloud of bats.>
Maerenah: "Gods, Balandrus! What have you become? Friend, attack!"

During the fight, Shulluz, Entienne and Cybella will join in and attack you. As the fight progresses Maerenah will shout:

Maerenah: "The terror ends here, Balandrus!"

When Balandrus is killed, Maerenah will sheathe her sword and say:

Maerenah: "Balandrus is finished and the Terror is no more. I saw Tham run out when the battle started. Let's head outside."

Speaking with her before leaving the lair:

"My sword tasted Balandrus's blood and we ended the Terror. Let's head outside and find Tham."

Exiting the mine, you will find Tham and Maerenah at a small camp:

Tham: "Maerenah … what's happening to me, Maer?"
Maerenah whispers [sic]: "It will be all right, Tham. You'll be all right."
<Maerenah walks away from him.>
Maerenah: "Check on Tham, friend. I … I need a moment."

Talking to her before Tham:

"Please, my friend. Talk to Tham. I need to compose myself before I can comfort him."

Once you have spoken to Tham and assure him, you can return to Maerenah:

"It's done. The Terror of the Weald is no longer a threat. I hope whatever remains of the gang has sense enough to scatter.
I tried to do right by Sutch, getting rid of my curse. Now the place is a ghost town. And I have no idea what to do next."
Your friend Tham needs you, Maerenah.
"Tham? Right. I need to be here for him, the way he was for me. Help him, whether he decides to remain a vampire or seek the cure. It's the least I can do.
Remember, I don't like owing favors. So take this. I want you to have it. For all your help."

After completing the quest, you can speak with her some more before leaving:[verification needed — this dialogue is for non-vampire character]

"I'm at a loss, friend. I was so focused on stopping Balandrus and saving Tham, I never gave a thought as to what comes next. I guess I need to figure it out.
I told you I hate owing favors, but I can't help feeling that suddenly I owe a whole lot."
What do you think you owe, Maerenah?
"I owe Tham. Probably more than I can ever repay. And the people of Sutch. It's because of me that the town was overrun by Balandrus and his gang of vampires. I need to try to help them all recover…to find a way to carry on with their lives."
So you're going to stick around?
"I think so. At least for a while. Tham needs to learn how to deal with the curse. Then I need to help him figure out whether to try to live with it or seek a cure.
As for the town…that's a harder problem to solve."
Why's that?
"Once a place gets a bad reputation, it's hard to shake it. And the vampires killed a lot of people…did a lot of damage….
Well, I suppose I can help deal with any of the Terror's gang that are still prowling around. That's something, right?"

In Memory Of[edit]

If you helped out in Sutch, she and Tham will be guests at the party in Skingrad:

"Look at you, the hero of West Weald! I had no idea I was asking a genuine hero for help back in Sutch.
This food, though? It has no taste! Colovians have no sense of flavor and spices. Makes me long for the cook fires of Alik'r."
How's Sutch coming along, Maerenah?
"Slowly. Some of Balandrus's vampires are still around, and a lot of the townsfolk who escaped the bloodsuckers haven't come back yet. Maybe they never will.
But I'm helping Tham get the tavern operating, and I'm showing him how to control his urges."
You think Tham is going to stay a vampire?
"He may not have any choice. It's not like the cure is easy to come by. I got lucky.
Anyway, I'll do whatever I can to help Tham. Even take care of things if he winds up losing control. I pray it never comes to that, but he understands my position."
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