Online:Easter Eggs

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This page is for Easter Eggs only. Easter Eggs include inside jokes, pop culture references, and any similar reference to something outside the Elder Scrolls games. For other points of interest, like references to other games in the Elder Scrolls series, please see the appropriate pages.

Easter Eggs are secrets that the developers put in the game to give people a laugh when they find them. Elder Scrolls Online has a large number of such jokes. Easter Eggs differ from in-game references in that they have been intentionally hidden from the player and are unusual with regards to their surroundings.

Cultural References are objects, characters, or events in the game that refer to a specific element of popular culture; they differ from Easter Eggs in that they are usually integrated into the game world, and strong parallels can be drawn between the in-game event and the specific work being referenced. Cultural references also include allusions to elements of real-world culture, such as historical events and folklore.

If you think you have found an Easter egg or reference, please post your idea on this article's talk page before adding it to this article.


Easter Eggs
Cultural References
Historical References
Running Gags
Removed Easter Eggs

Easter Eggs[edit]


  • Former Senior Content Designer Andrew Young based the cat npcs Beans and Ja'kh off his own real life cats of the same name (Beans and Jack, respectively).
  • The default name of the Great Daenian Hound pet is "Belle", a reference to ESO Creative Director Rich Lambert's dog.
    • Following the passing of Rich Lambert's dog, a custom Belle pet was added to the game for him and his wife.
  • Several NPCs in Cyrodiil are based on devs and their pets:

Community Members[edit]

Resting Semaj


  • Karifa al-Tahud, a Tel Var Armorer found in the Daggerfall Covenant base in the Imperial Sewers, can be heard spreading several conspiracy theories. One of them is: "Queen Ayrenn is a miniature Dwemer construct from the next era. Everybody knows it". This is a humorous reference to KINMUNE, a synthetic sentient being from the future featured in Michael Kirkbride's short story by the same name. In an expansion of the story entitled "Ayrenn", Queen Ayrenn is said to be an identity assumed by KINMUNE.

Fibonacci numbers[edit]

First Church of the Holy Sweetroll[edit]

Thogalda and her sweetrolls at The Lonely Troll in Solitude

Game Mechanics[edit]

  • During the quest Back in Time, you discover that the Ayleid ruin of Rubble Butte is caught in a Dragon Break. Lady Edwyge's Notes reveal that the events of the quest keep replaying for those trapped inside. This is a nod to the MMO mechanics of delves, which involve supposedly unique, important bosses respawning repeatedly for the next player to kill.
  • Captain Alphaury's Journal states: "We dispatched a couple of the creatures before we were forced to turn tail and run. For some reason, however, as we got close to the forest, the atronachs stopped chasing us. They suddenly seemed to lose interest in us and returned to the ruin." This is a reference to the leashing mechanic, whereby mobs will cease combat if a player gets far enough away from their starting position.
  • Make the Wilds Safer, Earn Gold provides a quest to collect 25 Senche-Tiger Fangs, and speaks very dramatically about the fame and gold you will earn by completing this rather mundane task. This is a nod to repetitive fetch quests in older MMOs and RPG games that would reward you for simple tasks of killing monsters and collecting items.
  • During the quest Room to Spare, a Breton landlord named Felande Demarie says: "I've had tenants cram their rooms with the wildest things. Mounts, foliage, assistants - I mean, it's an inn room!" This is a reference to the multitude of strange things you can do with furnishings in the player housing system, such as decorating your free inn room with large mounts.
  • The Brimstone Nixad description explains that nixads are responsible for the torches that are somehow always lit in long abandoned places.
  • Zerith-var may speak about his Azure Eyes: "I thought the light of Azurah burning in my eyes would make me an outcast in this time. But such … erm … cosmetic differences are far more common now than I realized." This line pokes fun at the many ESO players who equip intense combinations of exotic cosmetics in comparison to the average Tamrielic citizen, particularly eye altering head markings.

Jason's Hair[edit]

Jason's hair immortalized as The Standing Wave
  • In October 2014, a craze began within the ESO community surrounding former ZOS Community Coordinator Jason Leavey's hair, which was notably flamboyant. Some years later, the developers created two in-game hair styles (The Standing Flame and The Standing Wave), which were released in November 2017 and January 2018 respectively, for players to equip on their own characters. These were then confirmed by Jason himself on his Twitter page to be references to his hair.

Justin, Scott, and Speigel[edit]

Scientific names[edit]

The Onion[edit]

Those Who Stood at Chalman Keep[edit]

ON-icon-interface-Character Creation-Body.png

Vitruvian Man[edit]

Cultural References[edit]

Alice in Wonderland[edit]

Alex Honnold[edit]

  • The striking locale Alaxon'ald in Summerset is a homonym of Alex Honnold, a famous rock-climber. The location features a tall spire of rock ideal for climbing, a tree branch perfect for hanging a rope, with a small climbing camp at the base.

Arthurian Lore[edit]

The Lady Stone in a lake in Auridon

Assassin's Creed[edit]

  • A Prisoner with the words "Subject 17" scrawled in his shirt collar was killed by the Dominion as part of their efforts to experiment on Argonians to access the Mnemic Egg, a relic acting as a physical link between the Argonians and Hist that contains the memories and wisdom of the Hist. This is a reference to Desmond Miles from the Assassin's Creed series, who was kidnapped and labeled Subject 17 when being experimented on by Abstergo Industries to explore his genetic memories as part of the Animus Project.


Badgers, a mushroom, and a snake
  • You can find multiple badgers surrounding a mushroom, with a Snake passing by them occasionally. This is a reference to the famous Badgers music video, prominently featuring badgers, mushrooms, and a snake.

Bee Movie[edit]

  • The Turquoise Nixad's description "Scholars think the iridescent blue Turquoise Nixad must have inherent magical properties, because those wings certainly aren't big enough to enable it to fly. Yet fly it does, flitting about like a beautiful human-shaped hummingbird moth." is a nod to the opening from Bee Movie, which goes "According to all known laws of aviation, there is no way that a bee should be able to fly. Its wings are too small to get its fat little body off the ground. The bee, of course, flies anyway because bees don't care what humans think is impossible."



The Brothers Grimm[edit]

  • The Nord folktale Legends of the Forest was written by The Sisters Glumm, a reference to the German Brothers Grimm, who were responsible for chronicling many popular folktales including Cinderella and Snow White.


  • When you speak to Kireth Vanos while she is employed in Enrick's Public House, she says "Oh, you just missed it! My rendition of 'Rememberings' from the Dark Elf musical 'Guars' brought the house down. It's a sad, touching number a few light moments, but I've never seen the crowd laugh so hard. I guess I really nailed the high notes." This is a reference to the famous song "Memory" from the Tony award-winning musical Cats by Andrew Lloyd Webber.

Chuck Norris Facts[edit]

Crocodile Dundee[edit]

Dark Souls[edit]

The Bonfire in the Adamantine Tower
  • During the tutorial on the Isle of Balfiera (in the room where you choose your weapon), you can look into a cell to find a knight's spirit beside a bonfire with an Ancestral High Elf Style sword in it. This is a reference to the bonfires from Dark Souls, which allow you to rest, fast travel and level up your character. The knight is wearing heavy armor in the Nighthollow Style, granting him some resemblance to the warrior from the game's promotional material.


  • The Luxury Furnisher Zanil Theran has among his greeting quotes the line "Opulence. I have it. You can too. For the right price." This is a reference to a frequently run commercial for DirecTV featuring a Russian oligarch speaking the line "Opulence, I Has It" and dressed in a similar manner.

Doctor Who[edit]

  • The Brightly Colored Scarf item is described as a "striped, multicolored, knitted winter scarf that seems absurdly long" which is a reference to the impractically long, multicolored scarf that the Fourth Doctor famously wore in Doctor Who.

Donkey Kong[edit]

Donkey Kong reference in the Imperial City Sewers

DOOM Eternal[edit]

  • The Mudcrab of Eternal Doom was made as a promotional reference to DOOM Eternal. Its render of the crab holdings its claws up towards a lava pool while surrounded by bones is also an homage to one of the game's covers.

Dr. Seuss[edit]

One Dragon Two Dragon book, held by Lawrence Schick


The Emperor's New Clothes[edit]

Fawlty Towers[edit]


  • The Uh ... Never Mind emote recreates a scene of the character Mal from Firefly, having your character performing the same motions of reaching forward with their right hand, then closing their hand as they pull it back to briefly touch their mouth/nose before resting their palm against their cheek.


  • The quest A Wailing Wood takes place in the Valley of the Watcher in the forested northeastern area of the island of Galen. This is a reference to the location Wailing Woods from Fortnite, which was a forest also found in the island's northeast corner.

The Fugitive[edit]

  • Jorckleif in the Davon's Watch outlaws refuge speaks of being on the run due to being accused of committing a crime that was actually done by a "tailless" Argonian. This is a reference to Dr. Richard Kimble from The Fugitive who goes on the run after being accused of a crime that was actually committed by a "one-armed" assailant.

Galaxy Quest[edit]

  • The traveling vendor Taqiat the Thrifty greets you with "By the thousand scales of Satakal, what savings!" This is a reference to Alan Rickman's character Sir Alexander Dane in the film Galaxy Quest, whose catchprase is "By Grabthar's Hammer, you shall be avenged!", and the movie contains a scene in which a very morose Dane is forced to say "By Grabthar's Hammer, what a savings" for a promotional event.

Game of Thrones[edit]

  • The name of the quest The Watcher in the Walls is a reference to the oath of the Night's Watch, from the fantasy series A Song of Ice and Fire and its TV adaptation Game of Thrones: "I am the sword in the darkness. I am the watcher on the walls. I am the shield that guards the realms of men."
  • The book Rise of the Red Sails contains the line, "Brace yourself Abeceans. A storm is coming." This is a play on a common Internet macro involving the character Ned Stark and the phrase "brace yourself, [x] is coming".

God Save the Queen[edit]

Goldilocks and the Three Bears[edit]

Goodnight Moon[edit]

  • Goodnight Mundus is a copy of the classic children's book Goodnight Moon, with the normal characters and objects replaced by things from the Elder Scrolls series.

Harry Potter[edit]

Herp Derp[edit]

  • The kwama in How the Kwama Lost His Shoes "hurps and durps". This is a reference to the slang phrase herp derp (sometimes spelled hurp or harp) that is used in response to something extremely stupid or clumsy.

Highland Fling[edit]

How to Train Your Dragon[edit]

Hungry Hungry Hippos[edit]

Hungry Hungry Glyptodons

I Should Buy a Boat Cat[edit]

  • Sea-Dreamer is a seated Khajiit found reading a book at Woodhearth docks. If spoken to, he will reply with, "This one should buy a boat." This is a reference to the I Should Buy a Boat Cat, an image macro featuring a suited cat having the same thought while reading a newspaper.

The Incredible Hulk[edit]

Indiana Jones[edit]

  • According to Lead Content Designer Jeremy Sera, the explorer Narsis Dren is a play on Indiana Jones, in that his first name is a place and his second is a common surname.

Iron Man[edit]

Keanu Reeves[edit]

Sad Keanu
  • Along the path from the back entrance of Zenithar's Abbey, there is a skeleton posed on a bench resembling the Sad Keanu image macro, which depicts actor Keanu Reeves sitting slouched on a bench with his hands on his knees.

Kindergarten Cop[edit]

  • There is a drunken Nord near the Windhelm wayshrine who occasionally says "It's not a rumor!" in perfect imitation of Arnold Schwarzenegger's famous line ("It's not a tumor!") from the movie Kindergarten Cop.

The Kingkiller Chronicle[edit]

  • Upon completing a Mages Guild daily, Bastian Hallix can say "One of the greatest laws of magic is sympathy. The greater the sympathetic link between two objects, the more they influence each other." This is a reference to a quote from The Kingkiller Chronicle that reads "The law of sympathy is one of the most basic parts of magic. It states that the more similar two objects are the greater the sympathetic link. The greater the sympathetic link, the more easily they influence each other."

The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time[edit]

  • Hazanah, an outlaw sneaking around the hedges where an Abah's Landing guard is patrolling, is dressed in what appears to be Link's outfit, as evident in her choice of green clothing and her shield, which resembles the Hylian Shield. Furthermore, the guard's linear patrol path, the character hiding and the location is a reference to Hyrule Gardens, a location in Ocarina of Time, which Link sneaks through to meet Princess Zelda.

The Little Mermaid[edit]

The Little Mermaid
  • A reference to Disney's The Little Mermaid can be found in northeastern Galen, on a rock near Llanshara's docks. Here, the arrow-pierced skeleton of a lamia can be seen striking a similar pose to Ariel, with two seashells nearby resembling her bra.

Looney Tunes[edit]

Men's Wearhouse[edit]

  • Fredevieve Jeanne, a tailor in Elden Root will say "You'll like the way you're dressed! I can guarantee that, I think." That is likely an homage to this line, spoken by Men's Wearhouse founder George Zimmer, that used to appear in commercials for the men's dress clothes retailer.

Mister Rogers' Neighborhood[edit]

Monty Python[edit]

  • The first two lines of Cadwell's Personal Anthem is a reference to the first two lines of The Lumberjack Song by the British comedic troupe Monty Python. Cadwell is also voiced by John Cleese, who was a member of the troupe, though Cleese didn't actually perform that song.
  • At the start of the quest The Blood-Splattered Shield, the wounded knight Darien Gautier will say "This? It's merely a flesh wound! Think nothing of it." This is a reference to the Black Knight's famous line "'Tis but a flesh wound" from Monty Python and the Holy Grail.
  • In one of the later quests in Coldharbour, Cadwell wonders if you wish to know his "favorite color", among other things. This is a reference to the Bridgekeeper scene from Monty Python and the Holy Grail, in which John Cleese's character, Sir Lancelot, was the only one of the main characters to successfully answer the question: "What... is your favorite color?"
  • The book Brave Sir Cadwell is another reference to Holy Grail, parodying the song "Brave Sir Robin", a mocking tune about "Sir Robin the-not-quite-so-brave-as-Sir-Lancelot" and his tendency to flee from confrontation.

Nae Nae[edit]

  • The default name of the Noweyr Pony pet, "Neigh-Neigh", is a reference to the popular dance move, the "Nae Nae".


One Fine Day...[edit]

Cadwell One Fine Day
"One fine day in the middle of the night,
two dead kings got up to fight.
Back to back they faced each other,
drew their bows... and stabbed themselves!"
"One bright morning in the middle of the night,
Two dead boys got up to fight.
Back-to-back they faced one another,
Drew their swords and shot each other."


Over the Hills and Far Away[edit]

Pied Piper[edit]

The Princess Bride[edit]

The Princess Bride

Reticulating Splines[edit]

  • The Reticulated Spine subzone in Shadowfen is a reference to "reticulating splines", a phrase commonly found in Maxis games since its first appearance in SimCity 2000. It refers to one of the steps involved when a computer creates a 3D image out of a math function.

Running of the Bulls[edit]

Salt Bae[edit]

/Salty Emote


  • An Argonian chef named Makes-Many-Soups can be found in Jorunn's Stand in Eastmarch. If you ask her how many soups, she will say, "Today, only one soup." If you complain, she will declare, "If you are too greedy, you get no soup at all!" This is a reference to The Soup Nazi from the TV show Seinfeld, who would declare, "No soup for you!" and refuse to serve the person at the slightest complaint.
  • Notes on the Visitor's Guide to the Shambles has a line that reads "And the Argonian, Bowl-Stirrer, really knows how to roast a clannfear! Again, no roast for you." which also references the "No soup for you!" line.

Shortest Short Stories[edit]

The Simpsons[edit]

Skill Issue[edit]

  • "Skill issue" is gaming slang that implies a player's failure is due to a lack of skill at the game (sometimes used ironically). Sharp-as-Night uses this phrase occasionally after defeating an enemy.

Spider-Man 2[edit]

Star Wars[edit]

Another victim
  • There are two references to the scene in Star Wars Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back in which Luke Skywalker finds himself trapped by a Wampa in a cave and uses the Force to reach for his lightsaber. A similar reference appeared in the Morrowind expansion Bloodmoon and in Skyrim.
    • After defeating the troll Skullcrusher (similar to the wampa) towards the end of Broken Helm Hollow, to your right is a small alcove with another troll. To the left of the frost troll is a skeleton hanging upside down from the icy ceiling and a sword protruding from the ice beneath it.
    • In a Wrothgar Ice Cave, there is a skeleton hanging from the ceiling, sword on the ground just out of reach, with animal bones scattered all around.
  • The quest Aggressive Negotiations is a reference to Padmé Amidala's quip during the Battle of Geonosis in Star Wars: Episode II – Attack of the Clones, where Anakin asks "You call this a diplomatic solution?" and Padmé responds with "No, I call it aggressive negotiations."
  • The Precursor shares many similarities to C-3PO in terms of speech patterns and being a discarded automaton, and quotes his line "I'm quite beside myself" from Attack of the Clones.
  • There are three references to the climactic scene in Star Wars: Episode III – Revenge of the Sith in which Anakin Skywalker is incapacitated during his duel with Obi-Wan on the volcanic planet Mustafar and burns alive while attempting to crawl away.
    • At the lava pools next to the The Lady stone, in Ramimilk, and in Zainsipilu there is a charred corpse still on fire positioned crawling out of the lava in the same way as Anakin.
  • At Thizzrini Arena, Feluni will give you the stage name of "The Mysterious Stranger" after reaching the final round of the arena. This is a reference to a similar competition on the planet Taris in Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic, where the player would be given the same stage name.

Stranger Things[edit]

The Gorge
  • The quest The Taste of Fear features a monster known as the Insatiable which can cross over and back from a hellish alternate reality known as the Gorge. This is a reference to the first season of Stranger Things, which featured a similar creature called the Demogorgon which could cross over from an alternate dimension known as the Upside Down.


Tasmanian Tiger[edit]

  • The Gorne Striped Wolf is be based on the real world Tasmanian tiger, a striped marsupial once widespread across Australia. Like Tasmania (and Australia at large), Gorne is an island described as having "strange creatures found nowhere else".

Terminator 2: Judgment Day[edit]

  • Within Stone Garden, there is a skeletal hand sticking out from a lava pool. This is a reference to the scene from Terminator 2: Judgment Day where the Terminator has his hand sticking out while drowning in lava and doing thumbs up afterwards.

There once was a man from Nantucket[edit]

They Live[edit]

  • Guards may say "I love to crush skulls and eat sweetrolls, and I've no more sweetrolls", an Elder Scrolls universe version of Rowdy Roddy Piper's line "I have come here to chew bubblegum and kick ass, and I'm all out of bubblegum" from the 1988 movie They Live.

Three Billy Goats Gruff[edit]


Titanic reference
  • There is a scene featuring two Orc skeletons and a boat west of Bright-Throat Village. It is a reference to the 1997 film Titanic, towards the end where Jack and Rose are clinging to a piece of debris in the ocean after they escape the sinking ship.

Treasure Island[edit]

Vinland Saga[edit]

  • The characters Askeladd and Thorkell are found close to each other outside Solitude, both named after major characters in the manga Vinland Saga by Makoto Yukimura. They both have blonde beards as the characters in the manga do, and Thorkell wields an axe just as the manga character does.
  • The assassin Thorfinn is named after the protagonist of Vinland Saga and is equipped with dual daggers, the trademark weapons of the manga character.

When Harry Met Sally[edit]

Will Smith[edit]

/Tada Emote

William Shakespeare[edit]

  • Marcy's Kawala Tea is a contraband item with the following flavor text: "This packet of tea comes with its own tea strainer, because the Kawala Tea of Marcy is not strained." This is a reference to "The quality of mercy is not strain'd", a line from William Shakespeare's The Merchant of Venice.
  • In Daggerfall, Angier Stower can be heard saying, "Do you know the old saying? Neither a borrower nor a lender be? Rubbish! Without borrowers and lenders, how would we ever be able to buy or sell anything?" This is a quote by Polonius from Act 1 of Shakespeare's play, Hamlet.
  • Master Firuth holds the skull of "Gerald" and speaks to it, in a similar manner to how Hamlet speaks to the late Yorick's skull in Hamlet.

William Tell[edit]

  • To the east of the ritual site in the Lineage of Tooth and Claw quest is a corpse with an arrow sticking out of its head and an apple lying on the ground nearby. This is a reference to the legendary archer William Tell, who was tasked with shooting an apple off of his son's head.

Historical References[edit]


  • Azandar was originally known as Azandar al-Kozanset, but changed his name to al-Cybiades after leaving home. This is a reference to the Athenian statesman Alcibiades.


Dear John Letters[edit]

Mao Zedong[edit]

Paul Revere[edit]

  • The name and objectives of the quest If By Sea are a reference to Paul Revere's famous midnight ride during the American Revolutionary War.

Theodore Roosevelt[edit]

Winston Churchill[edit]

  • In Port Hunding, Qadrima can be overheard saying, "In the morning, I'll be sober but you'll still be stupid." This is a classic rejoinder often incorrectly attributed to Winston Churchill.
  • During the quest Long Lost Lore, Sheogorath says "A contest, wrapped in a mystery, with an enigma glaze." This is a reference to the quote "It's a riddle wrapped in a mystery inside an enigma" from Winston Churchill's speech about Russia.

Running Gags[edit]

For more detailed information, see: Running Gags

Adoring Fan[edit]

The Adoring Fan first appeared in Oblivion. In ESO, he is referenced with the following:

  • The furnishing "An Adoring Fan" is named after him.
  • There is an NPC named "The Undying Fan", who, like the original, is a Bosmer that loves watching arena matches.
  • In Blackwood, you can encounter The Adoring Admirer, a Bosmer fascinated by your exploits. When he greets you, he may exclaim "By Azura! By Azura! By Azura!", or refer to you as "the champion". An achievement can be earned by meeting him four times.
  • The Adoring Stand is a hair style available from Grim Harlequin crates. Its name and description reference the Adoring Fan, and it is similar in appearance to the style of hair used by the Adoring Fan in Oblivion.

Arrow in the Knee[edit]

The basis for the Arrow in the Knee running gag comes from Skyrim, where city guards will occasionally say "I used to be an adventurer like you. Then I took an arrow in the knee...". References to it appear in ESO:

Sweetrolls and Fish Sticks[edit]

Giant Club Launch[edit]

Originating from Skyrim, the gag comes from when a giant hits a creature with its club, the target would be sent flying hundreds of feet into the air. References to it appear in ESO:

  • Sigunn says, "That giant took me by surprise. Wrecked my wagon on the road and clubbed me so hard I swear I was swimming in the sky."
  • The lorebook All About Giants mentions that giants "swing huge clubs and launch even a burly Nord over field and stream" - and then an addition at the end notes that the original author was found dead a full league from the nearest giant camp.
  • In the book Kyne's Challenge: A Hunter's Companion, there's a line that references this: "Unhappy in the extreme, it lifted its colossal club, then dropped it into the heather, hitting the ground with such force I half expected Fenrig to be launched tumbling upwards, through the low clouds to a distant doom."


The Scrolls of Icarian Flight, which may be obtained from Tarhiel in Morrowind, are named after Icarus, a character in Greek mythology who attempted to escape from Crete using wings created by his father by attaching feathers together using wax. Icarus flew too close to the sun, which melted the wax, causing him to plunge to his death. Tarhiel could not have chosen a more appropriate name for the scrolls.

  • There is a Bosmer named Icarian, who researched similar spells with the same tragic result hundreds of years before Tarhiel.
  • ESO's Necrom chapter would later contain an NPC with the name Tarhiel Farano who also suffers the same fate, and states :"Keep laughing. My descendants will perfect my spell, but you won't be around to see them."

Lusty Argonian Maid[edit]

The book The Lusty Argonian Maid first appeared in Morrowind, as a play written by Crassius Curio. In ESO, there are many references that can be seen in the game:

M'aiq the Liar[edit]

M'aiq the Liar is a Khajiit character who has recurred in many Elder Scrolls games since Morrowind. In ESO, he can be encountered throughout the base game, in Northern Elsweyr, and as a houseguest.

Naked Nords[edit]

Morrowind featured several Nords in a state of undress, having been tricked by witches. In ESO, two quests relating to naked Nords are present that harken back to the original game:

Riverwood Chicken[edit]

In Skyrim, it was common for new players to impulsively kill a chicken in Riverwood (and other small towns) for the first time and find that most inhabitants of the settlement become hostile and attack them. For their willingness to fight to the death over the crime of murdering a chicken, the NPC behavior was widely satirized.

  • In ESO, Riverwood White Hen is named for the town where first-time chicken murders often occurred and has the description "Owners grow extremely attached to them, and become outraged if they're harmed.", referencing the reaction of the NPCs.

Removed Easter Eggs[edit]


  • The Rogerain Restrainer achievement was originally called "You are the GOAT", referencing the acronym GOAT ("Greatest of All Time"), a pop culture complimentary term of address first used to describe Muhammad Ali.

Lord of the Rings[edit]

  • In Toothmaul Gully, a character allegedly named "Gollum" could be heard saying "Precious" during the beta, though this was later removed at launch and all remnants were scrubbed from the files.

Race for the Cure[edit]

  • The Quest for the Cure quest was originally titled "Race For the Cure" as a reference to the Race for the Cure event held by the Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation, but was later renamed.

Sabrina the Teenage Witch[edit]

Song of the Diamond Sword[edit]

See Also[edit]

  • M'aiq the Liar, the recurring character whose comments are references to events and features of the game (both new and removed), jokes, and Easter Eggs.
  • Elder Scrolls Online Subforum — A place on the UESP forums where you can discuss Easter Eggs related to ESO.