Legends:Solo Arena/Dark Scoundrel

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Dark Scoundrel
The Victorious
LG-arena-Orc 3.png
Class StrengthEndurance Warrior
Elo 1100
Theme Tempo
Prophecies Prophecy 1x Cursed Spectre, 1x Lurking Mummy, 1x Midnight Sweep, 1x Morkul Gatekeeper
Attributes Strength 14Endurance 14Neutral 2
Rarity Common 18Rare 9Epic 2Legendary 1

Deck List
Quantity Attributes Name Type (Subtype) Magicka Power Health Rarity Ability
2 Strength Nord Firebrand Creature (Nord) 0 1 1 1Common Common Charge
2 Endurance Deadly Draugr Creature (Skeleton) 1 1 1 1Common Common Lethal
1 Neutral Enraged Mudcrab Creature (Mudcrab) 1 2 1 1Common Common
2 Strength Fiery Imp Creature (Imp) 1 1 1 2Rare Rare When Fiery Imp attacks, deal 2 damage to your opponent.
1 Strength Rapid Shot Action 1 1Common Common Deal 1 damage to a creature. If it survives, draw a card.
1 Strength Relentless Raider Creature (Nord) 1 2 1 4Legendary Legendary When an enemy rune is destroyed, deal 1 damage to your opponent.
1 Strength Afflicted Alit Creature (Reptile) 2 3 1 2Rare Rare Summon: Deal 2 damage to each player.
1 Endurance Enchanted Plate Item 2 1Common Common +0/+3
Summon: Draw a card.
1 Strength Orc Clan Shaman Creature (Orc) 2 3 2 2Rare Rare Breakthrough
Other friendly Orcs in this lane have Breakthrough.
1 Neutral Reachman Shaman Creature (Reachman) 2 2 2 1Common Common At the start of your turn, give another random friendly creature +1/+1.
2 Endurance Stormhold Henchman Creature (Argonian) 2 2 2 1Common Common +2/+2 while you have 7 or more max magicka.
1 Strength Battlerage Orc Creature (Orc) 3 2 3 1Common Common Charge
1 Endurance Bruma Armorer Creature (Imperial) 3 2 2 2Rare Rare When you summon another creature, give it +0/+2.
1 Endurance Haunting Spirit Creature (Spirit) 3 3 3 2Rare Rare Last Gasp: Give a random friendly creature +3/+3.
1 Strength Morkul Gatekeeper Prophecy Creature (Orc) 3 2 2 1Common Common Prophecy, Guard
Summon: Give a creature +2/+0.
1 Endurance Necromancer's Amulet Support 3 3Epic Epic Ongoing
When a friendly creature dies, gain 1 health.
1 Strength Stone Throw Action 3 1Common Common Destroy an enemy creature if you have a creature with higher power.
1 Endurance Cursed Spectre Prophecy Creature (Spirit) 4 2 2 1Common Common Prophecy
Summon: Silence another creature.
1 Endurance Midnight Sweep Prophecy Action 4 2Rare Rare Prophecy
Summon a 2/2 Colovian Trooper with Guard in each lane.
1 Endurance Northpoint Lieutenant Creature (Breton) 4 4 2 2Rare Rare
1 Strength Orcish Warhammer Item 4 2Rare Rare Breakthrough
1 Endurance Restless Templar Creature (Skeleton) 4 5 2 1Common Common Last Gasp: Gain 5 health.
1 Endurance Stonetooth Scrapper Creature (Orc) 4 4 5 1Common Common
1 Endurance Lurking Mummy Prophecy Creature (Mummy) 5 2 6 1Common Common Prophecy, Guard
1 Strength Belligerent Giant Creature (Giant) 7 7 4 3Epic Epic Breakthrough
Summon: Unsummon a creature in this lane, or destroy an enemy support.
1 Strength Savage Ogre Creature (Ogre) 7 5 5 1Common Common Summon: Give a creature +5/+0 this turn.