Legends:Covenant Armaments
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Covenant Armaments
Class | Daggerfall Covenant |
Default Banner Art | Emeric |
Release | Alliance War |
Price | 1000 or USD $7.99/€7.99 |
Theme | Items |
Statistics | |
Deck Code | SPAHnHklsZugaHussMAHgyrCotfRujtHjXAStQqFsLuhuluonjdIprtotFnitctEsOrQtIsN |
Attributes | 22 31 13 3 1 5 |
Rarity | 49 19 6 1 |
Quantity | Name | Type (Subtype) | Ability | |||||
3 | Crown Quartermaster | Creature (Redguard) | 1 | 2 | 1 | Common | Summon: Put a Steel Dagger into your hand. | |
2 | Firebolt | Action | 1 | – | – | Common | Deal 2 damage to a creature. | |
3 | Soul Wraith | Creature (Spirit) | 1 | 0 | 5 | Common | Prophecy, Guard | |
3 | Steel Scimitar | Item | 1 | – | – | Common | +2/+2 | |
2 | Cruel Axe | Item | 2 | – | – | Rare | Mobilize Summon: +1/+1 for each enemy creature in this lane. |
3 | Daggerfall Phantom | Creature (Spirit) | 2 | 2 | 2 | Rare | Last Gasp: Return all items equipped to Daggerfall Phantom to your hand. | |
2 | Enchanted Plate | Item | 2 | – | – | Common | +0/+3 Summon: Draw a card. |
3 | Ornamented Sword | Item | 2 | – | – | Common | Mobilize, Breakthrough +2/+1 |
3 | Poisoned Dagger | Item | 2 | – | – | Common | Mobilize, Lethal +1/+0 |
3 | Rihad Horseman | Creature (Redguard) | 2 | 2 | 2 | Common | +3/+0 and Breakthrough while equipped with an item. | |
1 | Salvage | Action | 2 | – | – | Epic | Choose an item in your discard pile. Draw it and all items with the same name from your discard pile. | |
2 | Skilled Blacksmith | Creature (Redguard) | 2 | 2 | 3 | Rare | Your items cost 1 less. | |
2 | Wardcrafter | Creature (Breton) | 2 | 2 | 1 | Rare | Summon: Give a creature a Ward. | |
3 | Wind Keep Spellsword | Creature (Breton) | 2 | 2 | 2 | Common | Ward | |
1 | Arcane Enchanter | Support | 3 | – | – | Epic | Ongoing
When you draw an item, give it a random Keyword. |
3 | Covenant Mail | Item | 3 | – | – | Common | Prophecy, Mobilize, Guard +1/+3 |
3 | Covenant Plate | Item | 3 | – | – | Common | Prophecy, Mobilize, Guard +3/+1 |
3 | Craven Conscript | Creature (Orc) | 3 | 5 | 4 | Rare | Craven Conscript is permanently Shackled unless equipped with an item. | |
3 | Enlistment Officer | Creature (Imperial) | 3 | 3 | 3 | Common | Summon: Give friendly Recruits +1/+1. | |
2 | Mace of Encumbrance | Item | 3 | – | – | Rare | +2/+1 Summon: Shackle an enemy creature. |
3 | Rihad Battlemage | Creature (Redguard) | 3 | 3 | 3 | Common | +0/+3 and Guard while equipped with an item. | |
3 | Covenant Oathman | Creature (Redguard) | 4 | 2 | 4 | Common | Summon: If you have a... card in play, draw a random item from your deck. card in play, give an item in your hand +2/+2. |
1 | Sentinel Battlemace | Item | 4 | – | – | Epic | Ward +4/+0 |
2 | Sparksmith | Creature (Redguard) | 4 | 4 | 4 | Rare | When a friendly creature equips an item, deal 1 damage to your opponent. | |
1 | Telekinesis | Action | 4 | – | – | Epic | Equip all your items in play to a friendly creature. | |
3 | Tome of Alteration | Item | 4 | – | – | Common | +2/+2 Summon: Draw a card. |
3 | Lion Guard Armaments | Item | 5 | – | – | Common | Mobilize +3/+4 |
3 | Staff of Ice | Item | 5 | – | – | Rare | Prophecy, Mobilize +1/+1 Summon: The wielder deals 2 damage. |
3 | High Rock Stalwart | Creature (Orc) | 6 | 5 | 5 | Common | Summon: +2/+2 if you have an item in play. | |
1 | Master of Arms | Creature (Redguard) | 6 | 4 | 4 | Epic | Summon: Master of Arms equips the two highest cost items from your discard pile. | |
1 | Covenant Masterpiece | Item | 7 | – | – | Epic | Mobilize, Breakthrough, Regenerate, Guard, Ward +3/+3 |
1 | Emeric, Covenant King | Creature (Breton) | 9 | 7 | 7 | Legendary | Summon: Battle an enemy creature.