Tamriel Rebuilt:Mercantile Trainers

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For a list of all skill trainers, see the Trainers page.


  • The numbers on this page represent the highest value which your skill may be at in order to receive training. Trainers can thus raise your skill one point higher than what is listed, with the exception of the Master Trainers, since no skill may be trained above 100.

MW-icon-skill-Mercantile.jpg Mercantile Trainers[edit]

Level Trainer Location Other Skills Notes
90 Walks-Through-Shadow Firewatch, College: Faculty Residences Speechcraft (95) Security (90)
80 Sergius Antellius Firewatch, Sergius Antellius' House Alchemy (70) Unarmored (70)
78 Adrieldan Firewatch, College Speechcraft (85) Enchant (80)
75 Jeanette Sitte Firewatch, College: Library Tower Speechcraft (80) Sneak (60)
65 Dreynos Helvi Andothren, Hlaalu Council Manor Speechcraft (65) Short Blade (60)
60 Drusilla Farragian Andothren, Hlaalu Council Manor Speechcraft (60) Restoration (40)
58 Malpeg gro-Hersgrun Firewatch, College Speechcraft (58) Athletics (39)
54 Burhan Monastery of St. Delyn Speechcraft (54) Blunt Weapon (51)
53 Varinisi Onosi Hlan Oek, Varinisi Onosi's House Illusion (56) Speechcraft (53)
50 Banjar Long-Face Almas Thirr, Limping Scrib Speechcraft (50) Unarmored (45)
Frodrygg Red-Lung Hlan Oek, Council Company Tradehouse Conjuration (55) Alchemy (51)
47 Dhinnir Andothren, Imperial Commission Acrobatics (47) Speechcraft (47)
45 Omarcil Eravan, Omarcil's Shack Blunt Weapon (56) Speechcraft (56)
42 Marsh-Demon-At-Her-Elbow Old Ebonheart, Guild of Barristers Athletics (50) Speechcraft (42)
40 Salver Moronethi Monastery of St. Felms, Dormitory Speechcraft (40) Athletics (38)