Skyrim talk:Stabilized
- 1 Glitch??
- 2 Debugging instructions on Sapphire's character page don't work on PC
- 3 Invisibility potion reward should be leveled
- 4 Persuading Sapphire
- 5 Sapphire Persuade and Horse Reward Bugs?
- 6 Shadr's position during conversation
- 7 Can't get the correct dialog
- 8 What Happens After:
- 9 Sapphire: Gone Forever
After getting the quest from Shadr, Sapphire doesn't want to talk to me. Any ideas? Oshaugm 01:45, 9 December 2011 (UTC)
Debugging instructions on Sapphire's character page don't work on PC[edit]
I'm also having the issue where Sapphire won't talk to me. I've tried everything - resetting the quest in the console, setting the stage, killing her and resurrecting her through the console, killing her manually and resurrecting her through the console (which incidentally begins the Reparations quest for the Thieves Guild)... nothing seems to get her to reset and talk to me. I'm pretty frustrated. Anyone had any success fixing this issue? 03:04, 3 January 2012 (UTC)
- I got this from the other ES Wiki. 'You can get around Sapphire's bug by using the following two commands on her addfac 19809 1 , setrelationshiprank player 4 then wearing the Amulet of Mara; this will force a dialog with her then you can find the dialog option to complete the bugged quest'
- Haven't tried it myself yet. Good luck! — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 18:19 on 13 January 2012
I received the quest, became Guild Master and then tried every solution I found and not one worked. I can't kill Sapphire with the kill console command because she acts essential. I already have a spouse so no Amulet of Mara. I disabled and enabled her (another solution I found) and nothing works to advance the quest. Just a warning. 17:41, 8 August 2023 (UTC)
OK. So the one that worked for me was: If Sapphire is still standing on the bridge, you can kill her, fail the mission, and use the console commands resetquest freeformriften22 followed by setstage freeformriften22 10. Talk to Shadr again and accept his task, open up the console again, click on Sapphire's body, and type resurrect. Talk to her and choose the only option about Shadr's debt and pick any choice after that. You will then be prompted to "Return to Shadr". It will not be shown on the compass, but you can likely finding him in Riften Stables. After you talk to him, you have completed the quest. 17:41, 8 August 2023 (UTC)
However, I had to do Reparations quest for killing a Guild member, then Sapphire disappeared so I had prid 000C19A3 then moveto player. Finally, it fixed the bug and quest complete. 17:41, 8 August 2023 (UTC)
Invisibility potion reward should be leveled[edit]
I got a Potion of Prolonged Invisibility instead of the one listed in the article. Can someone else verify? 02:10, 21 January 2012 (UTC)
- You are correct, the potion reward is leveled. This has now been fixed. Alphabetface 18:44, 30 January 2012 (UTC)
Persuading Sapphire[edit]
For anyone wondering what Speech level is required to Persuade Sapphire, I was able to do it at only Speech 25 with no buffs. 07:06, 15 February 2012 (UTC)
Sapphire Persuade and Horse Reward Bugs?[edit]
I interacted with Shadr when first entering Riften, said I'd try to help, verified (Persuade, Bribe, Intimidate) options were available with Sapphire, but did not advance the quest, as Quest Timing says completing Taking Care of Business removes the need to spend any gold to complete this quest. After doing that, speaking to Sapphire did not present me with the "same options for pesuarding," only standard dialog choices to expose her scheme to Brynjolf for a cut, or drop the debt - no (Persuade, Bribe, Intimidate) options. Bug? or intended?
Also, after telling Shadr the debt was dropped, am able to take low value items from the Stables, but hovering over horse does not say "Ride" or "Borrow", it still says "Steal" and incrememts "Horses Stolen" stat (did not notice bounty though) S1D3WYZ (talk) 17:02, 12 July 2015 (UTC)
Shadr's position during conversation[edit]
On my first entrance into Riften Shadr stood speaking with Sapphire. I was lvl 30 playing 1.2 version of the game. — Unsigned comment by NONIMAN (talk • contribs) at 17:02 on 13 August 2015 (UTC)
Can't get the correct dialog[edit]
After I persuade or intimidate Sapphire and talking to shadr. Only the "Sorry I can't changed her mind." option is available. Thus I cant get the invisible potion. — Unsigned comment by Doaskobe (talk • contribs) at 09:24 on 14 November 2015 (GMT)
- Responding to this comment after discovery I made: this locked dialogue option near the end of quest appears only when in your first dialogue option to help Shadr you decline. After that you are free to accept of course but the quest ending dialogue option will be locked to an unfavorable one. In this scenario Sapphire will behave like you have split the "cut" as well, even though this shouldn't be possible if you are not the member of the Thieves Guild already.
- Simple solution is to reload and only select accept to help in the opening dialogue with Shadr. Since reloading isn't an option for me (not an acceptable one that is) I am looking into console fix options and will post them here if I find any. -- 03:11, 13 December 2015 (UTC)
What Happens After:[edit]
Note that Shadr walks back to the stables, but Sapphire walks to her usual post in the Cistern. This means you can follow her (sneak may be necessary) all the way past the hidden cabinet-entrance (she opens it up to go through and leaves it open) and into the thieve's guild without having joined. And then rob them blind. And then join, fence all their own stuff back to them, and continue the thieve's guild questline normally. Doesn't help in advancing any quests or anything, but if you enjoy playing thieves, it's immensely satisfying to do. 11:34, 31 August 2019 (UTC)
Sapphire: Gone Forever[edit]
I avoided her during Skyrim:A Cornered Rat. I'm intentionally trying *not* to initiate any side quests while I go through the main quest. I've done this many times before, but this is the first time I've actually managed to pull this bug off. It may be a very rare bug but it is quite permanent. There are no mods in my save and never have been. I can provide the before/after saves if anyone is curious or has a save analyzing tool.
When I target her with the console PRID C19A5 and enter MOVETO it places me on the bridge where she is supposed to be (and where she was last seen).
When I use the TAI command, it toggles all NPC AI, not just Sapphire's. With her code selected in the console, it should only toggle the selected NPCs AI.
Naturally DISABLE/ENABLE, RESURRECT/KILL, and RESETAI do nothing (they successfully excecated in the console but the console behaves as though no NPC is selected).
Attempting to initiate the quest with the console does not change Sapphire's nonexistence.
I checked my Skyrim directory and the archives haven't changed since 2008 and the base plugins and DLC haven't changed since May 2020.
After restarting Skyrim twice, she's back as though nothing was wrong. It's as though nothing happened. I'm losing my mind. Since I cannot duplicate it reliably I don't know if this should be placed in the bugs list but it happened...Vainamoinen -Talk -Stuff 08:54, 6 February 2021 (UTC)
- Nope, I was just too tired. She *is* gone. I'm on save 64, gonna have to go back to save 9 to get her back and figure out exactly how I made her vanish since there's no way to make her come back that I've found yet. Vainamoinen -Talk -Stuff 22:20, 6 February 2021 (UTC)
- Try PRID again, except type "moveto player" instead. Alternatively consider just creating a new copy of her. --AKB Talk Cont Mail 23:55, 6 February 2021 (UTC)
- Think I figured it out! I believe a quest alias during A Cornered Rat bugged, probably do to something I did that was dumb that I can't remember. I've never done it before. Can't believe it took me so long to notice she was gone. I went back to save 9 and started over! If she's bugged because of it I've undoubtedly messed up other things too. Vainamoinen -Talk -Stuff 04:55, 7 February 2021 (UTC)
- Try PRID again, except type "moveto player" instead. Alternatively consider just creating a new copy of her. --AKB Talk Cont Mail 23:55, 6 February 2021 (UTC)