Project Tamriel:Cyrodiil/Cira Lor

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Cira Lor (PC_m1_CiraLor)
Home Town Hal Sadek
Location Cira Lor's House
Race Imperial Gender Female
Level 9 Class Noble
Other Information
Health 87 Magicka 106
Alarm 100 Fight 30
Faction(s) Kingdom of Anvil 5(Reeve)
Cira Lor

Cira Lor is an Imperial Noble and the Reeve of Hal Sadek. She administers tax collection, legal disputes and census records as part of her role, all on behalf of the Kingdom of Anvil.

While relatively new to the position, Cira is focused upon improving the state of the village - and has arranged the rebuilding of a nearby bridge in brick, rather than in fragile wood. She has a small role to play in a quest concerning a different bridge entirely - providing directions to bandits camped around the broken structure in Bridge Repair.

Related Quests[edit]

Kingdom of Anvil[edit]