Online:Sage Odana

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Sage Odana
Location Skald's Retreat
Race Nord Gender Female
Health 25,974
Reaction Friendly
Justice Neutral (After the quest)
Pickpocket Hard Profession Ghost
Sage Odana

Sage Odana is a Nord mentoring the bards found at the Skald's Retreat.

Related Quests[edit]

Quest-Related Events[edit]

The vision of Sage Odana

After speaking to Engling's vision, you will find Sage Odana's vision separated from her unconscious body on the central stage. The sage will reveal that both her and all the skalds are trapped in Quagmire due to Engling sang a song that casted a spell. The only way to undo is to find the song, The Song of Sinmur:

"Leave this island, if you know what's good for you. Only nightmares hold sway at Skald's Retreat."
What's going on here? A woman named Engling told me to speak with you.
"Oblivion take that girl! She sang a song to end us all. What you're seeing in the sky is Quagmire, Vaermina's Daedric realm. Skald's Retreat now straddles the wall between worlds."
So how can we undo this?
"Now you're talking. A song cast this spell. Another song could undo it. My best bet: one of the old songs of the Companions. Say, the Song of Sinmur."
Sinmur? Like the giant?

You will have to learn the lyrics but will not have to perform it and once you found the lyrics meet her at the manorhouse. You can proceed to ask further questions how the skalds trapped in Quagmire:

"Aye. You'll have to learn the lyrics and tune from other bards on the island. Don't worry, you won't have to perform. Meet me at the manorhouse when you're ready."
I'll learn the song, Odana.
"Learn what you can from Sinmur's song. Just know, the skalds may not recognize you for who you are. Some of the dreamers aren't as aware as I."
Can you answer some questions?
"I'll answer truthfully, my new friend. Whatever you wish to ask."
Why can't you teach me the song?
"I only know of the song, I don't know how to perform it. My apologies. There are many songs sung at the retreat. To know them all would take three lifetimes."
Why did Engling cause this?
"I think the Queen got to her. Engling pulled something from the lore vaults. Dusted it off, set it to a tune she heard in a dream. A nightmare, more like. Vaermina's hand at work in the world!"
How do you know we're touching Quagmire?
"I don't know if you've seen them yet, friend, but nightmares stalk the island. The sky, the smells, the sounds … they scream out the name of the Queen of Nightmares."
Why do you look like that? And why aren't you affected like Engling?
"We're asleep. What you see in front of you is my dream-self. As for why I'm unaffected … I don't know. I'm skeptical by nature. Perhaps what the Queen is selling just isn't enough to make me bite."

After learning the song, she'll be inside the Skald Manor, which she needs you to find Maraamur, the only remaining skald who is awake who will be able to sing the song:

"You've learned the tune, yes? Now we can move on to planning the performance."
Yes. I've learned the Song of Sinmur.
"We'll sing songs of you yet, my friend! Now you just need to convince the only other person awake on the island. His name is Maraamur. And he's an idiot."
An idiot?
"Sorry, that's not fair. He's actually a drunk. He's upstairs. Keeps squealing like a stuck skeever when I try to talk to him. I'm sure you'll be able to convince him."
I'll do what I can.

Speaking to her again before getting Maraamur:

"I'm sure with a little coaxing Maraamur will get the job done. He's far from the best performer on the island. But at least he's awake."

After defeating the forces of Vaermina, she will awaken and speaking to her before Engling:

"You think, with all that sleep, I'd be rested. And yet, I'm totally exhausted. Damned Daedric magic."

Complete the quest with Engling, and Odana will say:

"Engling is right, we'll make sure songs are sung of your bravery here. I just hope this little event has taught these cubs a lesson about ancient lore. Some of those books bite back. Hah!"