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Online:Legionary Caepio

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Legionary Caepio
Home City Skingrad
Location Vashabar, Rustwall Catacombs
Race Imperial Gender Male
Reaction Friendly
Other Information
Faction(s) West Weald Legion

Legionary Caepio is an Imperial soldier of the West Weald Legion who was part of the cohort sent to the Rustwall Estate sent to guard it. He can first be encountered within the Rustwall Catacombs.

After the events of Rustwall, he will act as Tribune Alea Idolus aide-de-campe and pass on messages, though he does not enjoy this.

Related Quests[edit]

Quest-Related Events[edit]

The Missing Cohort[edit]

If you have started Paths of Chaos from Leramil the Wise, the Rustwall Estate will be one of the locations she asks you to investigate. Once there, you will assist Tribune Alea Idolus in finding out what has happened to the missing Rustwall staff and legion cohort assigned to guard the area. You eventually learn that the cohort forces were slowly whittled down, and the survivors had taken refuge within the Rustwall Catacombs.

However, once you enter you find the place is filled with Recollection and Shardborn. After hearing a conversation between Shardmarshal Vargas and Recollection Commander Erorath, you will soon encounter Legionary Caepio calling out to you:

Legionary Caepio: "Hey! Over by the gate!"
Tribune Alea Idolus: "By my sword, a legionary! Report, soldier."
<Tribune Alea runs up to the gate.>

You can then speak with Legionary Caepio to find out what happened:

"Hate to bring bad news to the tribune, but I'm the only member of the cohort left. Those Recollection zealots killed legionaries guarding the estate until we sent whoever remained down here.
That's when we walked right into the Daedra's clutches."
How did you manage to survive?
"I got lucky. I fell behind to adjust a loose bootstrap. When I heard the attack start, I slipped into the shadows and have been running ever since.
Look, the Daedra have a portal. They're filling the catacombs with Daedric forces to attack Skingrad!"
Where's this portal?
"It's in the ruins, down in the deepest part of the catacombs. Two magical anchor things keep it open.
Tribune Alea is strong, and you look like you can handle yourself. While the Recollection hunts me, you need to destroy that portal!"
We'll destroy the portal. How do we find it?
"Go east and you'll find where the Daedra dug up from below. Drop down and keep going east. You'll know the portal when you see it. Break those anchors and I bet the portal closes.
I'll try and lead the Recollection away and then find you down there."

You can then ask Legionary Caepio some questions about the situation:

Are you sure you'll be all right on your own?
"I've become pretty good at sneaking around down here. There are all sorts of secret passageways and trick walls. You just have to know where to look.
Don't wait for me, though. I have to move slow to avoid the Recollection patrols and the Daedra."
You're certain no one else from the cohort survived?
"Almost positive. The Recollection swarmed the remaining cohort and the servants we were protecting. They worked fast. It was a slaughter.
I'm lucky I lagged behind or they would have fallen on me, too. I managed to pull a few servants away, but …."
But …?
"They weren't soldiers. No one trained them for any of this. I can't blame them for making too much noise. Or being too slow with a blade. I tried to keep them safe, but it wasn't long before I was on my own."
Why do you think breaking the anchors will close the portal?
"Call it a hunch. But if I'm being honest, I have no idea what it will do. It might fling you right into Oblivion. Or turn you into a netch.
The anchors seemed important. At the very least, destroying them is better than leaving them be."

After you finish speaking with him, he will run back down the corridor away from you. Once you and Tribune Alea have closed down the portal, Legionary Caepio will appear and lead you towards the exit:

Legionary Caepio: "This way, tribune! Follow the tracks!"

Once outside you can talk to him before Tribune Alea:

"Good, you got out. I worried for a moment that those Recollection bastards caught up with you. Or, worse, those horrid Daedra.
You should talk to Tribune Alea. Losing all those people weighs on her. I know the feeling."

Talking to him after completing the quest:

"I'm grateful to you and Tribune Alea. Those Recollection soldiers would've found me eventually. Only so many places to hide down there.
You're quite impressive for not being part of the Legion. I think I could learn a thing or two from you."

Seeds of Suspicion[edit]

If you have not started this quest by speaking Beragon, Legionary Caepio will hail you near the Skingrad Wayshrine:

Legionary Caepio: "Mercenary, I bring word from Tribune Alea!"

Tribune Alea will be having him act as her messenger:

"Mercenary, Tribune Alea requests your presence. Immediately, if not sooner, I might add."
What's this all about, legionary?
"Well, it's not like the tribune shares all the details with a mere legionary. All I know is what I was given in my orders. And that she promised to compensate you for your assistance."
All right. Tell me about your orders.
"Tribune Alea ordered me to locate you and deliver this message. She wants you to meet her at a townhouse in Skingrad. Belongs to a Wood Elf named Beragon. Says the two of you need to talk to him about the troubles plaguing West Weald.
That's it."
I'll go talk to Beragon.

After you start the quest, you can talk to him some more:

"I admit, this is all above my head. What do I know about magical disasters, Daedric invasions, or secret conspiracies? Give me problems I can solve with a sharp sword and I'd be much happier!"
Do you always carry messages for Tribune Alea?
"I'm a legionary in the tribune's cohort. I do whatever she orders me to do. Besides, I'm on light duty while I recover from the injuries I sustained at Rustwall Estate. And it isn't like she has a lot of other choices until she rebuilds her cohort."

Relics of the Three Princes[edit]

If you have not started this quest by speaking Beragon, Legionary Caepio will hail you near the Skingrad Wayshrine:

Legionary Caepio: "Mercenary, I bring word from Tribune Alea!"

Talking to Legionary Caepio:

"Mercenary, I have more orders from Tribune Alea."
What does Tribune Alea need now, legionary?
"That's complicated. The tribune was on her way to Feldagard Keep. Said she had to check on something there. But she specifically sent me to find you and deliver these orders."
All right. Give me the orders.
"Certainly! Tribune Alea commands you to go to Beragon's townhouse in Skingrad and assist the amiable Wood Elf with his ongoing investigation of the Recollection.
She also wanted me to tell you that either she or Beragon would compensate you well."
I'll go see what kind of help Beragon requires.

After you receive the message, you can talk to Legionary Caepio some more:

"Beragon awaits your timely arrival at his townhouse in Skingrad. Good hunting, mercenary."
Still running messages, I see.
"I follow whatever orders Tribune Alea sees fit to assign to me, thank you very much! But yes, she told me to stay in Skingrad and run messages for you and her allies."
Did Tribune Alea tell you what she was doing at Feldagard Keep?
"Just that she wanted to look into something you and she found on your travels together. She left instructions assigning me to aide-de-camp duty for you and the Wood Elf.
That's a fancy term for a legionary who doesn't get to fight."

King Nantharion's Gambit[edit]

If you have not started this quest by speaking Beragon, Legionary Caepio will hail you near the Skingrad Wayshrine:

Legionary Caepio: "Over here, mercenary! I bring another message."
"I bring another message from my tribune, mercenary. You may wonder why an experienced and capable legionary such as myself is still relaying messages. Believe me, the question nags at me, too. Perhaps I'm being punished for some unintended offense?"
The message, legionary?
"Right to business? Of course.
Tribune Alea and Beragon await your arrival at the Wood Elf's townhouse in Skingrad. He fears that Nantharion and the Recollection are about to do something terrible, but he may have a way to find them."
I need more details, legionary.
"And I'd share them with you if I could, but neither the tribune nor the Wood Elf deem it necessary to provide me with the full details.
I was sent to deliver the message. It's up to you to heed the call. Once there, I'm sure they'll tell you more."
All right. I'll go talk to Beragon at his townhouse in Skingrad.

You can continue to speak with him after recieving the message:

"Tribune Alea and Beragon await your arrival at Beragon's townhouse in Skingrad.
Beragon has been studying those relics you found. He seems to think they can help us defeat the Recollection, but I don't see how. We need more swords, not antiques."
You're really upset that Tribune Alea has you running messages?
"No. Maybe. A little. But she's my commander and I follow orders.
The tribune's at Beragon's townhouse. Guess she decided the Wood Elf needed closer supervision. She's asking questions and making suggestions. Not sure he appreciates it either."

After meeting with Beragon, you will use the Skein of Secrets to find and visit the places the Staff of Many Paths and therefore King Nantharion have been. Eventually you will be shocked to see that it shows Nantharion back in Vashabar. When you arrive, you will find Beragon with a few legionaries, which include Legionary Caepio:

Beragon: "Over here, friend! This legionary says this doorway just opened—and Tribune Alea's somewhere inside."
Legionary Caepio: "We watched the false king enter the ruins but he sent his warriors against us. The tribune drove them back and went in after him!"

Talking with egionary Caepio:

"I know you have been helping Tribune Alea. I'm in no shape to charge in there after her, but maybe you can go assist her."

You can speak with again after conferring with Beragon:

"Be on your guard down there, mercenary. In addition to the Recollection forces, there were Daedra with Nantharion—as well as a strange woman wearing a hooded cloak!"

The Untraveled Road[edit]

After the events of King Nantharion's Gambit, Caepio may be waiting for you with a message:

Legionary Caepio: "That's right, mercenary. I bear another message."

Speak with him to get the message:

"Hail, mercenary. Tribune Alea ordered me to find you right away. You won a battle in the ruins under Vashabar, but Beragon thinks the war for West Weald isn't over yet. They still need your help."
What do they want me to do?
"That … I'm still not privy to. All I know is that the tribune wants you back at Beragon's townhouse in Skingrad so you can listen to whatever the Wood Elf has to say."
Informative as always, Caepio. Anything else?
"Just that Beragon and the tribune have been conferring with that strange High Elf, Leramil. Something about the Daedric incursions being a diversion to the real threat to reality. Whatever that means.
Will you go talk to Beragon?"
I'll go to Beragon's townhouse and see what he has to say.

You can then speak with him some more:

"Maybe when you get to Beragon's townhouse in Skingrad, this time you can put in a good word for me with the tribune. Let her know you think I'm hale and hardy and ready to return to real duty.
The Legion needs my sword!"

In Memory Of[edit]

You won't see Legionary Caepio for awhile, as you have to deal with the fallout from what happened during The Untraveled Road. But after you have resolved the issue with Ithelia, Caepio will be one of the guests at the gathering at Beragon's Townhouse:

"Tribune Alea ordered me to attend your party! Messenger, party-goer … it's degrading! Well, now that we're done with your heroics, maybe I can get back to being a soldier again. Wouldn't that be nice!
We are sure we won, right?"

Midway through the party, you will be called away to meet with Hermaeus Mora. He reveals that despite your success at having Ithelia leave your reality for good, he will make everyone except you and him forget the Prince of Paths.

Once you return to the party and speak with Legionary Caepio you will see the effects:

"Ever have one of those moments when you're suddenly sure you forgot something important? Like did I leave the fire burning in the barrack's hearth again? Or where did I put my sword?
Probably nothing. Just one of those feelings, I guess."


  • Legionary Caepio is voiced by Paul Guyet. [1]


  1. ^ [paulguyet] (2024, June 4) Honored to work, once again, with Bethesda and Zenimax on The Elder Scrolls Online! This time around I'm voicing Legionary Caepio, Xoryn, and Valkynaz Enuzel in Gold Road out NOW!. Tumblr.