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Online:Captain Abitius

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Captain Abitius
Location Near Varen's Watch
Race Imperial Gender Female
Reaction Friendly
Other Information
Faction(s) West Weald Legion
Captain Abitius

Captain Abitius is an Imperial captain of the West Weald Legion. She can be found near Niryastare, standing over a tied up Larchisse, along with Legionary Domitius Cedus and Legionary Florentius Caro.

Related Quests[edit]

Quest-Related Events[edit]

While in Varen's Watch you will come across Captain Abitius's Orders near a dead legionary and take it upon yourself to complete the task, lighting the signal fires. Once this has been done, you can see out the captain and her group. Her group will be nearby, and they are questioning their defiant captive Larchisse, as you approach Legionary Domitius Cedus will notice the lit signal fires.

You can then report to the captain, her reaction to you will depend on if you are a Wood Elf or not:

Player Character is a Wood Elf:
If you're on [sic] of those Recollection bastards, you have a lot to answer for. Tell me why we shouldn't just run you through, Wood Elf."
I might be a Wood Elf, but I'm not with the Recollection.
"All right. Say I believe you. Then what are you doing approaching my camp?"
I'm <PlayerName>. I found the orders beside a dead legionary. I decided to finish their mission.
"The signal fires. That was you? Wait, that scroll …. I gave those orders to a legionary.
Who are you and what happened to my legionary?"
I'm <PlayerName>. I found the orders beside a dead legionary. I decided to finish their mission.
"I lost a lot of good men and women to these Recollection fanatics. The last report about them urged caution, but it never said they had their own army!
Were you able to complete the mission? Did you light all four signal fires?"
Yes, I completed the legionary's mission. The signal fires are blazing.

Leaving and returning to the conversation at this point:

"Well? Finish your report, mercenary. The signal fires in Varen's Watch. Are all four of them ignited?"
Yes, I completed the legionary's mission. The signal fires are blazing.
"Excellent. Now we wait for Legion reinforcements to arrive. Given the current state of the Weald, that could take time, but at least the warning has gone out.
Thank you for completing this mission for our fallen comrade. Take this for your service."

After you have completed the quest, you can ask her some questions:

"I'll make sure the West Weald Legion Command hears about the bravery both you and my fallen soldier displayed here today. We'll reclaim Varen's Watch from the Recollection. It's only a matter of time."
Tell me about the legionary whose orders I recovered.
"The battle inside was fast and brutal. A few of us were able to retreat, but I had to send someone back in to ignite the signal fires. Legionary Thania volunteered instantly. No hesitation whatsoever.
I'm glad you were able to complete her mission."
What will you do with the captured Recollection soldier?
"Hold her until reinforcements arrive. Then turn her over to soldiers who can take her back to Legion Command. She can tell us valuable information about the Recollection and their plans—with the proper motivation."
What's the purpose of the signal fires again?
"To alert nearby Legion forces that Varen's Watch is in trouble and needs assistance. It's the fastest way to communicate across long distances."