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Enchanting is a crafting skill of combining runes to create glyphs, which are then used to enchant weapons, armor and jewelry.

Enchanting is a crafting profession in Elder Scrolls Online. You can use it to combine Runestones into Glyphs, which add magical effects to weapons, armor and jewelry.

In addition to glyphs, the Enchanting skill allows you to craft furnishings for your home.


The Enchanting skill line is granted the first time you activate an enchanting station.

Gaining Inspiration[edit]

Experience gained in a craft is called "inspiration".

  • The amount of inspiration gained from completing writs is based entirely on the potency level required by the writ and is detailed on the Enchanter Writs page.
  • The amount of inspiration gained from Creating Glyphs, and Deconstructing Glyphs is based on your current enchanting skill level as well as the level and quality of the glyph.
  • Deconstructing a glyph made by other characters (alts included) gives more inspiration than deconstructing a glyph made by you. Such glyphs can be readily found at Guild Kiosks, in treasure chests and Safeboxes, and other sources.
  • Deconstructing a glyph made with the Jejota rune gives about twice as much inspiration as a glyph made with Ta. Deconstructing a glyph made with the Denata rune gives the same Inspiration as a glyph made with Rekuta, about 50% more than a glyph made with Jejota. Finally, a glyph made with Kuta gives about 15% more inspiration than a glyph made with Denata or Rekuta. Therefore, if purchasing glyphs for deconstruction, it may be more cost effective to focus only on Superior quality glyphs made with Denata runes.
  • Deconstructing a glyph made with the Repora or Itade CP 160 runes, give more inspiration than deconstructing a glyph made with any CP 150 Potency Rune.

For example: deconstructing a Common (white) glyph, not made by you, with a Repora and a Ta, with the +20% Inspiration Boost passive champion unlock, will gain you 4569 inspiration at any level.

Inspiration Required by Level[edit]

Each level has a specific amount of Inspiration required before advancing to the next level as detailed in the table below. The amount required increases with every level, however the increase per level doesn't follow a set pattern. For example, consider the easy ascent from level 12 to 14, and the enormous leaps from level 38 to 40.

Level Inspiration Req'd Δ Delta Level Inspiration Req'd Δ Delta
1 640 0 26 61280 3080
2 3995 3355 27 64360 3080
3 6920 2925 28 67660 3300
4 8900 1980 29 70960 3300
5 10560 1660 30 74700 3740
6 13040 2480 31 78440 3740
7 16360 3320 32 82400 3960
8 17960 1600 33 86360 3960
9 21880 3920 34 90980 4620
10 24311 2431 35 95600 4620
11 26989 2678 36 100440 4840
12 29400 2411 37 105280 4840
13 30200 800 38 116280 11000
14 31000 800 39 128600 12320
15 32600 1600 40 135200 6600
16 34200 1600 41 141800 6600
17 35800 1600 42 149280 7480
18 39610 3810 43 156760 7480
19 43420 3810 44 164647 7887
20 45750 2330 45 173073 8426
21 48080 2330 46 181840 8767
22 50500 2420 47 191080 9240
23 52920 2420 48 200760 9680
24 55560 2640 49 211320 10560
25 58200 2640 50 0 n/a

The total inspiration required to go from level 1 to 50 is 3,667,895.

Enchanter Dialogue[edit]

You can learn about this profession by speaking with some of the enchanters

"Can you tell me about enchanting?"
"Of course! Enchanting is the art of empowerment. We gather runes found throughout the world and use our special instruments to assemble them into glyphs. These glyphs can be used to magically enhance worn or wielded items."
So, I'll have to find all these runes in the wild?
"Not exactly. Runes can be extracted from glyphs you find while adventuring. It's a delicate process, so you'll have to return to one of our work stations to proceed. Note that the glyph will be destroyed in the process. Unfortunate, but necessary."
So how exactly do glyphs work?
"Glyphs are assembled by combining three different runes.
Potency runes determine the glyph's strength. Aspect affects the glyph's quality. Finally, the Essence rune decides the glyph's effect.
It's a delicate art best learned by doing. Good luck."

Skill Usage[edit]

Finding Runes[edit]

In order to create an enchantment, you need three different types of runestone. These are Potency, Essence, and Aspect. Runestones can be harvested from nodes as you travel through the world, extracted from glyphs, or received in mail if you have the Hireling perks. Enchanters also sell Potency runes for gold.

A runestone node
Type of Runestone Icon color Icon shape Examples
Potency Blue Square ON-icon-runestone-Jora.png ON-icon-runestone-Notade.png ON-icon-runestone-Kedeko.png
Essence Yellow/green Hexagonal ON-icon-runestone-Dekeipa.png ON-icon-runestone-Kaderi.png ON-icon-runestone-Oru.png
Aspect Red Circular ON-icon-runestone-Ta.png ON-icon-runestone-Jejota.png ON-icon-runestone-Rekuta.png

A single runestone provides multiple runes of different types. Essence and Aspect runes of all kinds can drop in all zones. Potency runes drop half of the time based on your level and the other half based on your rank in the Potency Improvement skill.

Creating Glyphs[edit]

While standing at an Enchanter's table, you combine one Potency, one Essence, and one Aspect runestone to make a Glyph. Unlike Provisioning, you do not need a recipe. If your character doesn't already know what the runestones do, you will learn their effects while creating the Glyph.

The title and icon of the Glyph will tell you if it is for weapons, armor, or jewelry.

Type of Glyph Icon color Icon shape Examples
Weapon Bronze Pentagonal ON-icon-glyph-weapon-Glyph of Frost.png ON-icon-glyph-weapon-Glyph of Absorb Stamina.png ON-icon-glyph-weapon-Glyph of Absorb Health.png
Armor Silver Reuleaux triangle ON-icon-glyph-armor-Glyph of Stamina.png ON-icon-glyph-armor-Glyph of Magicka.png ON-icon-glyph-armor-Glyph of Health.png
Jewelry Gold Circular ON-icon-glyph-jewelry-Glyph of Frost Resist.png ON-icon-glyph-jewelry-Glyph of Disease Resist.png ON-icon-glyph-jewelry-Glyph of Magicka Recovery.png

Note that you must use a Potency runestone of the correct level for the item which you wish to enchant. For example, if you wish to enchant a level 10 weapon with a Glyph of Frost, you must use a Potency rune which covers level 10. There are three possibilities, Jora (level 1-10), Porade (level 5-15), and Jera (level 10-20). Obviously the highest strength Glyph will be created from the highest level Potency rune.

Applying Glyphs[edit]

While you must be at an Enchanter's table in order to create a Glyph, you do not need any special equipment in order to enchant an item with the Glyph in your possession. You simply select the item you wish to enchant in the Inventory screen, and choose "Enchant". The Glyph you have must be of the correct type and an appropriate level for the item to be enchanted.

Glyphs may be applied to equipment which is of the same or higher level, but higher-level glyphs may not be applied to lower-level equipment. You may, for example, apply a Simple glyph to a Level 50/CP160 Rubedite piece of equipment, but you cannot apply an Average glyph to Level 14 Iron gear. Note that any quality of Glyph may be applied to any quality of item, however. You could put a Legendary quality Glyph on a Base quality item if you wanted to.

While glyphs may not be removed once they have been applied, enchantments may be changed. For example, an armor piece with an increased Magicka recovery rate enchantment can be changed to a increased Health enchantment by applying an appropriate glyph. By the same token, a sword with a fire damage enchantment can be given a frost damage enchantment by applying an appropriate glyph.

Special note about Armor Glyphs: Only Head, Chest, Legs, and Shields receive the full effect of an enchantment. Shoulder, Hands, Belt, and Feet receive only 40% of the stated value on the Glyph.

Maximizing Enchantment Power[edit]

The infused trait increases the power of enchantments on weapons, armor or jewelry.

Trait Material Description Magnitude
Base Fine Superior Epic Legendary
Weapon traits are available on all weapons - axes, swords, maces, daggers, greatswords, battle axes, mauls, bows, restoration staves and destruction staves. There is one trait related to enchantments.
Infused ON-icon-trait material-Jade.png Jade Increase weapon enchantment effect by … and reduces enchantment cooldown by 50% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30%
Armor traits are available on all articles of light, medium or heavy armor and shields. There is one trait related to enchantments.
Infused ON-icon-trait material-Bloodstone.png Bloodstone Increases this item's armor enchantment effect by 8% 11% 14% 17% 20%
Jewelry traits are available on all jewelry pieces. There is one trait related to enchantments.
Infused ON-icon-trait material-Aurbic Amber.png Aurbic Amber Increases this item's Jewelry enchantment effect by 24% 33% 42% 51% 60%

Skill Perks[edit]

Enchanting has an associated skill line that is revealed through use of the Enchanting profession. Abilities are listed below.

Passive Abilities[edit]

Passive abilities are active all the time, and affect the outcome of Enchanting related activities.

Name Line Rank Skill Rank Description
ON-icon-skill-Enchanting-Potency Improvement.png Potency Improvement 1 1 free Allows the use of Jora, Porade, Jode and Notade Potency Runestones to make Glyphs of levels 1-15.
5 2 Allows the use of Jera, Jejora, Ode and Tade Potency Runestones to make Glyphs of levels 10-25.
10 3 Allows the use of Odra, Pojora, Jayde and Edode Potency Runestones to make Glyphs of levels 20-35.
15 4 Allows the use of Edora, Jaera, Pojode, and Rekude Potency Runestones to make Glyphs of levels 30-45.
20 5 Allows the use of Pora, Denara, Hade and Idode Potency Runestones to make Glyphs from level 40 to Champion 30.
25 6 Allows the use of Rera and Pode Potency Runestones to make Glyphs of Champion 30-50.
30 7 Allows the use of Derado and Kedeko Potency Runestones to make Glyphs of Champion 50-70.
35 8 Allows the use of Rekura and Rede Potency Runestones to make Glyphs of Champion 70-90.
40 9 Allows the use of Kura and Kude Potency Runestones to make Glyphs of Champion 100-140.
50 10 Allows the use of Rejera, Repora, Jehade, and Itade Potency Runestones to make Glyphs of Champion 150 and 160.
ON-icon-skill-Enchanting-Aspect Improvement.png Aspect Improvement 1 1 free Allows the use of Common (white) and Standard (green) Aspect Runestones.
6 2 Allows the use of Superior (blue) Aspect Runestones.
16 3 Allows the use of Artifact (purple) Aspect Runestones.
31 4 Allows the use of Legendary (gold) Aspect Runestones.
ON-icon-skill-Enchanting-Keen Eye.png Keen Eye: Rune Stones 2 1 Runes in the world will be easier to see when you are 20 meters or closer.
7 2 Runes in the world will be easier to see when you are 30 meters or closer.
14 3 Runes in the world will be easier to see when you are 40 meters or closer.
ON-icon-Question Mark.png Hireling 3 1 A hireling will send you some runestones every day.
12 2 A hireling will send you runestones every day. You have a chance at Essence and better Aspect runestones.
32 3 A hireling will send you runestones every day. You have a greater chance at Essence and better Aspect runestones.
ON-icon-skill-Enchanting-Runestone Extraction.png Runestone Extraction 4 1 Increases the chance of extracting each type of Runestone by 3%.
19 2 Increases the chance of extracting each type of Runestone by 6%.
29 3 Increases the chance of extracting each type of Runestone by 10%.

Skill points[edit]

The table below shows the amount of skill points required in order to max out the Enchanting skill line.

Order Progression Skill points required
1 Potency Improvement 9
2 Aspect Improvement 3
3 Keen Eye: Rune Stones 3
4 Hireling 3
5 Runestone Extraction 3
Totals: All 21


There are a number of achievements related to Enchanting.

Achievement Points Description Reward
ON-icon-glyph-armor-Glyph of Health.png Master Enchanter 50 Attain an Enchanting rank of 50. Enchanter TangerineEnchanter Tangerine
Enchanter's Sign (page) (000050005,000 Gold)
Rune Translation
ON-icon-runestone-Kedeko.png Potency 10 Translate all of the Potency runes. Potency BluePotency Blue
ON-icon-runestone-Jayde.png Negative Potency 10 Translate all of the Negative Potency runes.
ON-icon-runestone-Jora.png Positive Potency 10 Translate all of the Positive Potency runes.
ON-icon-runestone-Jora.png Ruby Potency 10 Translate all of the Champion 150 and Champion 160 runestones. Enchanting Gem (page) (000050005,000 Gold)
ON-icon-runestone-Jora.png Indeko Discoverer 10 Translate the Indeko rune.
ON-icon-runestone-Ta.png Aspect 10 Translate all of the Aspect runes. Aspect RedAspect Red
ON-icon-runestone-Okori.png Essence 10 Translate all of the Essence runes. Essence GreenEssence Green
Mundane Runes
ON-icon-achievement-Mundane Rune Harvester.png Mundane Rune Harvester 5 Harvest your first Mundane Rune.
ON-icon-achievement-Expert Mundane Rune Harvester.png Expert Mundane Rune Harvester 10 Harvest 25 Mundane Runes.
ON-icon-achievement-Master Mundane Rune Harvester.png Master Mundane Rune Harvester 15 Harvest 100 Mundane Runes.
ON-icon-achievement-Novice Enchanting Furnisher.png Novice Enchanting Furnisher 5 Learn your first Enchanting Praxis.
ON-icon-achievement-Expert Enchanting Furnisher.png Expert Enchanting Furnisher 15 Learn 15 Enchanting Praxises.
ON-icon-achievement-Master Enchanting Furnisher.png Master Enchanting Furnisher 50 Learn 50 Enchanting Praxises.
ON-icon-quest-Scroll 01.png Rune Tapper 5 Harvest the resources from one Enchanting survey report.
ON-icon-quest-Scroll 01.png Rune Collector 10 Harvest the resources from 10 Enchanting survey reports.
ON-icon-quest-Scroll 01.png Expert Runefinder 15 Harvest the resources from 30 Enchanting survey reports.