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The Imperfect
LG-cardart-Awakened Imperfect.png
The Imperfect (Legends)
Type Golem (Factotum)
Range Clockwork City
Appears in

Tribunal, ESO, Legends

The Imperfect is a factotum variant designed with advanced combat features. A new prototype is created and is improved upon each time it is destroyed. Sequence plaques are collected to be analyzed for their data after each combat test so further advancements are made. One day it shall obtain its true form, and fulfill its ultimate goal.[1] Around the 2E 582, the Vestige encountered and defeated several Imperfect factotums during their journey in the Clockwork City within the Asylum Sanctorum and the Sanctuary of Verification. They were aided by one in the Ventral Terminus. In the Third Era, two of these giant constructs were created by Sotha Sil for the purpose of guarding him in his Clockwork City. Only one was functional during the Nerevarine's venture to the Clockwork City in 3E 427; it attacked the Nerevarine and was defeated.

