User talk:TheRealLurlock/2006 08
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Construction Set[edit]
I've been slowly figuring out how to find info in the construction set, but I just spent an hour searching for something with no luck: where are the skill dialogues like "You have the hands of a smith. Must have spent some time repairing your gear" hiding at? I know you pulled those all up at one point, I'm just curious about how you found them. Thanks. --Nephele 17:41, 11 August 2006 (EDT)
- See User talk:Nephele for my answer. There's probably other ways to find them too though. --Actreal 18:15, 11 August 2006 (EDT)
The Khajiit Ra'qanar seems to have disappeared from your NPC lists; a minimal NPC page for him was created at some point (Ra'qanar). According to the construction set there is someone by that name, but I'm feeling too lazy at the moment to do anything more.... Any chance you want to figure out who he/she is? --Nephele 23:19, 12 August 2006 (EDT)
(By the way, Daveh fixed both the Orphaned pages and Wantedpages, which is how I came across this NPC) --Nephele 23:21, 12 August 2006 (EDT)
- Simple. Somebody must have copied some content from MS Word, as there's a difference between Ra’qanar and Ra'qanar. Word changes those generic quotes to the slanted apostrophes, which makes a different page. I always use the regular quote that appears when you type in the browser. I noticed a number of these slanted quotes on the Trainers page a couple of days ago, and it was breaking the links to all of the Khajiit names. I changed them all to regular quotes. I guess the Ra’qanar page can be deleted, as there's not much on it, and the Ra'qanar tells you everything you need to know about him. --TheRealLurlock 23:39, 12 August 2006 (EDT)