User talk:Daveh/Shadowkey Models
This is a description of the various model file formats used in Shadowkey.
This file is a text file containing one line per model entry in the format:
[Index] [Unknown1] [Width] [Height] [Filename]
Fields are separated by one space.
- Index -- The 0-based model index.
- Unknown1 -- Either 0 or 2. Is 2 when the width/height fields are non-zero.
- Width
- Height -- Assumed to be a size of some sort, either texture or model size. Is usually a power of 2 but not always.
This file holds model offsets and sizes for the Models.huge file. All fields are Little Endian.
dword NumModels struct { dword Offset dword Size } [NumModels]
- Offset -- Start offset of the model in Models.huge from the start of the file.
- Size -- Size bytes of the model in the Models.huge file.
This file is simply composed of concatenated model data (no header/footer or data between models). Use the Models.idx file to determine model offsets and sizes for reading.
Model Format[edit]
This is the format of individual models contained in the Models.huge file. All fields are Little Endian. It is composed of a short header followed by multiple variable length records.
Header // 14 bytes VertexData[] UVData[] FaceData[] TextureHeader // 6 bytes TextureData[] Footer[]
The model header is a short 14 byte record containing record counts:
word Magic // Always 7 word NumAnimations // Assumed? word NumVertexes word NumUVs word NumFaces word Unknown1 // Doesn't seem to be used? word Unknown2 // Always 1
Vertex Data[edit]
The vertex data immediately follows the header data and is composed of word XYZ vertex coordinates. The size and number of vertexes can be calculated from:
TotalVertexes = NumAnimations * NumVertexes ByteSize = NumAnimations * NumVertexes * 6
Note that a fair number of models only have 1 animation.
UV Texture Data[edit]
Immediately following the vertex data is assumed to be word UV texture coordinate data. The size of this section can be calculated from:
ByteSize = NumUVs* 4
The values range from 0 to 65535 (confirmed, max value may depend on texture size?).
Face Data[edit]
Immediately following the UV data is the face data. The size of this section can be calculated from:
ByteSize = NumFaces * 12
Each face record is 12 bytes composed of 6 word values representing a vertex index (0-based):
word v[6]
Texture Header and Data[edit]
Immediately following the face data is a small texture header and the pixel texture data. The header has the format:
word NumTextures word Width word Height
Following the header are the texture data in RGB values stored in word values (each color in 4 bits). Total size of the texture pixel data can be calculated form:
ByteSize = NumTextures * Width * Height
Note that this doesn't use any information from the model header. The RGB value can be extracted from the word value by (not confirmed):
byte r = ((Value & 0x00f) << 4) + (Value & 0x00f) byte g = ((Value & 0x0f0) >> 4) + (Value & 0x0f0) byte b = ((Value & 0xf00) >> 8) + ((Value & 0xf00) >> 8)
The image might be stored from the bottom up (bottom line is first in the data).
Animation Data[edit]
After the texture data and at the end of the file is a small footer with animation data. It is composed of a record count followed by that many 6 byte records.
word numAnims struct { word StartFrame word EndFrame word Speed } [numAnims]