This user is knowledgeable about Skyrim. |
This user is knowledgeable about Oblivion. |
This user is male. |
This user is a Christian. |
This user is not a Fuzzy Wuzzy Teddy Bear. |
This user is right-handed. |
This user is from the United States. |
This user plays on the Xbox. |
This user HATES (almost) every Nord |
This user knows much, tells some. |
This user worships Sheogorath. |
This user fights for the Empire in the Skyrim Civil War. |
My Story
For me i found this website during my Oblivion experience while i was searching for walkthroughs and then i found it... the lore pages!I spent hours on this website soaking in all the knowledge and that was a year ago just recently i figured out you could make an account so i guess im a newbie fishsticks anyone?Well soon enough i got skyrim and i used UESP for it too! i don't have much to wright about when it comes to my experience here but Ive put hours into the games themselves and will be happy helping out anybody.
My Characters
Currently i have only one character and he lives through both Oblivion and Skyrim and has a reasonable explanation (at least i hope)
Zargox was born in the black marsh before the times of the oblivion crisis when pirates raided his village his mother and other argonians took to the seas and sailed all the way to Anvil when they finally arrived they were all weary and were ambushed by dummer slavers zargox's mother set her infant child down in a soft patch of moss were he in sleepy eyes watched as his mother was taken.Zargox grew up on the docks were he learned to fend for himself.When he reached the age of ten he set of to the city of Kvatch and took on the roll of a city guard at the age of 20 he married a fair nord woman name sally who cared not about his race and more about his personality.Then one fateful day the gates of oblivion opened outside of kvatch in the chaos sally was killed and in rage he stormed right into oblivion and shut close the gates himself but was tragically trapped inside.After months of eating scamp skin he saw another gate open an he ran right through.He awoke on top of a mountain bordering the lands of skyrim not knowing the date he saw a khajiit caravan and asked for the date to his dismay the caravan guard promptly told him 4E201.It took zargox a minute to realize that time passed slower in the realms of oblivion he stayed with the caravan until they reached the town of riverwood were zargox met a woman named delphine who after a long examination she accused him of being the hero of old...The Dragonborn!After a long and exhausting journey Zargox found himself in sovenguard were he defeated alduin once and for all for alduins exploding body dropped the mysterious blade Vulsunguard the god protector.zargox wondered why he had been given this blade when he realized he must have inherited some of alduins power.he returned home to his new wife ysolda to find her missing from that point he made it his quest to find ysolda and bring peace to the land of tamreil and maybe one day all of nirn.Zargox has currently found a passion in hunting and examining the animals of skyrim.
My links
Zargox bloodeye/My Fanfiction
--finding out who would win in a all out battle between a dog,a husky,and a death hound