User:Sliter/Chapters 3-4
Chapter Three[edit]
The Fighters Guild[edit]
Junsten arrived in Anvil. He immeadietly went to the fighters guild looking to join. He spoke with Azzan like the poster at the Inn said. Azzan said to him "What you've already..." he stopped and said "Welcome aboard you are now an asocciate of the Cyrodill Fighters Guild!". Junsten found it wierd that Azzan stopped, he wanted to say to Azzan "What had he already done.". Azzan quickly signed him to a contract, telling Junsten he had to go speak with Arvena Thelas who had a rat problem. A rat problem Junsten thought! Who in Akatosh's name would keep rats? He thought Arvena Thelas must be on skooma! He chuckled about the skooma until he arrived at the house of Arvena Thelas. Junsten knocked on the door and entered he was prepared to see piles of bottles of skooma. Arvena greeted Junsten and said her rats are being attacked and there is something in the basement now. Junsten found it out to be a mountain lion attacking the rats, he sneaked up and killed the lion and went to tell Arvena. She said to go talk to Pinarus Inventius. After a talk with Pinarus, Junsten and him went hunting for more lions. They found a group of them and destroyed them. Junsten went to tell Arvena the news she said another lion was in the basement so he went and killed it. She then said that she thinks it is Quil-Weave the Argonian next door that hates the rats and to to follow and confront her if she does anything suspicious. Junsten found the Argonian leaving venison at a hole leading into Arvena Thelas' basement, he confronted her she said she just wanted to lure them out not atract lions and she was sorry. She offered a training session in acrobatics as a bribe to not tell Arvena , but being loyal to his duty at the fighters guild he told Arvena what happened. Arvena then gave Junsten a training session in seechcraft. The he reported to Azzan for his contract reward which he was told is a certain amount of money. Junsten went to the Inn in Anvil felling proud of what he had done that day. With the gold he got some good food and wine to eat and drink, but still inside Junsten something was eating him up still, it was Azzan early that day with his pause. The question was what had he already done and why did Azzan not continue but insted continue like he didn't know him? Junsten knew Azzan had met him before, he had to confront him when he was higher ranked than him. It was now 3 AM closing time at the inn unless you where staying in a room. Junsten was drunk. He looked at the side of the wine bottle he thought he saw a picture of him sef with the word MISSING above it. When Junsten was in his bed at the guild he wondered was it his eyes playing tricks or the real deal?
Chapter Four[edit]
The Arena[edit]
Junsten was bored! With no contracts and the most entertainment with the other members is talking about how someone defeated 2 minoutors at once. Too be honest Junsten didn't care, he was in the Fighters Guild for the money. The only thing keeping him sane was thinking about stuff like: why he was in prison, what was with Azzan and the wine bottle he thought he saw himself on. The Fighters Guild monthly meeting was called and the members were looking through the post and letters they got everyone was invited to join The Arena (this was because the new Grand Champion had slaughtered the blue team and they need recruits for the blue team). After the meeting he travled to The Arena and joined. He was insulted by Owyn the Blademaster. As Junsten specialised in heavy armour he chosed the heavy rainment. His first match was against a women with a sword and a light shield. One charge at Junsten from her and a slash of the sword by Junsten later she was dead. He went to the Basin of Renewal and freshened up. Owyn was stunned when he saw him he gave him 50 gold since he was only a Pit Dog. Junsten was heading to an Inn and a man stoped him. The mans name was Dion he told Junsten he was captain of the Skingrad Guard and he wanted to employ Junsten as a Guard of his City Watch. Junsten hesitently accepted the offer and was told he started duty in two days giving him enough time to get equipted with the right material. What was instore for him he thought he was not sure wether to be happy because he got a new job or to be worried because he new Skingrad was a wierd place!