This user is female. |
This user is from Ukraine. |
This user is an atheist. |
This user is a proud supporter of the LGBT community. |
This user is knowledgeable about Oblivion. |
I play Morrowind GotY and Oblivion GotY for years, sometimes I write small mods to suit my needs.
Morrowind is my fav, never liked Oblivion as much as i like Morrowind. So i play Morrowind more. Oblivion is too linear and easy. I get bored fast.
I dislike knights of the nine due to road shrines bug and fame/infamy things. Also i dislike main quest in Morrowind, so always go for back path, permanent loss of health is nothing to be compared with running ashlands back and forth.
My characters always different. I try all races, usually with custom class. The only thing that is common is no stealing. Morrowind is getting pretty easy if you steal all good things early in game. The other positive impact of being honest is that when you faced jail, nothing from your belongings will be taken from you. I like the idea to kill, pay gold and move on :)
My Current character is Orc female, atronach birthsign, custom class with majors in Axe, Armorer, Long Blade, Heavy Armor and minors in Enchant, Security, Sneak, Acrobatics and Mercantile. I decided to limit her training (do not buy training ever) and to see how she'll perform with level increase. So far so good. real beast with bound Axe :)
- I'm not native english speaker, i'm ukrainian. Don't point my mistakes, grammar is over my powers, so boring. Oxyk 01:35, 21 January 2012 (UTC)