User:Lolzax/Complete Roleplaying Guide
How To Roleplay, the complete guide on Roleplaying in Oblivion[edit]
Getting out of Prison[edit]
You probably don’t want to start your character in a prison, assisting the blades and the emporer and being a complete hero. Don’t worry though, just use these simple steps to escape it without actually escaping it.
Step 1 – Create your character like normal.
Step 2 – Once you get into the cell, don’t go over near the bars. Just use the console command [coc testinghall] to go to the testinghall, out of the prison.
Step 3– Now stop. Don’t do anything and look behind you at the green tinted door on the right. Go through it. You should end up in a village called Hawkhaven. If not keep trying.
Step 4 – Now just basically go into your map and fast travel into the waterfront. Use the command [player.additem 00000000F 25] to get your starting gold. Good luck.
Choosing a Home[edit]
You cannot start your adventures in the middle of a mansion that is yours, full set of Daedric armor and weapons with special artefacts around your home. No, you must start small. From a lowly Waterfront citizen. The Waterfront is a good place to start because there are two places to start without having to buy a house. These places are…
A: The Abandoned House[edit]
In the Abandoned house you will find two people. Use the code [disable] on one of them to take their bed. You will not get a bounty for doing this. There are sacks and barrels around the place that you can put your clothes and food in. If you prefer to own the place, [disable] the other man.
B: The Bloated Float Inn[edit]
You can also rent a room in the Bloated Float inn. You will need 10 septims to buy this room, so you can either live in the house, or spend some of your precious money on the Abandoned House. Another problem here is that when you sleep for the first time you will get hijacked by Blackwater bandits. Just go around [kill] ing them and don’t pick up anything off their bodies, and use the [player.removeitem 00000000F #] to get rid of the reward money.
Once you choose your home, you should only have Sack Cloth Pants, Sack Cloth Shirt, Sandals and 25 gold left in your inventory. If you have any un-removable quest items, I will explain that further in. Forget about them for now.
Time and Calender[edit]
Now this is not really necessary to have, but it can make the game a bit more organized and controlled. A timetable. Look here for a Calender of Skyrim (closest I could find to one like Oblivion) and the days of the week. As I said, this isn't really necessary.
You can also change Time. For example you can have it tick by real time. A minute is a minute, an hour an hour etc. To do this, just write these commands.
set timescale to [1-30]
I like having it at around 10-15. It’s not too fast but no too slow.
Having it at 1 will make it tick like real time. Sometimes it feels like this takes forever to get from 1:00 to 2:00.
NOTE THAT: The limit is at least 30. Do not make it higher then 60 at least. Otherwise it’ll take AGES to load when you fast travel/go into a building.
Waterfront Jobs[edit]
There is only one job in the waterfront but It has fairly good salary. You can work at the Bloated Float easy and free. It pays up to 20$ a day for the top-most rank.
The Bloated Float[edit]
The Bloated Float is a floating boat on the Waterfront. It has fairly nice company at 12pm to 6pm. Everything in there is grabbable without getting fined and if you use the [unlock] code on the Storage Room Door on the deck you can get in their and take and place stuff without getting fined either. It’s owner does not sell anything though, which is kind of weird.
Rank 1 – The Cleaner 10:00am – 5:00pm[edit]
You get paid 5 septims a day for what? You job is simple. You must go around and make sure nobody makes a mess, clean up after people, and dust the floor and clean the tables. Here is a guide on how to do the job properly.
Clean Up – Just go around after people leave and pick up any fallen object, placing them back on the table.
Dust the Floor – Go around and just make a sweeping motion with your mouse. Make sure to sweep where people walk!
Clean the Tables – After people leave just move the objects aside and make a cleaning motion with your crosshair.
Once you have been a Cleaner for ten days you advance to the rank of Chef.
Salary – 5 Septims a Day, 25 Septims a week, 50 septims until advancement.
Rank 2 – Chef – 9:00am – 5:00pm[edit]
For this job you get paid 10 septims a day. You must go around and ask people what they want, go get it and bring it back and place it on their table. You refill plates as well when they are empty. How do I do this, you say?
Ask People – Just go around and pretend (or talk to) people and you decide what they want.
Bring Food – Just get stuff out of the Storage Room downstairs, or around the tables. There is also a cupboard behind the bar.
Refill Plates – Just make sure the plates and bowls don’t run out of food.
Once you have been a Chef for 15 days you advance to the rank of Bouncer.
Salary – 10 Septims a day, 50 septims a week, 100 septims until advancement.
Rank 3 – Bouncer 12:00pm – 6:00pm[edit]
Any trouble going on here? You get paid 15 septims a day for this job. Go around and make sure no one acts suspiciously. If you want a real barfight, use the command [setcrimegold #] on a target you think suspicious. Do the number around 50 so that others attack that target. You can go over and kill/nearly kill that target. Once you nearly kill the target, type in either [setcrimegold 0] or [stopcombat]. An alternative is to just attack the target yourself but before the guards come use the [player.payfine] console code.
I think I already explained it :P.
Once you have been Bouncer for 20 days you get an advancement to the final rank.
Salary – 15 septims a day, 75 septims a week, 150 septims until advancement.
Rank 4 – Manager[edit]
You’ve worked for a long time at the Bloated Float. You are only forced to come at 3:00pm till 6:00pm. Any other time you can do whatever you want. Come to the Bloated Float and leave the Bloated Float. At 3:00pm you have to go around and do all the above jobs until five, and then you can get your pay as manager.
You are the final rank. No advancement.
Salary – 20 septims a day, 100 septims a week.