Indeed, it is I! Sahasrahla![edit]
I mean, Gandalffi. You know the wizard from the Lord of the Rings? A cheap knockoff of him. I'm totally not a 16 year old British kid. Promise.
Ask me anything, and I'll answer... Odds are it'll be a sarcastic as hell answer, but I'll do it anyway.
Current things I'm doing:
1.) Checking off schedules on the Oblivion NPC Redesign Project Unchecked Schedules category;
2.) Pretty much nothing else at all.
Find me on the forums under the username Gandalf. Or on here, seeing as you've already made it all this way. I check the forums more often that I check the wiki though, so if I'm slow in replying on my discussion page and it's urgent, try contacting me there instead. It might yield faster results.