Alchemical Sublimation of Minds through Awe[edit]
(setting disposition to 100 and setting prices to 1 drake using Fortify Fatigue potions)
Obtain Apparatus[edit]
- An apprentice mortar and pestle will do, but more and better apparatus will help especially during the bootstrapping of intelligence.
Example: Purchase a Journeyman's Mortar and Pestle from Ernand Thierry in the Caldera Guild of Mages for around 450 drakes.
Bootstrap Intelligence[edit]
- Follow the well known process of making and using Fortify Intelligence potions to boost Intelligence to around 14800.
Example: Bring about 1000 drakes to Wolverine Hall in Sadrith Mora. Purchase 300 Ash Yams and 300 Netch Leather from Aunius Autrus at the Imperial Shrine. Make 1 Fortify Intelligence potion, swallow it, and repeat (lots of failures until Intelligence hits about 650). Once Intelligence has been bootstrapped to about 14800, stop swallowing and make about 30 potions to avoid the lengthy bootstrap in the future (potions should be around 500 points for 1500 seconds).
Concoct Awe Potions[edit]
- Make Fortify Fatigue potions with a fortify value of around 1000. These are termed Awe potions for ease of reference.
Example: Purchase 50 Scrib Jerky from Aunius Autrus. Walk upstairs to the Mages Guild and purchase 50 Hound Meat from Tusamircil. Verify intelligence is around 14800. Make Awe Potions for future Sublimation (potions should Fortify Fatigue around 1000 points for 3000 seconds).
Sublimate At Will[edit]
- Fortify Fatigue above 4000, then set disposition to 100 and prices to 1 drake. This action is termed sublimation for ease of reference.
Example: Quaff 4 Awe potions to boost fatigue above 4000. Talk to the enchanting Dabienne Mornardl in the Mages Guild in Wolverine Hall. Persuade and Admire her (set disposition to 100). Barter or Enchant with her (All Items and Services are priced 1 drake).
General Notes[edit]
- Once a mind has undergone Sublimation only 1 Awe potion is required to reactivate it. (Fortify Fatigue to around 1000 to set Prices to 1 drake).
- All Services (Training, Spells, Enchanting, Travel, etc) are 1 drake for a Sublimated mind.
- All trades are 1 drake for a Sublimated mind. If for some reason you want to sell an item to a Sublimated mind for more than 1 drake, wait for the Awe potion to wear off. High Fatigue lowers prices. Alternately, just haggle for all the drakes if you are feeling greedy.
- Mindless creatures such as the Creeper in Ghorak Manor in Caldera are immune to Sublimation.
- Some of the stronger minds may require an additional Awe potion for Sublimation.
- Sleep or slow travel to clear the Fatigue fortification. An Awe potion should wear off with 24 hours of sleep.
Side Effects[edit]
- Other highly fortified attributes used in fatigue calculations can be problematic. For example, avoid fortifying Endurance to high values while attempting sublimation. More Awe potions may be needed to offset reducing values.
- Avoid running, jumping, and combat while under the effects of Fortify Fatigue. Using fatigue while it is fortified can cause you to pass out for quite some time once the fortification wears off.
- It is doubtful that an Attack can hit you while highly Awed. Conversely, you are a highly effective attacker, but you should probably just walk away.
- When you are under the effects of Fortify Fatigue, raising attributes used in fatigue calculations can cause a fortification of fatigue that is semi-permanent. This fatigue fortification will not wear off when Awe is done, but actions that normally use fatigue will work off the excess fatigue. This extra fatigue is not dangerous and can be used up as needed.
- Taking damage from something like a big jump while under the effects of fortify fatigue can cause a semi-permanent non-dangerous fortification of health.