- 1 Daggerfall:Unity Default Shortcut Keys
- 1.1 Dialog shortcuts
- 1.2 Game Setup menu
- 1.3 Main menu
- 1.4 Options menu
- 1.5 General
- 1.6 Debugger
- 1.7 Rest menu
- 1.8 Transport menu
- 1.9 Travel map screen
- 1.10 Talk screen
- 1.11 Spellbook screen
- 1.12 Travel menu
- 1.13 Character Sheet screen
- 1.14 Quest Journal screen
- 1.15 Player History screen
- 1.16 Inventory screen
- 1.17 Merchant menu
- 1.18 Trade screen
- 1.19 Taverns menu
- 1.20 Guilds
- 1.21 Witches Covens
- 1.22 Spellmaker screen
- 1.23 Automap
- 1.24 Exterior Automap
Daggerfall:Unity Default Shortcut Keys[edit]
NOTE: Added in Alpha 0.10.18. These are not all changeable either in the "Controls" menu or in the platform specific Persistent Data Path location of "Daggerfall Workshop\Daggerfall Unity\KeyBinds.txt".
These tables show the default shortcut keys that are used by the Daggerfall:Unity version of the game. Many of these keys are "context sensitive", meaning their exact function depends upon and changes between the context of the specific screens when they are used. They should not be bound to "hotkeys" as they can produce unexpected results anywhere else.
Dialog shortcuts[edit]
Instead of clicking on the respective message box buttons with the mouse cursor during dialog, you may press the Y or N keys respectively to accept or decline an offer or quest. This is especially useful when your choices appear limited; as for instance when you are speaking with one of the Daedric Princes, as their quest dialog does not provide a message box, and therefore has no way besides these keys to interact with them.
Dialog Shortcuts | |
Choice | Key |
Accept | A |
Reject | R |
Cancel | C |
Yes | Y |
No | N |
OK | O |
Male | M |
Female | F |
Add | A |
Delete | D |
Edit | E |
Copy | C |
Guilty | G |
NotGuilty | N |
Debate | D |
Lie | L |
Anchor | A |
Teleport | T |
The following keys act as indicated in the context of this specific screen.
Game Setup menu | |
GameSetupPlay | P |
GameSetupAdvancedSettings | A |
GameSetupMods | M |
GameSetupClose | C |
GameSetupBackToOptions | O |
GameSetupRestart | R |
GameSetupRefresh | R |
GameSetupSaveAndClose | S |
GameSetupExit | E |
The following keys act as indicated in the context of this specific screen.
Main menu | |
MainMenuLoad | L |
MainMenuStart | S |
MainMenuExit | E |
The following keys act as indicated in the context of this specific screen.
Options menu | |
OptionsExit | E |
OptionsContinue | C |
OptionsSave | S |
OptionsLoad | L |
OptionsControls | N |
OptionsFullScreen | F |
OptionsHeadBobbing | H |
General | |
HUDToggle | Shift-F10 |
The following keys act as indicated in the context of this specific screen.
Debugger | |
DebuggerToggle | Shift-Tab |
DebuggerPrevQuest | LeftBracket |
DebuggerNextQuest | RightBracket |
The following keys act as indicated in the context of this specific screen.
Rest menu | |
RestForAWhile | F |
RestUntilHealed | U |
RestLoiter | L |
RestStop | S |
The following keys act as indicated in the context of this specific screen.
Transport menu | |
TransportFoot | F |
TransportHorse | H |
TransportCart | C |
TransportShip | S |
TransportExit | E |
Travel map screen[edit]
The following keys act as indicated in the context of this specific screen.
Travel map screen | |
TravelMapFind | F |
TravelMapList | L |
Talk screen[edit]
The following keys act as indicated in the context of this specific screen.
Talk screen | |
TalkTellMeAbout | A |
TalkWhereIs | W |
TalkCategoryLocation | L |
TalkCategoryPeople | P |
TalkCategoryThings | T |
TalkCategoryWork | J |
TalkAsk | O |
TalkExit | G |
TalkCopy | C |
TalkTonePolite | F1 |
TalkToneNormal | F2 |
TalkToneBlunt | F3 |
Spellbook screen[edit]
The following keys act as indicated in the context of this specific screen.
Spellbook screen | |
SpellbookDelete | L |
SpellbookUp | U |
SpellbookSort | S |
SpellbookDown | D |
SpellbookBuy | B |
SpellbookExit | E |
The following keys act as indicated in the context of this specific screen.
Travel menu | |
TravelBegin | B |
TravelExit | E |
TravelSpeedToggle | S |
TravelTransportModeToggle | T |
TravelInnCampOutToggle | N |
Character Sheet screen[edit]
The following keys act as indicated in the context of this specific screen.
Character Sheet screen | |
CharacterSheetName | N |
CharacterSheetLevel | V |
CharacterSheetGold | G |
CharacterSheetHealth | H |
CharacterSheetAffiliations | A |
CharacterSheetPrimarySkills | F1 |
CharacterSheetMajorSkills | F2 |
CharacterSheetMinorSkills | F3 |
CharacterSheetMiscSkills | F4 |
CharacterSheetInventory | I |
CharacterSheetSpellbook | S |
CharacterSheetLogbook | L |
CharacterSheetHistory | T |
CharacterSheetExit | E |
Quest Journal screen[edit]
The following keys act as indicated in the context of this specific screen.
Quest Journal screen | |
JournalNextCategory | N |
JournalNextPage | DownArrow |
JournalPreviousPage | UpArrow |
JournalExit | E |
Player History screen[edit]
The following keys act as indicated in the context of this specific screen.
Player History screen | |
HistoryNextPage | DownArrow |
HistoryPreviousPage | UpArrow |
HistoryExit | E |
Inventory screen[edit]
The following keys act as indicated in the context of this specific screen.
Inventory screen | |
InventoryWeapons | F1 |
InventoryMagic | F2 |
InventoryClothing | F3 |
InventoryIngredients | F4 |
InventoryWagon | W |
InventoryInfo | I |
InventoryEquip | E |
InventoryRemove | R |
InventoryUse | U |
InventoryGold | G |
InventoryExit | X |
The following keys act as indicated in the context of this specific situation.
Merchant menu | |
MerchantRepair | R |
MerchantTalk | T |
MerchantSell | S |
MerchantExit | E |
Trade screen[edit]
The following keys act as indicated in the context of this specific screen.
Trade screen | |
TradeWagon | W |
TradeInfo | I |
TradeSelect | S |
TradeSteal | T |
TradeBuy | B |
TradeIdentify | D |
TradeRepair | R |
TradeSell | L |
TradeClear | C |
TradeExit | X |
The following keys act as indicated in the context of this specific situation.
Taverns menu | |
TavernRoom | R |
TavernTalk | T |
TavernFood | F |
TavernExit | G |
The following keys act as indicated in the context of this specific situation.
Guilds | |
GuildsJoin | J |
GuildsTalk | T |
GuildsExit | E |
GuildsTraining | R |
GuildsGetQuest | G |
GuildsRepair | R |
GuildsIdentify | I |
GuildsDonate | D |
GuildsCure | C |
GuildsBuyPotions | B |
GuildsMakePotions | M |
GuildsBuySpells | B |
GuildsMakeSpells | M |
GuildsBuyMagicItems | B |
GuildsMakeMagicItems | M |
GuildsSellMagicItems | S |
GuildsTeleport | L |
GuildsDaedraSummon | D |
GuildsSpymaster | S |
GuildsBuySoulgems | B |
GuildsReceiveArmor | R |
GuildsReceiveHouse | R |
Witches Covens[edit]
The following keys act as indicated in the context of this specific situation.
Witch Covens | |
WitchesTalk | T |
WitchesDaedraSummon | D |
WitchesQuest | Q |
WitchesExit | E |
Spellmaker screen[edit]
The following keys act as indicated in the context of this specific screen.
Spellmaker screen | |
SpellMakerAddEffect | A |
SpellMakerBuySpell | B |
SpellMakerNewSpell | W |
SpellMakerExit | E |
SpellMakerNameSpell | N |
SpellMakerTargetCaster | Shift-C |
SpellMakerTargetTouch | Shift-T |
SpellMakerTargetSingleAtRange | Shift-S |
SpellMakerTargetAroundCaster | Shift-A |
SpellMakerTargetAreaAtRange | Shift-R |
SpellMakerElementFire | Ctrl-F |
SpellMakerElementCold | Ctrl-C |
SpellMakerElementPoison | Ctrl-P |
SpellMakerElementShock | Ctrl-S |
SpellMakerElementMagic | Ctrl-M |
SpellMakerNextIcon | F1 |
SpellMakerPrevIcon | F2 |
SpellMakerSelectIcon | I |
The following keys act as indicated in the context of this specific screen.
Automap | |
AutomapSwitchAutomapGridMode | Space |
AutomapResetView | Backspace |
AutomapResetRotationPivotAxisView | Ctrl-Backspace |
AutomapSwitchFocusToNextBeaconObject | Tab |
AutomapSwitchToNextAutomapRenderMode | Return |
AutomapSwitchToAutomapRenderModeCutout | F2 |
AutomapSwitchToAutomapRenderModeWireframe | F3 |
AutomapSwitchToAutomapRenderModeTransparent | F4 |
AutomapSwitchToAutomapBackgroundOriginal | F5 |
AutomapSwitchToAutomapBackgroundAlternative1 | F6 |
AutomapSwitchToAutomapBackgroundAlternative2 | F7 |
AutomapSwitchToAutomapBackgroundAlternative3 | F8 |
AutomapMoveLeft | LeftArrow |
AutomapMoveRight | RightArrow |
AutomapMoveForward | UpArrow |
AutomapMoveBackward | DownArrow |
AutomapMoveRotationPivotAxisLeft | Ctrl-LeftArrow |
AutomapMoveRotationPivotAxisRight | Ctrl-RightArrow |
AutomapMoveRotationPivotAxisForward | Ctrl-UpArrow |
AutomapMoveRotationPivotAxisBackward | Ctrl-DownArrow |
AutomapRotateLeft | Alt-LeftArrow |
AutomapRotateRight | Alt-RightArrow |
AutomapRotateCameraLeft | Shift-LeftArrow |
AutomapRotateCameraRight | Shift-RightArrow |
AutomapRotateCameraOnCameraYZplaneAroundObjectUp | Shift-UpArrow |
AutomapRotateCameraOnCameraYZplaneAroundObjectDown | Shift-DownArrow |
AutomapUpstairs | PageUp |
AutomapDownstairs | PageDown |
AutomapIncreaseSliceLevel | Ctrl-PageUp |
AutomapDecreaseSliceLevel | Ctrl-PageDown |
AutomapZoomIn | KeypadPlus |
AutomapZoomOut | KeypadMinus |
AutomapIncreaseCameraFieldOfFiew | KeypadMultiply |
AutomapDecreaseCameraFieldOfFiew | KeypadDivide |
Exterior Automap[edit]
The following keys act as indicated in the context of this specific situation.
Exterior Automap | |
ExtAutomapFocusPlayerPosition | Tab |
ExtAutomapResetView | Backspace |
ExtAutomapSwitchToNextExteriorAutomapViewMode | Return |
ExtAutomapSwitchToExteriorAutomapViewModeOriginal | F2 |
ExtAutomapSwitchToExteriorAutomapViewModeExtra | F3 |
ExtAutomapSwitchToExteriorAutomapViewModeAll | F4 |
ExtAutomapSwitchToExteriorAutomapBackgroundOriginal | F5 |
ExtAutomapSwitchToExteriorAutomapBackgroundAlternative1 | F6 |
ExtAutomapSwitchToExteriorAutomapBackgroundAlternative2 | F7 |
ExtAutomapSwitchToExteriorAutomapBackgroundAlternative3 | F8 |
ExtAutomapMoveLeft | LeftArrow |
ExtAutomapMoveRight | RightArrow |
ExtAutomapMoveForward | UpArrow |
ExtAutomapMoveBackward | DownArrow |
ExtAutomapMoveToWestLocationBorder | Shift-LeftArrow |
ExtAutomapMoveToEastLocationBorder | Shift-RightArrow |
ExtAutomapMoveToNorthLocationBorder | Shift-UpArrow |
ExtAutomapMoveToSouthLocationBorder | Shift-DownArrow |
ExtAutomapRotateLeft | Ctrl-LeftArrow |
ExtAutomapRotateRight | Ctrl-RightArrow |
ExtAutomapRotateAroundPlayerPosLeft | Alt-LeftArrow |
ExtAutomapRotateAroundPlayerPosRight | Alt-RightArrow |
ExtAutomapUpstairs | PageUp |
ExtAutomapDownstairs | PageDown |
ExtAutomapZoomIn | KeypadPlus |
ExtAutomapZoomOut | KeypadMinus |
ExtAutomapMaxZoom1 | Ctrl-PageUp |
ExtAutomapMinZoom1 | Ctrl-PageDown |
ExtAutomapMinZoom2 | Ctrl-KeypadPlus |
ExtAutomapMaxZoom2 | Ctrl-KeypadMinus |