User:Daveh/Wiki Upgrade 1.22
The UESPWiki – Your source for The Elder Scrolls since 1995
Notes on the MediaWiki upgrade from 1.19.3 to v1.22.15
Wiki Differences[edit]
- extensions/Gadgets/Gadgets_body.php
- Lines 550/551 (end of isValidList()):
//UESP - Return false on empty array to prevent issue with memcached return false; // empty array
- Not propagating...if there's an issue try doing a null edit on [[MediaWiki::Gadgets-definition]].
- includes/logging/LogFormatter.php
- Lines 622 (in PatrolLogFormatter::getMessageParameters()):
$newParams = array_slice( $params, 0, 3 );
- Lines: 639/640
$params[3] = Message::rawParam( $revlink ); return $params;
- Not propagating...code moved to includes/logging/PatrolLogFormatter.php and seems to be due to old wiki code anyways.
- includes/logging/PatrolLog.php
- Line 30 (in PatrolLog::record()):
global $wgUser;
- Line 35 (in PatrolLog::record()):
$entry->setPerformer($wgUser, false);
- Not propagating...this appears to have been merged into the mediawiki code.
- skins/MonoBook.php
- Line 63:
global $wgUser;
- Lines 70-100
<!-- BEGIN UESP --> <?php if ( ! $wgUser->isLoggedIn() ) { ?> <!-- WikiLeaderboardTop --> <div class='center' style='width:728px; height:105px; overflow: hidden; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;'> <form method="post" target="_blank" id="form_topad" action=""> <input name="UespAdContent" type="hidden" value="unknown"> <input name="UespAdId" type="hidden" value="div-gpt-ad-1344720487368-2" /> <div id='div-gpt-ad-1344720487368-2' style='width:728px; height:90px;'> <script type='text/javascript'> googletag.cmd.push(function() { googletag.display('div-gpt-ad-1344720487368-2'); }); </script> </div> <div style='float: left;'> <small><a href='/wiki/UESPWiki:Site_Support'>What is this Ad?</a></small> </div> <div style='float: right;'> <small><a href="javascript:submitReportAdForm('div-gpt-ad-1344720487368-2', 'form_topad')">Report Ad</a></small> </div> </form> </div> <?php } ?> <!-- END UESP -->
- Lines 122-126
</div> <!-- BEGIN UESP --> <?php wfRunHooks( 'MonoBookPageBottom', array( &$this ) ); ?> <!-- End UESP --> </div>
- Lines 150-175
//BEGIN UESP if ( ! $wgUser->isLoggedIn() ) { ?> <div id="p-googlead" class="portlet" style="overflow: hidden; width: 162px; height: 625px; "> <form method="post" target="_blank" id="form_sidead" action=""> <input name="UespAdContent" type="hidden" value="unknown" /> <input name="UespAdId" type="hidden" value="div-gpt-ad-1344720487368-3" /> <div style="float: left;"> <small> <a href="/wiki/UESPWiki:Site_Support">What is this Ad?</a></small> </div> <div style="float: right;"> <small><a href="javascript:submitReportAdForm('div-gpt-ad-1344720487368-3', 'form_sidead')">Report Ad</a></small> </div> <!-- WikiMiddleWideSkyscraper --> <div class='center' id='div-gpt-ad-1344720487368-3' style='width:160px; height:600px; margin-right: auto; margin-left: auto;'> <script type='text/javascript'>googletag.cmd.push(function() { googletag.display('div-gpt-ad-1344720487368-3'); }); </script> </div> </form> </div> <?php } //END UESP
- All added to the overloaded method UespMonoBookTemplate::execute()'.
- Lines 252-257:
<!-- Begin UESP --> <button id="searchButton" title="Search UESP for this text" name="button" type="submit"> <img width="12" height="13" alt="Search" src="/w/extensions/UespCustomCode/files/search-icon.png"> </button> <!-- End UESP -->
- Added to the overloaded UespMonoBookTemplate::searchBox()
- Lines 261-273
<!-- BEGIN UESP --> <div id="p-googleplus" class="portlet" style="border: 1px solid #AAAAAA; background:#FBEFD5; margin: 0px; padding: 3px; width: 153px; overflow: hidden;"> <div class="g-plusone" data-annotation="inline" data-width="139"></div> <script type="text/javascript"> (function() { var po = document.createElement('script'); po.type = 'text/javascript'; po.async = true; po.src = ''; var s = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0]; s.parentNode.insertBefore(po, s); })(); </script> </div> <!-- END UESP -->
- Added to the overloaded UespMonoBookTemplate::searchBox()
- Lines 352-365 (function customBox()):
<?php foreach($cont as $key => $val) { if( function_exists('efSiteCustomCode') ) { if (substr($val['text'],0,1)=='*') { if (!$isindent) echo "\n<ul>\n"; $isindent = true; $val['text'] = trim(substr($val['text'],1)); } elseif ($isindent) { $isindent = false; echo "\n</ul>\n"; } } ?>
- Lines 368-370 (function customBox()):
<?php } if ($isindent) echo "\n</ul>\n"; ?>
- Both added to overloaded method UespMonoBookTemplate::customBox()
- Default in MediaWiki 1.19.3
- ConfirmEdit
- Gadgets
- Nuke
- ParserFunctions
- RenameUser
- Vector
- WikiEditor
- Added
- AbuseFilter (u)
- AntiSpoof (u)
- CategoryTree (u)
- CharInsert (u)
- CheckUser (u)
- Cite
- CustomCategory (u)
- DeleteBatch (u)
- DismissableSiteNotice (u)
- DynamicFunctions (u)
- Editcount (u)
- ExpandTemplates (u)
- ImageMap
- InputBox
- LabeledSectionTransclusion (u)
- MediaFunctions (u)
- MobileFrontEnd (u, mobile only)
- MWSearch (u)
- OAI (u)
- Patroller (u)
- ProtectSection (u)
- RegexFunctions (u)
- SimpleAntiSpam
- SpamBlacklist
- StringFunctions (u)
- TitleBlacklist
- TorBlock (u)
- WikiTextLoggedInOut (u)
- UESP Custom
- DailyEdits
- DragonFont
- JobQueue
- MetaTemplate
- qwebirChat
- SearchLog
- UespCustomCode
- UespMap
- UncategorizedUESPPages
- UsersEditCount
- No Longer Needed
- Asirra (built into ConfirmEdit)
- SphinxSearch
- uespdfp
- UespPaypal
- UespSiteStats
- Default in MediaWiki v1.22.2
- Cite
- ConfirmEdit
- Gadgets
- ImageMap
- InputBox
- Interwiki
- LocalisationUpdate
- Nuke
- ParserFunctions
- PdfHandler
- Poem
- Renameuser
- SimpleAntiSpam
- SpamBlacklist
- SyntaxHighlight_GeSHi
- TitleBlackList
- WikiEditor
Database Related[edit]
- MediaWiki DB Backup/Restore
- mysqldump --option ...
- Dump Time = 9:09
- Dump Size = 21GB (uncompressed)
- Restore Time = 58:23
- SQL: select/insert into new database (text table only)
- Direct Copy = 32:00
- Copy w/Disabled Indexes = 7:00
- Enable Index = 23:00 (30:00 total for copy and re-index)
- Percona Xtrabackup
- Reference
- Install:
yum install yum install percona-xtrabackup-20 //Regular version doesn't support MySQL v5.1?
- Create file cred.cnf
[client] username=... password=... !include /etc/my.cnf
- Running:
innobackupex --defaults-file cred.cnf --databases="uesp_net_wiki5" /backupdir
- Turn on innodb_file_per_table in MySQL
- Backup database with master file/index
- Stop slave
- Stop mysqld
- Edit /etc/my.cnf and add innodb_file_per_table = 1
- Start mysqld
- Restore complete database from backup
- Restart slave
- Full Backup on Content3 = 36:33 (79GB total)
- Wiki Backup = 13:01 (27GB total)
- Wiki Restore = ?
- Notes
- Can't do partial restores unless innodb_file_per_table is on in MySQL (currently off on all UESP MySQL installations)
- Upgrade Method A
- Set wikis to Read-Only (1 min)
- Backup db1 (10 min)
- Run upgrade (? min)
- Test/monitor (5 min)
- Turn writes back on (1 min)
- Total Time = ~20 min?
- In case of problem:
- Restore backup on db1 (1 hour)
- Test/monitor (5 min)
- Turn writes back on (1 min)
- Total Time = ~1 hour
- Comments
- No data lost if upgrade fails
- Potential read-only time of ~15 min on success
- Potential down time of > 1 hour on failure
- Upgrade Method B
- Set wikis to Read-Only (1 min)
- Backup db1 (10 min)
- Turn writes back on (1 min)
- Restore backup to new database on db1 (1 hour)
- Set wikis to Read-Only (1 min)
- Run upgrade (? min)
- Test/monitor (5 min)
- Turn writes back on (1 min)
- Total Time = ~1:20
- In case of problem:
- Switch to new backup database (1 min)
- Test/monitor (5 min)
- Turn writes back on (1 min)
- Total Time = 7 min
- Comments
- Some data lost if upgrade fails (any writes between backup and upgrade)
- Potential read-only time of ~15 min on success
- Potential downtime/read-only time of 1 min on failure (very little perceived downtime)
- Upgrade Method C
- Set wikis to Read-Only (1 min)
- Flush and turn off slave reads on content3 (1 min)
- Run upgrade (? min)
- Test/monitor (5 min)
- Turn writes back on (1 min)
- Restart slave on content3 eventually
- Total Time = 15 min?
- In case of problem:
- Switch to using content3 as primary read database (1 min)
- Total Time = 1 min
- Comments
- No data lost on failure
- Wiki stays in read-only mode on failure until upgrade succeeds (unless you restore a backup on db1)
- Potential downtime/read-only time of 1 min on failure (very little perceived downtime)
- Only 15 min of read-only time on success (all due to upgrade procedure)
Upgrade Procedure[edit]
- Post upgrade notice
- Set wiki to read-only (edit images/UESP_LOCK_DB file with message)
- Perform wiki backup on db1
- Turn read-only mode off (note: edits after this point may be lost if the upgrade fails)
- Restore backup on db1 to a new database (uesp_net_wikitmp)
- Set permissions for the new database on db1/db2/content3 (same as existing wiki)
- Create temporary folder, for the upgraded wiki
- Copy files dev wiki (not including images)
- Create sym-link to shared images
- Copy LocalSettings.php from existing wiki
- Edit the new LocalSettings.php:
- Remove $IP variable (no longer needed since v1.18)
- Remove call to set_include_path() at start
- Remove required include includes/DefaultSettings.php (included by default before LocalSettings)
- Remove check for $wgCommandLineMode
- Set $wgImageMagickConvertCommand = '/usr/bin/convert'; (remove old check)
- Set $wgDefaultSkin = 'uespmonobook';
- Disable extension CatagoryTree
- Disable extension CustomCategory
- Remove extension Asirra (built into ConfirmEdit)
- Remove extension SphinxSearch
- Remove extension uespdfp
- Remove extension UespPaypal
- Remove extension UespSiteStats
- Remove 3 lines related to $wgRC2UDP...
- Update $wgCacheEpochto current date
- Add extension QuestyCaptcha and related configuration lines
- Order extensions alphabetically
- Add APIEditBeforeSave hook code
- Add $wgAPIModules['createaccount'] = 'ApiDisabled';
- Add $wgAccountCreationThrottle = 1;
- Turn read-only mode back on
- Copy secrets into a new file secrets/wiki-new.secrets on all content servers
- Set v1.22.15 of the wiki to use the new secrets file
- Set live wiki to use the new database (edit secrets/wiki.secrets and change the $uespWikiDB variable)
- Perform backup of wiki to be upgraded (only needed to save any edits between the previous two read-only periods)
- Perform upgrade in the v1.22.15 wiki directory
- Swap v1.22.15 and existing live wiki paths
- Test wiki to ensure its working (on failure or any issues swap the swaps back so that the live site uses the old, read-only wiki)
- Turn read-only mode off
- Post upgrade success message
- Edit wiki.secrets back to use the main wiki database and revert use of wiki-new.secrets
- Removed Extensions:
- Asirra (built into ConfirmEdit)
- Include ConfirmEdit.php and Asirra.php from the ConfirmEdit directory
- SphinxSearch
- uespdfp
- UespPaypal
- UespSiteStats
- Renamed Extensions:
- EditCount to Editcount
- Include SpecialEditCount.php to Editcount.php
- Disabled Extensions:
- CustomCategory (has issues with MetaTemplate)
- CategoryTree (not used?)
- New Extensions:
- Issues
- MetaTemplate
- Call to undefined function wfLoadExtensionMessages() in /home/uespdev/www/w/extensions/MetaTemplate/MetaTemplate.php on line 209
- wfLoadExtensionMessages() is no longer used and can be deleted
- SearchLog
- Same issue with wfLoadExtensionMessages
- UespCustomCode
- Failed loading includes/ChangesList.php in SiteChangesList.php line 3
- File moved to includes/changes/
- Double Title on RecentChanges
- There are two system messages, MediaWiki:Recentchangestext and MediaWiki:Recentchanges-summary. According to what is used on Wikipedia the summary message should be the Track the most... and the text message contains more a detailed header text (if required, in our case it would be blank). After upgrade copy the text to the summary message and blank the text message.
- Double check all/none buttons in the advanced search area
- Remove checkboxes from div in extensions/UespCustomCode/SiteSpecialSearch.php (mw code adds buttons via JavaScript when page is loaded)
- Upgrade
- Time required on content3 (v1.22.2) = 2m 20s
- Time required on content3 (v1.22.15) = 5m 30s
- Wiki won't load without running upgrade.php (database error)
- Modified Files
- New directory /skins/UespMonoBook/
- Deleted directory mw-config/
- Modified LocalSettings.php
- As documented at [1]
$wgRC2UDPAddress = ''; $wgRC2UDPPort = 9390; $wgRC2UDPPrefix = ''; should be moved to $wgRCFeeds
Post Upgrade Notes[edit]
- Total Read-Only Time = 17 + 19 = 36 min
- Overall Update Time = 3 hours (2:57)
- MediaWiki Upgrade Time = 200 seconds (0:03:20)
- Wiki/Apache/PHP doesn't like it when you update the secret files from another server. Restarting Apache fixes it.
- With debugging/profiling enabled there are a few "deprecated" messages that may be worth investigating further
- Upgrade Issues/Bugs
- Slow page loads for a few hours (probably due clearing all caches at once and reset the $wgCacheEpoch in combination with the upgrade)
- SearchLog is broken due to database error: mysql_real_escape_string(): Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket...
- Broken gadgets/JS (may just have been a temporary cache/update issue)
- Special:SpecialPages won't load from Squid (unknown reason, added an explicit Squid rule to skip cache for this page)
- Search suggestions only work with main (0) namespace. Caused by a hard coded change to namespace used. Temporarily modified resources/mediawiki/mediawiki.SearchSuggest.js to add UESP content namespaces.
- Database XML dumps broke due to using customized scripts in maintenance/.
- Misc Display Issues
- User CSS doesn't work (have to move User:Name/monobook.css to User:Name/uespmonobook.css)
- Edit Lead Section overlaps protection icons
- Add New Section
- Missing Falmer Font (modify CSS)
- Drop-down menus gadget is broken (due to move to custom skin)
- Page title clipping on some browsers
- Background color in edit, preferences and login screens
- Diff colours changed
- Recent changes duplicate text (as noted above)
- Future Upgrades
- Currently no modified MediaWiki files (other than resources/mediawiki/mediawiki.SearchSuggest.js)
- Copy skins/UespMonoBook/