User:Captaincarrot/Exorcists Manual Trahd
This hefty tome contains hundred of pages of cramped script which exhaustively catalogues and describes thousands of apparent distinct varieties of salts used by the Exorcist orders
...Slag Salt: Unremarkable in color and countenance, making up 80% of salts derived from sea water. A weak purifier even when incanted, can still disrupt and stun minor spirits especially when used in large quantities. While it lacks potency, it is without specilization and can be applied in almost all situations. A diluting agent, lessens the power of other salts it is mixed with and must be removed from refined salts as much as is feasibly possible.
Tabric Salt: Forms cubic lattice crystals that are easily identifiable. Tastes of storms and mountain air. An extremely versatile salt which can tune to a variety of cants on the fly and with minimal repetition. Both abundant and flexible, Tabric salts are a staple of the order and used by novice and master alike.
Axal Salt: A rock salt, attractive to fireflies and repellant to spiders. Appears blue when observed under red light. An anti-magic agent that resonates with silence, and difficult to incant for the novice. Suspends in the air when thrown and makes a useful barrier to cover an advance or retreat.
Styg Salt: Cants for this salt have been lost, but useful nonetheless. Forms triangular structures that attract other salts while repelling metals. Burns blue in the presence of undead, brighter the closer and more numerous they are. Anathema to the risen dead, they will not approach a Styg Salt Flare unless forced to by a powerful compulsion.
Corod Salt: Smells of rusted iron and resonates with the hours before midnight. Disrupts the incorporeal by damaging the physical. Strong against Daedric entities and possessed objects. Destructive, it should not be used when it is imperative to recover the possessed object or person. In a pinch can be used to destroy mundane weapons and armor, but caution is required since it will just as easily destroy the equipment of the Exorcist. Difficult to store, containers must be replaced weekly to avert disaster.
Rose Brine: Collects in shallow lagoons and the bodies of crustatceans, it is a faint red color that grows darker the deeper one goes. It is a purifying agent, to protect onesself and places from corruptive influence. A tablet placed under the tongue protects against possession.
Benthic Salt: Crystallizes in the mouths of the drowned and burns a deep black. A powerful binding agent and dangerous to handle. Carries a volatile resonance once incanted but can trap even the most powerful spirit...