UESPWiki:Server Setup/New Servers Feb2011
The UESPWiki – Your source for The Elder Scrolls since 1995
- Ran setup script uesp-setup-common files1 (no issues)
- Ran setup script uesp-install-memcached (no issues)
- Ran setup script uesp-install-lighttpd (no issues)
- Ran setup script uesp-setup-shares (no issues)
- Copy files from current files server: rsync -avz dave@files1.uesp.net:/shared/* /shared/
- Changed password for user dave
- Ran setup script uesp-update-sshd (no issues)
- Note: Make sure that /etc/init.d/nfslock is running.
- Note: Add to NFS entries in /etc/host.allow.
- Installed Apache (for access to ab).
- Edit /etc/init.d/memcached to start service using the private IP and restart.
- Ran setup script uesp-setup-content content3 (failed to mount file shares)
- Manually mounted shares from the new files1, for example:
- mount newfiles1.uesp.net:/shared/uesp/wikiimages /mnt/test/wikiimages
- Setup script failed to mount due to using files1.uesp.net which points to the current file server.
- Added the new content3 to the entries in /etc/exports and /etc/hosts.allow on old files1.
- Re-ran setup script uesp-setup-mounts (successfully mounted the uesp shares)
- Tested shares as user apache to ensure read-write access (succeeded).
- Added entry files1 to the /etc/hosts file on the new files1 (this can be removed after the files1 sub domain points to the new server).
- Re-ran uesp-setup-mounts (no issues)
- Changed password for user dave
- Apache failed to start. Added entry for content3 in /etc/hosts and restarted.
- Ran setup script uesp-setup-zabbixserver
- Copied /etc/my.cnf from the old content3.
- Copied /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf from the old content3.
- Copied files from /etc/httpd/conf.d/ from the old content3.
- Copied /home/dave from the old content3.
- Copied /home/uesp from the old content3.
- Created the directory /var/log/mysql/
- Ran mysql_install_db
- Created symbolic link: ln -s /tmp/mysql.sock /var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock
- Disabled MySQL slow query log (was preventing the server from starting for some reason).
- Changed ownership in /var/lib/mysql/ to mysql:mysql.
- Started mysql: mysqld_safe --user=mysql
- Ran mysql_secure_installation
- Copied the latest full database dump from db1.
- Ran setup script uesp-update-sshd (no issues)
- Note: Make sure that /etc/init.d/nfslock is running.
- Ran command: chkconfig --level 345 netfs on
- Copied mysql tables from old content3.
- Started zabbix_server.
- Added zabbix_server to /etc/rc.local
- Created link in /home/www/ to relevant web paths.
- Changed Apache ServerName to *:80 and restarted.
- Added date.timezone to php.ini and restarted Apache.
- Changed host IPs in Zabbix
Files1 Migration[edit]
- Turned off Wiki uploads.
- Checked that all shared NFS paths on newfiles1 could be mounted by content1/2 and files1.
- Confirmed that files could be locked on newfiles1, for example:
cd /mnt/phpsessions su apache touch test flock test -c ls
- If NFS locking is working on the mount then the above script should immediately display the directory listing. Otherwise it will do nothing and eventually time out.
- Mounted /mnt/phpsessions on content1/2 to newfiles1:/shared/phpsessions
- Synced the phpsessions on newfiles1 from files1.
- Changed the PHP session path on content1/2 to /mnt/phpsessions and restarted Apache.
- Checked content1/2 to ensure pages were still loading correctly.
- Moved /shared/uesp to /shared/uesp-old on files1.
- Mounted UESP shares on files1 from newfiles1.
- Unmounted files1 shares on content1/2.
- Mounted newfiles1 shares on content1/2.
- Changed DNS entries of maps/skins/images/files to the newfiles1.
- Edited local hosts file to check that pages still load fine from the new server.
- Enabled Wiki uploads.
- Tested upload and file deletion.
- Restarted lighttpd on files1.
- Ran setup script uesp-setup-content content2 (didn't run uesp-setup-mounts automatically)
- Ran setup script uesp-setup-mounts (no issues)
- Manually started nfslock: /etc/init.d/nfslock start
- Tested read/write/locking of file shares (no issues)
- Changed password for user dave.
- Copy UESP content files from old content2 into /home/uesp/www.
- Create link from /home/www/uesp pointing to /home/uesp/www.
- Create link from /home/www/uesp.net pointing to /home/uesp/www.
- Install httpd: yum install httpd
- Setup chkconfig: /sbin/chkconfig --level 345 httpd on
- Re-ran setup script: uesp-install-contentapps (no issues)
- Change permissions in UESP content path: chown -R apache:uespadmin /home/uesp/www/*
- Copy/create/modify Apache configuration in /etc/httpd/ (old configuration broken apart into multiple files for easier editing).
- Check Apache config: /etc/init.d/httpd configtest (re-enable several modules until no errors listed)
- Add entry for server in /etc/hosts to ensure Apache binds to public IP address.
- Reboot server to ensure everything comes back up.
- Edit /etc/fstab and change nfs4 entries to nfs and reboot server (files1 shares still not mounted).
- Run the command chkconfig --level 345 netfs on and reboot server (files1 shares now mounted).
Content2 Migration[edit]
- Test the new content2 UESP wiki pages for read/write access.
- Changed content2 entries in Squid to point to new IP.
- Restarted Squid.
- Changed DNS entries to point to new server.
- Ran setup script uesp-setup-content content1 (no issues)
- Set passwd for dave
- Rebooted server (success)
- Test read/write/lock of mounts (no issues)
- Changed permissions for backup directory: chmod og+rx /home/backup
- Changed permissions for uesp directory: chmod og+rx /home/uesp
- Copied files from old content1 server
- Copied UESP content into /home/uesp
- Created links to /home/uesp/www/ in /home/www/
- Copied Apache configuration from the new content2
- Added entry for content1 in /etc/hosts
- Restarted httpd (no issues)
- Test web pages
- /server-status OK
- /wiki/Main_Page blank page
- Changed ownership of UESP content: chown -R apache:uespadmin /home/uesp/www/*
- /wiki/Main_Page OK
- /wiki/Special:RecentChanges OK
- Edit page OK
- Benchmark pages OK
- Copy other site configurations (eqwiki, ocp, forum, blog, dhack)
- Copy other site contents
- Update file/directory ownerships for other sites
- Restart Apache
- Test hosting of other sites on new content1
Content1 Migration[edit]
- Test the new content1 UESP wiki pages for read/write access.
- Changed content1 entries in Squid to point to new IP.
- Restarted Squid.
- Changed DNS entries to point to new server.
- Changed DNS entries for other sites to point to new server (ocp, forum, blog, dhack, eqwiki).
- Check Apache error log (no errors relevant to migration found).
- Changed main file system from ext3 to ext2.
- Added noatime option to main file system.
- Ran setup script uesp-setup-common squid1 (no issues)
- Set password for dave
- Installed Squid: yum install squid
- Changed Squid initialization levels: /sbin/chkconfig --level 345 squid on
- Copied Squid configuration from oldsquid1
- Added local host name to /etc/hosts
- Modified configuration for new Squid server
- Changed content1/2 host IPs
- Changed squid1 IP
- Added visible_hostname squid1.uesp.net
- Added cache_swap_log /var/log/squid/cache_swap_log
- Modified cache_dir coss /var/spool/squid 50000 max-size=1000000 maxfullbufs=4 membufs=20 block-size=4096
- Created swap directories: squid -z
- Reboot system
- Squid not started. Starting manually...failed.
- System log message: Cannot open HTTP port
- Modified http_port line to remove specific IP address: http_port 80 vhost defaultsite=www.uesp.net
- Squid started successfully
- Disabled Squid logging
- Restarted Squid
- Installed Apache: yum install httpd (for access to ab)
- Test Squid cache with ab (no issues)
- Installed PHP (for Zabbix custom scripts)
Squid1 Migration[edit]
- Change DNS entries for uesp.net and www.uesp.net to new squid1.
- Added new squid1 IP to content1/2/3 wiki configuration.
- Ran setup script uesp-setup-common db1 (no issues)
- Added entry for host in /etc/hosts
- Ran setup script uesp-setup-db (no issues)
- Reverted PHP session path to default (set to mounted share by previous step)
- Ran MySQL install script mysql_install_db
- Started MySQL /etc/init.d/mysqld start (failed)
- Changed ownership of MySQL directory: chown -R mysql:mysql /var/lib/mysql
- Started MySQL /etc/init.d/mysqld start (no issues)
- Ran script mysql_secure_installation (no issues)
- Set password for dave
- Rebooted server (no issues)
- Copied and restored database dumps from old db1.
- Changed server-id to 142 and enabled bin-log. Restarted mysqld.
- Setup and started slave replication on new db1.
Db1 Migration[edit]
- Checked new db1 replication to ensure no errors.
- Locked Wiki on content3.
- Changed Wiki database host on content3 and tested page loads.
- Locked Wiki on content1/2 and forums.
- Stopped slave on new db1.
- Tested page loads on content3.
- Made test edit on content3.
- Changed Wiki database host on content1/2 and tested page loads.
- Change forum database host, re-enabled forum, and made test post.
- Unlocked content1/2 and made test edits.
- Changed database host on all secondary services: blog, DaveWiki, EQWiki, simap, obmap, mwmap
- Shutdown MySQL on old db1.
- Tested all services.
- Changed db1 DNS entry.