Template:Place Link

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This template creates a link to the given place page. The format is appropriate for a list of places, and includes the place description and a map link. The place description is taken from the description parameter provided in the place's Place Summary template. For Morrowind, Bloodmoon, Oblivion, Shivering Isles, Skyrim, Dragonborn, and ESO places, a map link is automatically generated unless mapname=none is specified, either in the template call or on the place page.


Place Link
Parameter Scope Description
1 required Place page name.
2 optional Name to display. Defaults to place stripped of any parenthetical text (e.g., "Weynon Priory (place)" becomes "Weynon Priory").
mapname optional Name to use for map link. Defaults to the saved mapname for the location, or place stripped as above if there is no saved mapname. Set to "none" for no map link.
mod optional Two letter code for a mod/add-on. Will display the tag for it immediately after the link. This parameter is mostly vestigial, though still required for Shivering Isles links in Oblivion space.
ns_base optional Namespace of the game being referenced. If not provided, the current namespace will be used.
ns_map optional The two-letter name of the map to call in the map link, intended for Dragonborn places in Skyrim namespace.
nolink optional Set to any value to disable linking when the link would redirect back to the current page. This parameter is inherited.
trimlinks optional Set to any value to trim all links from the description and display it as plain text. This parameter is inherited.
Loaded Parameters
optional In addition to the parameters listed above, these parameters are loaded from the relevant page's {{Place Summary}}, but can be overridden if needed. For Elder Scrolls Online maps, specifying the mapworld is useful for locations that exist in more than one zone. Note: zone is equivalent to mapworld for backwards compatibility.
shortcut optional This is loaded from the relevant mod's page (if applicable). Similar to mod, except this is the full template call for the mod's shortcut link, or blank to suppress the normal link.



{{Place Link|Cloud Ruler Temple}}

OB-mapicon-Settlement.png Cloud Ruler Temple — A fortified temple northwest of Bruma (quest-related). (map)

Altname and No Map[edit]

{{Place Link|Dareloth's House|Guildmaster's Quarters|mapname=none|ns_base=Oblivion}}

Guildmaster's Quarters — The home of the Thieves Guild's founder, in the Imperial City's Waterfront District behind the Abandoned Shack.

Skyrim CC Link[edit]

{{Place Link|Runoff Caverns|Vardnknd|ns_base=Skyrim}}

SR-mapicon-Cave.png VardnkndCC — A large cave west of Lost Valley Redoubt containing mercenaries, Dwarven automatons, atronachs, ice wraiths, spriggans, and animals. (map)

Suppress Shortcut Link[edit]

{{Place Link|Runoff Caverns|Vardnknd|shortcut=|ns_base=Skyrim}}

SR-mapicon-Cave.png Vardnknd — A large cave west of Lost Valley Redoubt containing mercenaries, Dwarven automatons, atronachs, ice wraiths, spriggans, and animals. (map)