Tamriel Rebuilt:Nidril Tadare

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Nidril Tadare (TR_m1_Nidril_Tadare)
Added by Tamriel Rebuilt
Home Town Bal Oyra
Location Nidril Tadare's Shack
Race Dark Elf Gender Male
Level 4 Class Pauper
Other Information
Health 55 Magicka 84
Alarm 50 Fight 30
Nidril Tadare

Nidril Tadare is a Dark Elf pauper living in Bal Oyra. At the time of your arrival, he is engaged in a dispute with Leile Guiscar, captain of the damaged Elfmaid. It seems that while used to fixing up local fishing boats, Nidril had not realized how much longer the larger vessel would take to repair—and the deleterious effect that the work has had on his tools.

He is willing to stand his ground until a third party steps in to mediate, as part of the events of Stranded Shipment. With additional coin (or repaired tools), he ultimately agrees to return to work.

He wears a pair of common pants with matching shoes, belt, and ring.

Aside from his natural resistance to fire and the sanctuary provided by his ancestors, he knows no spells.

In the basket behind his hammock, there is an emerald amongst the crab meat to be found.

Related Quests[edit]



Stranded Shipment[edit]

  • Elfmaid's repairs:
"Yes, I was repairing that ship, and yes I've quit. I'm used to fixing up local fishing boats and the like. This merchant ship is a much bigger task. My tools are already worn out from the work I've done so far, and the price I foolishly agreed to won't even cover the cost of replacing them. Either you give me a worthwhile offer, or you can tell Leile Guiscard her ship can sink for all I care."
  • I'll give you 100 gold.: "That sounds like a fair sum. You can let Leile Guiscard know I'll return to work soon." (Removed 100 gold from your inventory)

If you don't have the gold:

"Well, where's the coin? I expect payment, not a promise."
  • I'll give you 50 gold.: "That will hardly cover my tools, let alone my labor. You'll have to give a better offer."

If Disposition is 75 or higher:

"That should be enough to buy new tools, but it certainly won't bring much of a profit. Still, it sounds like Leile Guiscard is giving you as much trouble as she's giving me. You can let her know I'll get back to work." (Removed 50 gold from your inventory)

If you don't have the gold:

"Well, where's the coin? I expect payment, not a promise."
  • I'll repair your tools for you.:

If your Armorer skill is 25 or higher:

"Let's see what you can do. Hmm... your repairs aren't half bad. My tools should hold up for the rest of the job. You can let Leile Guiscard know I'll return to work soon."

If your Armorer skill is less than 25:

"Are you sure you know what you're doing? Repairing these tools is more delicate work that sharpening a blunt battle axe."
  • I can repair them..: "Let's see what you can do. Ugh, this is sloppy work. You've put my tools in even worse shape! The price for finishing the Elfmaid's repairs just went up." (Disposition down by 10)
  • On second though, let's try something else.: "If you're not up to the task of fixing my tools, then coin is the only option." (See gold choices above)
  • I won't give you anything.: "Then get lost."
"Like I said, I'm not going to finish repairing the Elfmaid unless you make it worth my while. What do you have to offer?" (See choices above)

If you have failed to repair his tools:

"You've ruined my tools beyond repair. The price is now 200 gold. Pay up or tell Leile Guiscar her ship isn't going anywhere."
  • I'll give you 200 gold.: "I'm glad we finally have this settled. You can let Leile Guiscard know I'll return to work once I manage to get my hands on a new set of tools." (Removed 200 gold from your inventory)

If you don't have the gold:

"Well, where's the coin? I expect payment, not a promise."
  • I won't give you anything.: "Then get lost."
"I'll get around to fixing her up soon enough."