Tamriel Rebuilt:A Midnight Meeting

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Spy on a secret meeting of the Helnim Militia.
Quest Giver: Tiron Naren
Location(s): Mjornir's Alehouse, Helnim
Prerequisite Quest: Test of Loyalty
Next Quest: Uncovering the Truth
Reward: One Scroll of Ekash's Lock Splitter
Disposition: +10 (Tiron Naren)
Reputation Gain: +3 (Thieves Guild)
ID: TR_m2_TG_Meeting


  • This quest was deprecated on the release of the Embers of Empire mod expansion in 2022.

Quick Walkthrough[edit]

  1. Report to Tiron Naren.
  2. Sneak into Valtus Alerinus' Manor and steal the secret documents.
  3. Return the documents to Tiron and give him a day to decode them.
  4. Follow Kastav Munia to the secret meeting and eavesdrop on the conversation without being detected.
  5. Report back to Tiron Naren.

Detailed Walkthrough[edit]

Quest Stages[edit]

The following Journal ID and Index codes can be used with the Journal console command to manually update the quest to a certain point.

A Midnight Meeting (TR_m2_TG_Meeting)
Index Finishes Quest Journal Entry
5 Tiron Naren is certain that the Militia in Helnim has major plans to proceed against the Thieves Guild. He asked me to secretly search Valtus Alerinus' Manor for documents about that plans.
10 I delivered the documents from Valtus Alerinus' Manor to Tiron. He asked for a day to decode the message.
15 I delivered the documents from Valtus Alerinus' Manor to Tiron. He was furious to hear that someone died and told me to return in one day's time. Until that he should have decoded the message.
20 I returned to Tiron and learned that the decoded message is about a meeting between representatives of the Militia and the Telvanni tomorrow at midnight to discuss a 'townwide search'. He is deeply worried and asked me to follow the Militia representative, Kastav Munia, to the meeting and spy on it without getting detected.
25 I was able to follow the imperial representative to the meeting and listen to their conversation. I should inform Tiron immediately.
30 I missed the meeting between the Helnim Militia and the Telvanni. I must admit my failure to Tiron.
35 I tried to listen in on the meeting, but I got detected and the meeting was aborted. I must admit my failure to Tiron.
40 I could not listen to the meeting, because I attacked one of the representatives. I must admit my failure to Tiron.
45 Finishes quest☑ Tiron received my report of the meeting; he rewarded me with an enchanted ring and assured me that Hofmund would come up with appropriate countermeasures soon. Until that I could ask Lirielle for work.
50 Finishes quest☑ Tiron nearly went mad when he heard that I was not able to listen to the meeting of the Militia and the Telvanni representatives. He told me that I missed a golden opportunity to uncover Jorval's plans. He won't give me any more jobs now.

Prev: Test of Loyalty Up: Thieves Guild Quests Next: Uncovering the Truth