Tamriel Data:Beasts
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Tamriel Data includes several new types of Beasts. Not all creatures listed on this page are complete, and some are not placed within the current release areas of the modding projects that use Tamriel Data. However all creatures listed are present within the Tamriel Data file and can be spawned in using console commands.
For unique individuals within a particular species in Tamriel Rebuilt, Project Cyrodiil or Skyrim: Home of the Nords, please refer to the Creature pages of those projects.
Alphyn are large predatory beasts that resemble a cross between an eagle and a tiger. They occasionally gather together in dens, but usually they can be found hunting alone in the wilderness. They are most often encountered in Cyrodiil's Strident Coast region.
Creature | Drops | Attacks | Soul | |
Alphyn T_Cyr_Fau_Alphyn_01 |
Alphyn Claw | 220 |
110 (Common) |
Bears are large, stocky omnivores that can be highly territorial. Some species, such as colovian and grizzly bears will attack any intruders on sight, while other, such as back bears, are more tolerant of those who enter their territory.
Creature | Drops | Attacks | Abilities | Soul | |||
Black Bear T_Sky_Fau_BearBk_01 |
Black Bear Pelt | 120 | – | – |
80 (Common) |
Diseased Black Bear T_Sky_Fau_BearBkDs_01 |
Brown Bear T_Sky_Fau_BearRed_01 |
Bear Pelt | 150 |
100 (Common) |
Colovian Bear T_Cyr_Fau_BearCol_01 |
Diseased Brown Bear T_Sky_Fau_BearRedDs_01 |
Diseased Colovian Bear T_Cyr_Fau_BearColDs_01 |
Cave Bear T_Sky_Fau_BearGr_01 |
200 |
150 (Greater) |
Diseased Cave Bear T_Sky_Fau_BearGrDs_01 |
Diseased Grizzly Bear T_Sky_Fau_BearBrDs_01 |
230 |
130 (Greater) |
Grizzly Bear T_Sky_Fau_BearBr_01 |
260 |
150 (Greater) |
Snow Bear T_Sky_Fau_BearSn_01 |
Snow Bear Pelt | 260 | 50 | 20 |
200 (Grand) |
Danswyrm Viper[edit]
Danswyrm vipers are (?)
Creature | Drops | Attacks | Soul | |
Danswyrm Viper T_Sky_Fau_Danswyrm_01 |
Danswyrm Venom Gland | 20 |
15 (Petty) |
Diamond Aspis[edit]
Diamond asps are venomous snakes found in Cyrodiil. They are native to the province's wetlands and marshes, but can also be found around rural settlements where they are tolerated as a form of pest control. Their venom is highly poisonous and easily capable of killing most people if not treated in time. Luckily, they only attack those who approach them.
Creature | Drops | Attacks | Soul | |
Diamond Aspis T_Cyr_Fau_SnkDmAspis_01 |
Aspis Venom Gland | 20 |
15 (Petty) |
Hunting Hound[edit]
Hunting hounds are (?)
Creature | Drops | Attacks | Soul | |
Redoran Hunting Hound T_Mw_Fau_RedoranHnd_04, T_Mw_Fau_RedoranHnd_05, T_Mw_Fau_RedoranHnd_06 |
Hunting Hound Chitin | 113 |
100 (Common) |
Wild Hunting Hound T_Mw_Fau_RedoranHnd_01, T_Mw_Fau_RedoranHnd_02, T_Mw_Fau_RedoranHnd_03 |
Creature | Drops | Attacks | Soul | |
Armun Kagouti T_Mw_Fau_ArmunKag_01 |
Armun Kagouti Hide | 180 |
120 (Common) |
Armun Kagouti Matriarch T_Mw_Fau_ArmunKagMat_01 |
Armun Kagouti Hide Random arrows |
230 |
160 (Greater) |
Kagouti T_Mw_Fau_KagRn_01 |
Kagouti Hide | 45 |
20 (Petty) |
Land Dreugh[edit]
Creature | Drops | Attacks | Soul | |
Diseased Land Dreugh T_Glb_Cre_LandDreuDs_01 |
Dreugh Wax | 80 |
110 (Common) |
Land Dreugh T_Glb_Cre_LandDreu_01 |
70 |
90 (Common) |
Creature | Drops | Attacks | Soul | |||
Mammoth T_Sky_Fau_Mamm_01 |
Ivory | 1500 | 50 | 25 |
300 (Grand) |
Muskrats are a type of rodent. They can be encountered on Cyrodiil's Strident Coast.
Creature | Drops | Attacks | Soul | |
Muskrat T_Cyr_Fau_Muskrat_01 |
Muskrat Fur Rat Meat |
23 |
10 (Petty) |
Diseased Muskrat T_Cyr_Fau_MuskratDs_01 |
War Muskrat T_Cyr_Fau_MuskratCol_01 |
30 |
12 (Petty) |
Creature | Drops | Attacks | Soul | |
Raki T_Sky_Fau_Raki_01 |
Raki Teeth | 70 |
100 (Common) |
Diseased Raki T_Sky_Fau_RakiDs_01 |
90 |
Creature | Drops | Attacks | Soul | |
Black Rat T_Glb_Fau_RatBk_01 |
Rat Meat | 23 |
(Petty) |
Cave Rat T_Glb_Fau_RatCv_01 |
37 |
Diseased Cave Rat T_Glb_Fau_RatCvDs_01 |
Diseased Rat T_Cyr_Fau_RatDs_01 |
23 |
Diseased Rat T_Glb_Fau_RatDs_01 |
Grey Rat T_Glb_Fau_RatGr_01 |
Rat T_Cyr_Fau_Rat_01 |
War Rat T_Glb_Fau_RatCol_01 |
36 |
War Rat T_Glb_Fau_RatCol_02 |
White Rat T_Glb_Fau_RatWt_01 |
23 |
Saber Cat[edit]
Saber cats are (?)
Creature | Drops | Attacks | Soul | |
Saber Cat T_Sky_Fau_SabCat_01 |
Saber Cat Tooth | 180 |
250 (Grand) |
Snow Saber Cat T_Sky_Fau_SabCat_02 |
Diseased Saber Cat T_Sky_Fau_SabCatDs_01 |
Diseased Snow Saber Cat T_Sky_Fau_SabCatDs_02 |
Strident Runner[edit]
Strident runners are large, flightless birds that are named after the Strident Coast region of Cyrodiil where they can be found. They aren't very dangerous, though they are highly territorial and will fight anyone who draws near regardless of their ability to defeat them. Those who wish to avoid these feathered nuisances can easily do so by listening for the distinctive honking they use to claim their territory.
Creature | Drops | Attacks | Soul | |
Strident Runner T_Cyr_Fau_BirdStrid_01 T_Cyr_Fau_BirdStridN_01 |
Strident Runner Feathers | 25 |
10 (Petty) |
Tiger Guar[edit]
Tiger guars are the larger, agressive cousins of the common guar.
Creature | Drops | Attacks | Soul | |
Tiger Guar T_Sky_Fau_Boar_01 |
Nothing | 60 |
40 (Lesser) |
Diseased Tiger Guar T_Sky_Fau_BoarDs_01 |
Wild Boar[edit]
Creature | Drops | Attacks | Soul | |
Diseased Wild Boar T_Sky_Fau_BoarDs_01 |
Boar Meat | 75 |
50 (Lesser) |
Wild Boar T_Sky_Fau_Boar_01 |
80 |
Wolves are fast and agile beasts that commonly hunt in packs, though some, like colovian wolves, are known to hunt alone. The various species of wolves can be found across Tamriel.
Creature | Drops | Attacks | Soul | |||
Black Wolf T_Sky_Fau_WolfBlaSml_01 |
Wolf Pelt | 40 | – | – |
50 (Lesser) |
Diseased Grey Wolf T_Sky_Fau_WolfGr_Dis_01 |
50 |
Grey Wolf T_Sky_Fau_WolfGr_01 |
55 |
Black Wolf T_Sky_Fau_WolfBla_01 |
60 | |||||
Highlands Wolf T_Cyr_Fau_WolfCol_02 |
Diseased Black Wolf T_Sky_Fau_WolfBlaDs_01 |
Diseased Highlands Wolf T_Cyr_Fau_WolfColDs_02 |
Red Wolf T_Sky_Fau_WolfRed_01 |
50 | – |
Diseased Red Wolf T_Sky_Fau_WolfRedDs_01 |
Colovian Wolf T_Cyr_Fau_WolfCol_01 |
120 |
Diseased Colovian Wolf T_Cyr_Fau_WolfColDs_01 |
Creature | Drops | Attacks | Soul | |
Wormmouth T_Ham_Fau_Wormmth_01 |
Wormmouth Hide | 45 |
20 (Petty) |