Skyrim talk:The Battle for Fort Greenwall

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We need a quest id and quick walkthrough people, just saying.— Unsigned comment by (talk) at 16;02 on 21 November 2011

You could do it yourself instead of ordering us to do it. Wolok gro-Barok 17:05, 21 November 2011 (UTC)


Has anyone come up with a workaround for the no soldiers at the fort glitch on consoles? I read somewhere that you can kill the Jarl of Rifton and the quest will complete, but that it will leave the next quest impossible to finish. I'm not familiar with the civil war quests as this is my first time so I can't confirm.

I have also tried leaving a follower (Lydia) at the Fort for 48 hours and still no one shows up. I left her in 4 different positions.. Near where the indicator is to meet the soldiers. After initiating the quest indicator, I left her 1) on the indicator spot, 2) in front of the barricades, and 3) inside the fort, with no changes.

The only other idea I had, was I had heard that the quest Season Unendings allows the Imperials to take over Riften, which would complete the quest, but I have also read you need to finish the Civil War quests before Diplomatic Immunity or it will bugger that quest. I don't know which order the quests are in as again.. this is my first play through. Really wish I'd have done the civil war quests early. I'm on PS3 21:22, 7 January 2012 (UTC)

possible bugs?[edit]

accepted this quest from general tullius, was ordered to meet the men outside of fort Greenwall. When I arrived at the map marker, there was no one there. Went ahead and entered the fort, thinking I'd clear it out, completely empty, no enemies of any kind, but there is a horse that I can take. I'm thinking bug/glitch, anyone else had this issue? and if so, is it exclusive to this one quest in the line? Seventhsage 02:12, 11 January 2012 (UTC)