Skyrim Mod talk:Mod File Format/CTDA Field
cis2 testing, temp variables?[edit]
running a little translator, it's weird how it uses CIS2, it gives it some kind of made up number but the number seems unique
in the 6 INFO subtopics in DIAL 0x000DA228 in Update.esm (loads quick), have these values all with CIS2 ::WarIsActive_var
- GetVMQuestVariable([QUST 0x00019E53] CW, 616543216) != -1
- GetVMQuestVariable([QUST 0x00019E53] CW, 616543264) != -1
- GetVMQuestVariable([QUST 0x00019E53] CW, 616543344) != -1
- GetVMQuestVariable([QUST 0x00019E53] CW, 616543392) != -1
- GetVMQuestVariable([QUST 0x00019E53] CW, 616543440) != -1
- GetVMQuestVariable([QUST 0x00019E53] CW, 616543536) != -1
note that the number is different for each one though the check and CIS2 are otherwise identical
there's a similar progression up through the other CIS2 check on ::playerAllegiance_var -- this one actually confirmed that when (use global) is set it points to a GLOB formid, but regardless, same made up number for param2
- GetVMQuestVariable([QUST 0x00019E53] CW, 616543504) = 0x00073F11 (use global)
hex of the CIS2 substitution numbers shows its clearly incrementing:
- E0-B3-BF-24
- F0-B3-BF-24
- 10-B4-BF-24
- 20-B4-BF-24
- D0-B4-BF-24
but on what? what is this? i am stumped --Themendios 07:32, 27 December 2011 (UTC)
- quick note of 18-F2-ED-25 for ::PlayerHasBeastBlood_var in a LSCR CTDA
- lowest value yet, CIS1 60-7A-7F-1B for bMotionDrivenDialogue
non-zero/FF values in last 4 bytes[edit]
0x00035D5F (MQ201 Diplomatic Immunity) has 2 different 'real' values in the last 4 padding bytes, 2C-00-00-00 after 2 GetInCurrentLoc calls and 62-00-00-00 after 5/6 GetInCell calls (1 is still all FF), 2c is also in a QSTA but I don't see 62 anywhere other than as an INDX (not saying much)
unknown if significant but thought since i bothered to check for them thought I'd share