Skyrim Mod:East Empire Expansion/Sha'khar

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(RefID: xx080C14)
Race Khajiit Gender Male
Level 1 Class Dremora (class)
RefID xx080C14 BaseID xx080C12
Other Information
Health 30 Magicka 25
Stamina 70
Morality No Crime Aggression Unaggressive
Essential Yes
Faction(s) kgcEEC_EastEmpireFaction

Sha'khar is a Khajiit junior trader of the East Empire Company.

Related Quests[edit]


His greetings:

"These sands are cold, but Khajiit feels warmness from your presence."
"How can I assist, hmm?"
"This one needs something?"
"Sha'khar is pleased to see you. You are friend!"
"You remind this one of my seventh brother. He was the middle child, and created much mischief."
"These lands are so cold... It makes me miss my home even more..."
"It was not my choice to travel to Skyrim, but now that I am here, it is not so bad."
"Trade was not my first career choice, but -- I think I like it."
"As Khajiit go, I am still fairly young. But do not be fooled by this! Already in my life I have seen and done much."
"Do you have any sweetrolls?.. I love sweetrolls!"
"I ponder still the origin of the Relics. It is a mystery indeed..."
"Travel into Skyrim, you might say, is tricky as of late. When entering, Sha'khar was almost apprehended!"
"Ugh! I have an itch between my whiskers..."

When a new level 1 camp is set up:

"We have a new camp, this is good."
"The more camps we establish, the greater our influence!"
"I am pleased that we gain more camps."
"Your efforts allow us to expand with even more camps!"
"Another camp established. Sha'khar is pleased."

When a camp has been upgraded to level 2 or 3:

"A camp has been upgraded!"
"Our prosperity has allowed a camp to expand."
"Our camps grow. Good..."
"A camp has gone from ramshackle to slightly less ramshackle!"
"Our camps expand and grow."

When a camp reaches level 4:

"A camp has reached its full potential!"
"An East Empire camp is now all it can be!"
"Once a camp, now a permanent trade post. We grow..."
"Your efforts have seen a camp reach its apex!"
"One of our camps has fully matured. So proud this one is..."

He will also comment on region control:

"We must spread further, Skyrim is ripe for the conquest of coin!"
"Speak to the Jarls of the region. We must expand."
"With so few Holds welcoming us, this is not good..."
"Few Holds tolerate our presence..."
"Our influence grows, but it could be more."
"Your efforts to help us expand goes well."
"I am pleased so many Jarl's now tolerate us."
"Almost all of Skyrim is now open to us."
"Almost every Hold now has one of our camps."
"The East Empire flag flutters in every Hold! Wonderful this is!"
"To have every Jarl agree to our trade, I am impressed."
"All of Skyrim's coffers are now open to us! I... I feel overwhelmed..."

His goodbyes:

"Swift treasure hunting."
"May you walk on warm sands."

Quest-Related Events[edit]

East Empire Services[edit]

After clearing a dungeon he will approach you:

"Ah, hello! I offer greetings to you, yes. Khajiit asks but for a moment of your time."
A pleasure to meet kin so far from home, how may I help?
"Your warm words are appreciated! Please, allow me to explain my encroachment."
I'm weary of strangers, but I shall hear what you have to say.
"My thanks to your indulgence. Allow me to explain my encroachment."
What is it you want of me?
"A fair question, and one I shall answer. Allow me to explain my encroachment."
I know of your kind, Khajiit. Speak, but know that I'm watching you. / Speak, my kin. But know I have my eye on you.
"My apologies, I did not mean to cause apprehension. I shall explain my encroachment."
I have no time to spare.
"Ah! I understand. But, if you'd happen to acquire a free moment, I would still wish to speak. So, when you are able..."

All options except the last will lead to:

"'First of all, my name is Sha'khar. I work for an organization known as the East Empire Trading Company. This area, I was busy surveying. When, to my surprise, I see someone enter this barrow -- in a manner most brazen! And more surprising still, to see you emerge -- clearly victorious!"
"Victorious" may be an overstatement. I just did what I must.
"Your humility is well practiced. There are few who possess the prowess you have demonstrated!"
It is true. My triumph knows no bounds!
"Hah! I am in no position to dispute your boastfulness! Your prowess has been well demonstrated."
You doubted my ability?
"It was no question of doubtfulness. Those who enter such places -- often do not return."
You said you'd explain yourself. Not bore me to tears.
"Ah, apologies this one offers! I shall "get to the point"."
Those who stand in my way shall fall. It is as simple as that.
"This I believe! Your prowess has already been well demonstrated."

All options will lead to:

"During your venture, I'm sure you came across many trinkets and items of value. These places are usually filled with such. But some items -- you had to leave behind, yes? It is... impractical to carry out all that we might like. This is why I approached. Sha'khar wishes to offer you -- a service, to assist with this problem."
Not interested. Take your sales pitch elsewhere.
"I have no desire to impose, I shall of course leave. But, if perhaps you change your mind? Would like to hear my proposal?"
Let's hear it, what's this "service"?
"In short, if you were to gather and then store all the items you wish to take from a place such as this... Sha'khar can ensure collection and delivery of all these items! Allowing you to take your fill of plunder. This is the service I offer."

If you hear him out:

Can you elaborate? What do you mean by "collection and delivery"?
"I can explain. If all the treasure, armor, weapons and shiny baubles you wished to take from somewhere... Usually this would require much filling-and-emptying of pockets, many a journey to-and-from. Much time and effort spent. What I offer -- is a service to alleviate this burden. All you'd need to do, is gather everything you wanted to a single place... And then I would arrange couriers to pick up all these items, and deliver them to a secure and easily-accessed strongbox, for your future retrieval."
And what would you want in return?
"You are wise to know I would want something. Yes, in exchange for providing you this service... I would ask that you allow my group, the East Empire Company, to lay a temporary claim to any territory you have cleared. Once an area has been purged of hostile presence, I would dispatch a clerk to survey and catalog the sites value. But, do not misunderstand! We would not be taking any items or treasure. Through your efforts, these of course -- would belong to you."
Tell me more about this East Empire Trading Company.
"In truth, I have not been with the company long. I am a "junior" trader. But I can tell you that the East Empire is a large and powerful group. It has many branches across the face of Tamriel. And is responsible for a vast amount of trade. However, its presence in Skyrim is... not as secure as it could be. Sha'khar intends to change this."
You want to survey and catalog the places I clear? Why?
"There is value to places beyond the objects held within. For example, its location may have strategic importance. There may be natural resources, or historical and cultural significance to the area. These things have worth. But first, these aspects must be correctly identified and then recorded. It is a matter of bureaucracy, one might say. That is why I wish to lay a temporary claim to these places."
Why would you not want any treasure?
"I would like to take all the treasure for myself, of course! But I believe the best business transactions -- leave all involved parties satisfied. Since you would be doing most the work, it is only fair all the spoils go to you. Otherwise your incentive to help me, is not so much. Treasure is nice. But long term and stable profit, is better."
I've no interest in this, I reject your offer.
"This I think is unfortunate. But I respect your decision. My offer to you will remain open. If you happen to change your mind..."

If you decide to help, he will hand you an East Empire Relic:

Your terms are fair, I agree to them.
"Ah! This news is wonderful! You have made a good decision, I think! Here, you must take these. Place the Relic inside a container, and I'll be made aware of its location, and of your desire for the items held within to be transported. Anything gathered -- will be moved to an East Empire trade camp, for your future collection. Of course, right now there is only the one camp... But in time there shall be more!"
What are these strange devices you've given me?
"I am... unsure. It is something discovered by my business associate. But he too knows little of them. What we do know, is that the Relic you hold -- reacts with another kind of apparatus. One that I have right here. When roused, the Relic I gave you behave as... beacons! Emitting bright light into a dark sky. I speak figuratively, of course. The apparatus that I hold -- allows me to see where that light is coming from, and acts much like a compass, guiding me to the light's source."
Your "Empire" company only has one trade camp?
"To be more exact: "officially" the camp is not truly part of the East Empire's mercantile presence in Skyrim. At least, not yet. Instead, the current camp, and the more that shall be built -- represent a... personal endeavor. But have no fear! In time, there shall be more camps. I'd bet my whiskers on it."
Very well. I shall put these devices to good use.
"Sha'khar has certainty that you will. Also, I should mention. Any area in which you use a Relic -- must be either: cleared of any hostile creatures, or be out within the open. Otherwise my couriers will be unable to gather what you have stored. And remember, once collected, your items will be available from any current, or future, trade camp you send them to. Have you... understood all I have said? If you wish, we can test out a Relic right now. So you may see how they work."
That won't be necessary, I'm sure I can figure things out for myself.
"Of course. I shall mark for you the location of my camp."
A demonstration would be welcome. Please, show me how these Relics work.
"The demonstration shall be nice and simple! Yes."

If you choose to have him do a demonstration he will hand you a empty wine bottle, broken iron mace handle, and a burned book:

"First, take this. We can use this junk for our test. Now, let us enter an area you have cleared. Or for that matter, any other place with a container we can use. Then all you need do -- is place that junk and a Relic inside of a suitable receptacle. Lead on, and I shall follow."

He will then be a follower and will have some unique greetings if spoken to:

"Come. Let us test a Relic."
"You must place the junk items I gave you into a container, along with a Relic."
"We must find a container with which we can test a Relic."

Once you arrive at a cleared area and place the East Empire Relic he will say:

"There! Now everything I have, and these items, shall be returned to camp. You are free to follow me if you wish. See to where your items will be delivered?"
Yes, show me to your camp.
"As you desire, follow me then!"
Not right now, I'll travel to your camp in my own time.
"I understand. I shall mark its location for you. Travel there and meet with me when you are ready."

As he heads to the camp, if you try to speak to him he will only say:

"Come! We shall return to the camp."
"We can speak more once we have reached camp."
"Now is not the time for chatting. The camp awaits!"

Once you arrive at the East Empire Camp Whiterun, Sha'khar will crouch down and investigate the delivery chest:

"There! Just as a courier would, I have placed the items in the delivery chest. Available for retrieval whenever you wish!"

East Empire Business Plan[edit]

"You see how everything is in the delivery chest, yes? Everything is to your satisfaction?!"
Yes, it appears everything's here.
"Ah, wonderful. Wonderful! To hear you say this, pleases me greatly."
I had hoped a few extra gems would find their way into the chest...
"Hah! That is something we all hope for. Sadly, the storage chest only contains items we used for testing. But, who knows! Perhaps next time -- there will be some extra knickknacks inside. Courtesy of the East Empire Company. But before that, a question..."
There any reason I shouldn't be satisfied?
"I would surely hope not! This trial run surely demonstrated the benefit of my service."

All options will lead to:

"If you have the desire for more Relics, you can acquire them from any East Empire merchant. I will ensure they always keep some in stock. For now, here. Take these. On the house! But all this said, I still feel there is more I can offer... Forgive a Khajiit's curiosity, only... Would you perhaps be interested in more services?.."
No, the current service you provide is enough.
"Very well. But if you happen to change your mind, speak with me again."
That depends. What is it you offer?
"You have already seen how my collection service works, and this is good. But maybe, there will be times that possession of all you have gathered -- is not what you desire. Perhaps, you would prefer the item's value -- in Septims instead! But for this, you must gather what you wish to sell, find merchant, haggle for price. Blah blah blah, big headache! However, Sha'khar can do all this for you instead! I offer service - of selling! Put items in container, and instead of marking for collection, mark for sale! And everything -- I can take care of! Does this... interest you?!"
This sounds most useful! I would have use for such a service.
"Ah, wonderful! A decision most discerning! And something that shall benefit us both, I think! If you wish for me to sell what you have gathered, when placing a Relic -- simply mark the container. This will indicate to me your intent. And once collected -- I will begin to sell your items right away! Or, you can simply speak to one of our camp merchants if you wish me to sell something else. Any coin made, shall be stored in one of our company strongboxes. You can find these also at our outposts. Here, you will need this key to open."
You have my attention. Please, explain further.
"Of course, my friend! Allow my elaboration! You have already used the Relics to mark items for collection. And the results, you have seen. However, with a few manipulations to the Relic, a container can be marked so I will know you wish the items to be sold -- instead of just collected. In a situation such as this, I would have my courier bring back your items, and I would begin to find buyers right away. You get almost as much coin as if you sold, yourself, and with none of the headache or time wasted."
I've no desire for what you offer. Perhaps another time.
"As you wish. However, if you've a change of heart, you know where to find me."

Either option leads to another set of options:

Thank you! I appreciate your work.
"Your appreciation is most welcome!"
I expect all this to be on the level.
"Have no fear, there will be no black market dealings. ...I don't yet have the connections."
You needn't prattle on. I understand how trade works.
"Of course, this one did not mean to lecture. Only to explain."

All options lead to:

"You should know, the more items of yours I can sell, the greater commercial connections I will establish. This will allow me to offer improvements to the services I provide you. So, make sure to send plenty of items my way, yes?! Oh, and, before you take your leave -- there is one more thing. If you were so inclined, there is something you could help me with..."
I've no interest in helping you.
"Sha'khar understands. One such as yourself -- has many tasks that demand your attention."
I'm listening, tell me how I can help.
"I've a business associate. He is not one for travel, and so resides at the East Empire Company warehouse in Solitude. Both he and I have certain... aspirations we are working towards. However, I feel with your help, things would advance a lot faster, and smoother. If you've the time, and desire, you should travel to Solitude and speak with him. I'm sure he would have use for your assistance. He should be easy to find. He's a rather self-important looking Altmer, named Korrin. Tell him I have sent you. And, thank you. With your help, ahead -- I see a warm future for us all."

East Empire Expansion[edit]

After completing this quest for Korrin, speak to Sha'khar:

"You have helped Korrin, and the East Empire has a new outpost! Wonderful this is! This allows me to extend a new service to you! For you can now decide where items you have placed with a Relic can be sent to. After you have activated a Relic, simply mark the container to tell us where you wish those items to go. Whiterun, Winterhold, wherever! As long as the East Empire has an Outpost established, you can have the items sent to there. Or, if you'd prefer, you need not indicate any location. In which case, the items will be transported to the nearest outpost instead, just as before!"
I understand, thank you.
"Keep up the good work, and we shall all benefit!"

East Empire Spoils[edit]

As you approach Sha'khar:

"Greetings, friend! You should speak with Chief Trader Salvus. He is most anxious to meet with you."

After speaking to Salvus:

""Senior Trader" Sha'khar. This has a pleasant sound to my ears -- I think. I must thank you, my friend. Without your help, I would still be pawing around ruins and bandit camps, attempting what YOU have so skillfully achieved instead. With my new promotion, I will be able to greatly broaden my mercantile presence. Much coin will soon be flowing... My thanks to you again. And of course, my services remain open to you always. Until next time our paths cross, goodbye."