Statuses are passive effects that give an extra layer of depth to your character, influenced by your adventures. Most Statuses have positive effects, but some do have negative effects. There is no limit to how many Statuses you can have at the same time, though your Character Board only provides 2 slots to display them. It's recommended that you place your most important ones here for easy access. Some Statuses affect all players, specified by the All Players icon.
Status cards cannot be traded between players.
There are 62 Statuses overall. 40 are in the Core Game and a further 15 are included in the Dawnguard expansion. From the Ashes also introduces 7 additional Statuses.
Core Game[edit]
- Addicted to Skooma — Acquired during Investigate Skooma Dealers. Lose 1 Plant Component at the end of each turn. You can discard this Status by turning in 1 Potion.
- Blessing of Mara — Acquired during Silent Charity. Draw an additional card when drawing a Town Exploration card.
- Blessing of Talos — Acquired during Trial by Fire. Gain an additional die for One Handed and Two Handed Skill Tests.
- Boethiah's Blessing — Acquired during Dissatisfied. During an Encounter, you can discard Boethiah's Blessing to restore 3 Health, Stamina, and Magicka to all players.
- Bounty in Eastmarch — Acquired during Horse Thief. When entering Eastmarch, you must defeat Hold Guards or pay 5 Septims. You can discard this Status by paying 10 Septims anywhere in Eastmarch.
- Bounty in Haafingar — Acquired during Moon Sugar Rising. When entering Solitude, you must defeat Hold Guards or pay 5 Septims. You can discard this Status by paying 10 Septims anywhere in Haafingar.
- Bounty in Skyrim — Acquired by failing Chapter 1 of The Blades. When entering or moving through any Stronghold, you can choose to either defeat Hold Guards or pass a Speech Skill Test. Failing these, you must pay 5 Septims.
- Bounty in The Pale — Acquired during Frightening Bones and The Rebel. When entering Dawnstar, you must defeat Hold Guards or pay 5 Septims. You can discard this Status by paying 10 Spetims anywhere in The Pale.
- Bounty in The Rift — Acquired during A Home in Need. When entering Riften, you must defeat Hold Guards or pay 5 Septims. You can discard this Status by paying 10 Septims anywhere in Haafingar.
- Bounty in Whiterun — Acquired during My Little Stallion. When entering Whiterun, you must defeat Hold Guards or pay 5 Septims. You can discard this Status by paying 10 Septims anywhere in Whiterun.
- Cannibal — Acquired during Cannibals. After defeating any Human Enemy, restore 2 Health.
- Debt with the Brotherhood — Acquired during Black Sacrament. When you gain any Septims, lose 2 Septims. You can discard this Status by paying 5 Septims in Falkreath.
- Elemental Protection — Acquired during Nelacar Enchanted. All players gain 1 Magic Armor point.
- Friend in Falkreath — Acquired during Under the Weather. Enchantments in Falkreath are 1 Soul Gem Component cheaper.
- Imperial Soldier — You are working for the Imperial Legion.What links to S76 or S77?
- Interrogator — Acquired during Paltry Company. When rolling a Speech Skill Test, you can turn in 1 Ore Component to gain an additional die, once per Game Turn.
- Luck of Sanguine — Acquired during Rags or Riches. You can choose to Degrade a Stronghold that you are in to gain 5 Components of your choice.
- Malacath's Strength — Acquired during A Home in Need. Malacath's Strength allows you to use Two Handed weapons as One Handed weapons.
- Married — Acquired during Delayed Wedding. Gain an additional die for Speech Skill Tests.
- Stormcloak Soldier — You are working for the Stormcloaks.What links to S78 or S79?
- Strange Alliences — Given to all players during Chapter 3 of Civil War, Strange Alliances allows you to recruit Moivva Karnai as a Follower during the Moivva Karnai Wilderness Exploration if you spared her in The Reckoning.
- Thane of The Pale — Acquired during The Prophecy. Upgrading prices in Dawnstar are 1 Ore Component cheaper, and you can turn in 3 Septims to restore Dawnstar.
- Thane of Whiterun — Acquired during The Whiterun Job. Upgrading prices in Whiterun are 1 Ore Component cheaper, and you can turn in 3 Septims to restore Whiterun.
- Thane of Winterhold — Acquired during The Prophecy. Upgrading prices in Dawnstar are 1 Ore Component cheaper, and you can turn in 3 Septims to restore Winterhold.
- Thrall — Acquired during Visions of Blood. You can only level up after defeating a Human Enemy. You can discard this Status by turning in 4 Soul Gem Components in Morthal.
- Trusted — Acquired during Ambushed. When facing Moivva Karnai, ignore the first enemy roll.
- Unwelcome — Acquired during Narrow Alley. When entering Solitude, you must defeat a Rogue Mage. You can discard this Status by turning in 4 Soul Gem Components.
- Weakened Moivva — A collection of 4 Statuses that makes fighting Moivva Karnai easier during The Reckoning.
- Well Informed — Acquired during Dealing with the Bears. When facing Moivva Karnai, add 3 Circle
to your Sneak roll result.
- Wounded — Acquired during Behind Closed Doors. Reduces your maximum Health by 1. You can discard this Status by turning in 4 Plant Components.
Cover Cards[edit]
Cover Cards are unique Statuses acquired at the start of the Civil War campaign. They are your cover story, the life you have lived for 25 years after the events of The Blades campaign. Each grants you a Skill, and assigns your starting location, quest, and allegiance in the Civil War. Each cover card can hold 4 Threat tokens.
- Resident of Falkreath — Acquired by choosing The Apothecary story. You are a resident of Falkreath. Your allegiance is Imperial.
- Resident of Hjaalmarch — Acquired by choosing The Courier story. You are a resident of Hjaalmarch. Your allegiance is Imperial.
- Resident of The Pale — Acquired by choosing The Blacksmith story. You are a resident of The Pale. Your allegiance is Stormcloak.
- Resident of The Rift — Acquired by choosing The Looter story. You are a resident of The Rift. You allegiance is Stormcloak.
- Chosen Bane — Acquired during Glory to Boethiah or Burning Effigy. You can move through Chosen tokens without fighting them. You can remove 1 Chosen token from the board and gain 1 Experience, but must add 1 Threat for doing so. You can only do this once per Game Turn.
- Chosen Messiah — Acquired during Glory to Boethiah or Burning Effigy. You can move through Chosen tokens without fighting them. You can gain 1 Experience, but must add 1 Chosen token to any empty space and add 1 Threat for doing so. You can only do this once per Game Turn.
- Dawnguard Boons — A collection of 4 Statuses earned by Dawnguard players during Chapter 2 of Dawnguard. They are acquired during Isran's Approval, The Greater Good, Revenge, and The Will of Boethiah.
- Renowned Hunter — You can use carriages for free. You also deal 1 additional damage to Undead, Daedra, and Animal Enemies.
- Daedric Hunter — Deal 1 additional damage to Undead, Daedra, and Animal Enemies.
- Vampire Hunter — Deal 1 additional damage to Undead and Animal Enemies.
- Hunter — Deal 1 additional damage to Animal Enemies.
- Seafaring Allies — A collection of 4 Statuses acquired after winning The Raid on the Demetrius. They all have the same bonuses:
- "The East Empire Trading Company has pledged their loyalty to your cause." You can move between Solitude and Windhelm as if they were adjacent spaces, and pries for all Components are 1 Septim cheaper in all Strongholds.
- Sign of Boethiah — Acquired during Vision of Blood. A die is rolled before each Combat. If you roll a Diamond
, your Follower will not take part.
- Volkihar Boons — A collection of 4 Statuses earned by Vampires during Chapter 2 of Dawnguard. They are acquired during Escaping Forwards, Juggling Princes, Bloody Ambition, and Driven By Guilt.
- Molag Bal's Favor — You can move 1 additional space every turn. You also gain 1 Heavy Armor, 1 Light Armor, and 1 Magic Armor point.
- Volkihar Favorite — Gain 1 Heavy Armor, 1 Light Armor, and 1 Magic Armor point.
- Vampire Veteran — Gain 1 Light Armor and 1 Magic Armor point.
- Respected Vampire — Gain 1 Magic Armor point.
From the Ashes[edit]
- Daedric Horse — Acquired from A Shadow in the Night. You can move 1 additional space. If you start your movement on a Ruin, you can add 1 Threat to move to any other Ruin. You cannot own a Horse with this Status.
- Dark Brotherhood Contract — Acquired during The Dark Brotherhood mini-campaign. You can discard this Status to succeed at any Dungeon Encounter. Up to four Dark Brotherhood Contracts can be acquired, one for each player.
- Dwemer Horse — Acquired from The Living Statue. You can move 1 additional space. If you start your movement on a Dwemer City, you can add 1 Threat to move to any other Dwemer City. You cannot own a Horse with this Status.