SkyrimTAG:Ghosts of the Blades
- Back in Cyrodiil, all your friends were massacred by the Thalmor. Some could say it was your fault. The ghosts of your friends are now here to haunt you. Help them find the peace they deserve; defeat them in combat and they'll be released.
Ghosts of the Blades, also known as Ghosts of Cyrodiil, is a mini-campaign in the From the Ashes expansion. It can be played alongside any Campaign to increase the difficulty or play time. To begin, Rodhlan is placed on any Wilderness space.
Ghosts of the Blades introduces the Ghost Track. The Ghost Track is a set of 5 spaces that fills in when certain conditions are met that determine when new Ghosts are added and when existing Ghosts can move. A space on the Ghost Track is filled in when you fail a Quest, when you defeat a Human Enemy, and when a Stronghold is Degraded. When the second and fourth spaces are filled in, all Ghosts move 1 space towards the Starting Player. When the Ghost Track is filled, a new Ghost is added to a Wilderness space and the Ghost Track resets.
Whenever the Ghosts move, they move one space towards the Starting Player. Ghosts cannot move into Strongholds or share a space with a Roaming Monster. If a Ghost is already on the same space as a player, they won't move.
If a new Ghost needs to be spawned and there are no Wilderness spaces available, the game is lost.
- Ghosts of Cyrodiil — Ghosts of your fallen friends are haunting you. Defeat them to give them peace before they overwhelm you.
Every encounter is an Undead Enemy.
- Rodhlan — A ghostly male Redguard. When he attacks, any blank rolls are rerolled. His ability is Swing.
- Im-Lei Persar — A ghostly male Argonian. His abilities are Pierce and Banish.
- Noraril Aedire — A ghostly male Altmer. No Followers are allowed when fighting him. His abilities are Ice Spike and Blizzard.
- Canoriana Velori — A ghostly female Imperial. She is immune to Heavy Attack damage. Her abilities are Swing and Slash.
- Hylster Grey-Blood — A ghostly male Nord. His abilities are Chop, Sweep, and War Cry.
- Fiathe Monena — A ghostly female Breton. Her abilities are Ice Spike, Firebolt, and Phasing.
- Ji'med — A ghostly male Khajiit. You cannot sneak or heal when fighting him. His abilities are Swing and Stab.
- Mariea Dalisen — A ghostly female Dunmer. Her attacks ignore Magic Armor. Her abilities are Ice Spike, Lunge, and Summon.
- Lugac Bargm — A ghostly male Orsimer. His attacks ignore Heavy Armor. His abilities are Hack and Chop.
- Menilphaneth Ivywing — A ghostly female Bosmer. Her attacks ignore Light Armor. Her abilities are Swing, Aim, and Whirlwind. Defeating her rewards the Potion of Well-Being, the Ring of Renewal, the Necklace of Resurgence, and the Amulet of Chaos Damage.
- Potion of Plentiful Well-Being — A Potion acquired by defeating Menilphaneth Ivywing. It can be used for 1 Plant Component to restore 2 Health, 2 Stamina, and 2 Magicka.
- Ring of Renewal — A Trinket acquired by defeating Menilphaneth Ivywing. When attacking an enemy, every Diamond
that you roll restores 1 Stamina.
- Necklace of Resurgence — A Trinket acquired by defeating Menilphaneth Ivywing. When attacking an enemy, every Diamond
that you roll restores 1 Magicka.
- Amulet of Chaos Damage — A Trinket acquired by defeating Menilphaneth Ivywing. When attacking an enemy, every Diamond
that you roll immediately deals 1 Heavy, Light, or Magic damage.