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A Nord courier
(RefID: 00039FB7)
Race Nord Gender Male
Level 1 Class Warrior
RefID 00039FB7 BaseID 00039F83
Other Information
Essential Yes
Voice Type MaleYoungEager
Faction(s) CrimeFactionWhiterun
Race Dark Elf Gender Male
Level 1 Class Warrior
RefID N/A BaseID 0006A11A
Other Information
Voice Type MaleDarkElf
Faction(s) FavorExcludedFaction
Race Wood Elf Gender Male
Level 1 Class Warrior
RefID N/A BaseID 001065EE
Other Information
Voice Type MaleYoungEager
Faction(s) CrimeFactionWhiterun
Race Nord Gender Male
Level 1 Class Warrior
RefID N/A BaseID 001065EF
Other Information
Voice Type MaleYoungEager
Faction(s) CrimeFactionWhiterun
Race Imperial Gender Male
Level 1 Class Warrior
RefID N/A BaseID 001065F0
Other Information
Voice Type MaleYoungEager
Faction(s) CrimeFactionWhiterun
A Dark Elf courier
A Wood Elf courier
An Imperial courier
A dead courier

Couriers are generic NPCs who travel to deliver messages. They can be randomly encountered, and will appear to hand you letters related to certain quests. A courier can appear anywhere in the province of Skyrim, as well as on Solstheim.

The randomly encountered courier can either be an Imperial, Nord, or Wood Elf. The Wood Elf is clad in a set of farm clothes and boots, and carries a leveled dagger that can be up to Daedric in quality, a random book of low value, a courier's letter that you can pickpocket, and an assortment of middle-class items and gold. The Imperial carries the same items as the Wood Elf, but wears a hat as well as different clothes. Likewise, the Nord courier has the same inventory as the Wood Elf, except for an additional random book and wears a different hat, clothes, and boots.

Related Quests[edit]


They can be found walking along a road. Any attempts at conversation will only have them tell you, "Important deliveries to make! No time for chatting!"

During the quest Arniel's Endeavor, you are to locate a different courier from Morrowind, albeit already dead when you arrive. He was a Dark Elf and wore a set of farm clothes and boots, and carried Keening.

The courier that delivers letters to you is a Nord wearing random farm clothes, boots, as well as a hat. Unlike the other couriers, he carries nothing else with him. He will only appear as part of certain quests, tasked to ensure important messages are in your hands. Using a dragon shout in public view can increase the probability of a contact with him; after doing so, he will usually appear some time later with a letter that activates a miscellaneous quest. He will also occasionally bring other kinds of messages, as detailed below.

He will approach you and say, "I've been looking for you. Got something I'm supposed to deliver - your hands only." He will mumble, "Let's see here..." before saying one or more of the following lines, depending on what he has for you:

"From who?"
"Don't know. Creepy fella, black robe. Couldn't see his face. Paid me a pretty sum to get that into your hands, though."

As soon as Hearthfire is installed, he will randomly appear to give you additional letters:

With the Dragonborn add-on, he will arrive to give you messages from Ralis Sedarys:

Once he is done, he will say, "Looks like that's it. Got to go." and walk away from you. If you talk to him again, he will only say, "Nope, sorry. Nothing."


  • You can read the note while looking at the random encounter courier's inventory via pickpocketing, therefore avoiding any risk of being caught. Reading the courier's letter will add the named location to your map, if you haven't already found it.
  • While attacking random encounter couriers found along the roads will net you a bounty for assault, you can freely attack the courier that approaches you in villages and cities without reprisal from various NPCs and guards. In addition, if you have made any friends in that particular location (such as Adrianne Avenicci in Whiterun, or Brand-Shei in Riften) and/or are a Thane of that particular hold, the NPCs and guards will actually attack the courier once he turns hostile. Since this particular courier is essential, he can be used for skill grinding by using magic and weaponry on him.
  • If you are still on Solstheim while doing Unearthed, the courier will approach you there, in Raven Rock. This is the only time he will not be on mainland Skyrim.


  • The courier occasionally arrives wearing little or no clothes, which he never replaces. Each subsequent meeting with him will either see him wearing the same or even less clothing.
    • This can sometimes be fixed by reverse-pickpocketing new armor or clothes onto him.