Shivering talk:Gardens of Flesh and Bone
I just went through the Gardens of Flesh and Blood for the Gatekeeper quest and I am verifying the article in-game. All the parts of the Gatekeeper were where they said; and the article helped me to finish the quest much sooner. Indalecio666 05:39, 30 April 2008 (EDT)
Has anybody traversed the entire cavern?[edit]
I have tried numerous times to navigate the entire cavern but always end up missing some areas due to open-once roots. It seems there is one and only one path to explore the entire cavern without being locked in or out. For instance: once you get the Essence Of Breath and leave you can't go back and re-explore the cavern because the roots are locked and will not open... 05:29, 26 June 2009 (UTC)TheOtherZack
The Urn in the Conservatorium Corpusculum in the room south of enterance F[edit]
Is it certain that that Urn is not a boss-level one? Maybe it's just me being lucky, but I got a Ring of Treachery, a Grand Soul Gem, Amber, and Gold from just this one, interestingly-placed Urn. 00:04, 5 March 2011 (UTC)
- Checked in the Construction Set and it is not a boss level chest, although it does have a leveled lock. It contains multiple leveled lists, and after multiple Previews of random lists, it seems that you were very lucky. I wish I was that lucky. :þ --DKong27 Talk Cont 00:53, 5 March 2011 (UTC)
Post-main quest state[edit]
It seems that Zone 4 cannot be traversed after the main quest-line is complete. The root gates no longer work. I thought this was noted somewhere, but I don't see it now. Can anyone confirm my findings? --Playerseekingbugs (talk) 21:43, 15 November 2013 (GMT)