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Sailors are the four men walking around Stros M'Kai. None of them want to talk to you, and so they remain unnamed.

"Sailor 1" wanders between Gerrick's Goods and the docks. "Sailor 4" is also found around the general store, but he does not go down to the docks. "Sailor 2" walks back and forth under the gate to the town square. Finally, "Sailor 3" is found in the square near J'ffer's Books.


  • These NPCs are only called "Man" in the game, like many generic NPCs. Their name in the game files suggests they could be called "Town Thugs". The term "Sailor" comes from The Redguard Companion and can also refer to island thugs.



Every time, Cyrus says one of these lines:

"One moment."
"Excuse me."
"A word."
"Hold up a second."
For thugs 1 and 4, followed by:
"Sorry, man. Imperials everywhere. I don't talk with strangers."
"Times are hard in Stros M'Kai. Can't help you, fellow."
"Haven't got a coin to spare, stranger. Try someone else."
"No. Talk with strangers in the street? Imperials are thick as treacle in Stros M'Kai. No, thank you."
For thugs 2 and 3, followed by:
"Look. Go pester someone else."
"No, I haven't got any work, and I don't know who does. Good day to you."
"Who the hell are you? Get out of here."
"I don't know you, fellow, and you don't know me, and that's how it's going to stay."
"Thanks, but no thanks. Find another mark, slick."

Gremlin, for thugs 1 and 4:

"Shoo. Shoo."
"Get away, little one."
"There's something you don't see everyday."

Gremlin, for thugs 2 and 3:

"Outta my way."
"You're looking for a good kicking, ya little squeaker."
"Lotta good eatin' on a squeaker."