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Project Tamriel:Cyrodiil/People in Brina Cross

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A list of all People in Brina Cross.

Name Gender Race Class Faction Level Health Magicka Alarm Fight Location Notes
Aisa Ulo Female Imperial Caravaner 4 72 90 50 30 Outside (-115,-47) Transport (carriage)
Alsia Juvanus Female Imperial Pilgrim Order of Itinerant Priests Novice(Novice) 6 61 94 100 30 Crossing Inn Spell Merchant
Antonius Medericus Male Imperial Noble 9 87 106 100 30 Medericus Distillery
Arahn Kimoi Male Redguard Noble 10 0 94 100 30 Kimoi Manor
Arnav Chalrus Male Imperial Drillmaster 9 118 98 100 30 Crypts
Boldarus Onskild Male Imperial Commoner 7 60 128 0 30 Crossing Inn
Bolnora Felas Female Dark Elf Commoner 4 58 86 100 30 Medericus Distillery
Brescius Telettian Male Imperial Smith 10 124 94 100 30 The Standard Issue Smithy Blacksmith
Caltierra Sivus Female Imperial Trader Service 4 63 90 100 30 White Scarab Company Trader
Catina Female Imperial Knight Cyrodiil Imperial Legion Champion(Champion) 9 103 98 100 30 Crossing Inn
Caudina Worica Female Imperial Merchant 6 73 116 100 30 North Wind Traders
Chiri Female Redguard Caretaker 2 56 62 100 30 Crossing Inn
Christophe Marane Male Breton Publican 11 71 120 100 30 Crossing Inn Rents Bed, Trainer
Clothius Male Imperial Knight Cyrodiil Imperial Legion Agent(Agent) 8 96 96 100 30 Crossing Inn
Codinis Pullia Male Imperial Commoner 4 63 86 100 30 Medericus Distillery: Cellar
Corselius Hasar‎ Male Imperial Farmer 4 67 84 100 30 Outside (-115,-48)
Diranendo Male High Elf Scout 12 123 124 100 30 Colovian Wagoners Association Trainer
Elis Varsius Female Imperial Commoner 1 45 80 100 30 Varsius Residence
Gorri Male Nord Trader Service 12 120 96 100 30 North Wind Traders Trader
Irsu Female Redguard Herder 4 75 64 100 30 White Scarab Company
Istah Male Redguard Caretaker 2 40 80 100 30 Halgern Manor
Jarvun Crow-Sight Male Nord Healer Service Cyrodiil Mages Guild Apprentice(Apprentice) 8 77 76 100 30 Guild of Mages Healer, Spell Merchant
Jopath Panalian Male Imperial Commoner 2 51 82 100 30 Panalian Residence
Juliana Maricius Female Imperial Commoner 5 68 88 100 30 Maricius Residence
Karlorume Female High Elf Bookseller 4 45 130 100 30 Karlorume: Bookseller Bookseller
Kelyras‎ Male High Elf Farmer 3 55 104 100 30 Outside (-115,-48)
Kha'Raji Male Ohmes Savant 3 42 108 90 30 Karlorume: Bookseller
Larenis Maricius Male Imperial Drillmaster 9 94 112 100 30 Maricius Residence Trainer
Latreus Aurantus Male Imperial Alchemist Service Cyrodiil Mages Guild Evoker(Evoker) 11 79 164 100 30 Guild of Mages Alchemist
Lihien Mandilaron Female Wood Elf Pawnbroker 5 50 112 100 30 Mandilaron Sundries Trader
Lurius Alro Male Imperial Knight Kingdom of Anvil Porter(Porter) 10 110 100 100 30 Halgern Manor Trainer
Mason Male Redguard Trader Service 7 92 80 100 30 Outside (-115,-47) Trader
Melia Simerius Female Imperial Priest Great Faiths Acolyte(Acolyte) 6 61 94 100 30 Chapel of Crimson Strings Priest, Spell Merchant, Spellmaker
Merilla Varsius Female Imperial Commoner 5 68 88 50 30 Outside (-115,-47)
Mikola Panalian Female Imperial Commoner 3 51 82 100 30 Panalian Residence
Nais Hearth-Eye Female Nord Commoner 3 62 64 100 30 Nais Hearth-Eye's House
Nerilius Ludos Male Imperial Guard Kingdom of Anvil Porter(Porter) 16 178 112 100 30 South Guard Towers
Obbru gro-Shara Male Orc Master-at-Arms 5 92 66 100 30 Colovian Wagoners Association Trainer
Passus Male Redguard Commoner 3 62 64 100 30 Outside (-115,-47)
Petri Female Redguard Warrior 8 115 72 100 30 Petri's House
Prilla Female Wood Elf Commoner 1 35 80 100 30 Medericus Distillery: Cellar
Purcia Murach Female Imperial Warrior 17 187 106 100 30 Colovian Wagoners Association
Ramus Male Redguard Commoner 3 67 64 100 30 Crossing Inn
Rinni Female Wood Elf Guild Guide Cyrodiil Mages Guild Apprentice(Apprentice) 7 53 120 100 30 Guild of Mages Transport (guild guide)
Ris gra-Kerrar Female Orc Smith 7 106 90 100 30 The Standard Issue Smithy Blacksmith
Salonia Halgern Female Imperial Noble Kingdom of Anvil Auxiliary(Auxiliary) 12 105 116 100 30 Halgern Manor
Segurius Sosian Male Imperial Warrior 24 238 116 100 30 Colovian Wagoners Association Follower for hire
Sielle Eumand Female Breton Enchanter Service Cyrodiil Mages Guild Wizard(Wizard) 23 122 200 100 30 Guild of Mages Enchanter, Trainer
Stendina Menillius Female Imperial Scribe 6 75 122 50 30 Medericus Distillery
Su'Rabi Male Ohmes Bard 6 61 122 100 30 Outside (-115,-47)
Thelius Halgern Male Imperial Noble Kingdom of Anvil Marshal(Marshal) 15 123 124 100 30 Halgern Manor
Tobba Male Redguard Scribe 12 122 128 100 30 White Scarab Company
Undaril Female High Elf Scout 6 73 112 100 30 Colovian Wagoners Association
Waran Felius Male Imperial Scribe 4 63 114 100 30 Colovian Wagoners Association
Yemath Elyrimil Male Wood Elf Commoner 6 64 92 100 30 Medericus Distillery