Online talk:Tactical Facsimile
There are 8 IDs for facsimiles. The ID governs which weapon the facsimile has and the corresponding weapon ability it uses in addition to the basic light attack (Quick Strike), which is common to all facsimiles. Each instance of each ID can spawn as any of the five classes that existed as of Morrowind, and there may be multiple instances of the same ID in a given fight. Each facsimile of the same ID has the same weapon but may be of a different class than other instances of that same ID, even in the same fight.
77455 - Two-Hander (Dizzying Swing) 77460 - One Hand and Shield (Reverberating Bash) 77461 - Dual Wield (Steel Tornado) 77462 - Bow (Lethal Arrow) 77463 - Ice Staff (Frost Pulsar) 77464 - Flame Staff (Flame Pulsar) 77465 - Lightning Staff (Storm Pulsar) 77466 - Resto Staff (Illustrious Healing)
Each facsimile uses class abilities as follows:
DK: Noxious Breath, Choking Talons, Lava Whip NB: Veiled Strikes, Funnel Health, Shadow Cloak, Piercing Mark Sorc: Boundless Storm, Daedric Curse, Daedric Minefield Templar: Ritual of Retribution, Puncturing Sweep, Radiant Destruction (this is the old version of Ritual of Retribution, which both damages and heals) Warden: Gripping Shards, Deep Fissure, Nature's Embrace