Online talk:Keeper Uxith-Ei
Egg Development[edit]
The Hist cannot be a required element in the development of Argonian eggs. First, consider this: "Without the Hist, the eggs can't hatch. Now there is only void! I feel it, forming around the tree. You saw what it did to Ahaht-Ei. The same will happen to our unhatched eggs!" Reference:
This cannot be true, or else there'd never be Argonians born away from the Hist, who cannot hear it. Reference: Likewise, if Argonians cannot be born without the Hist, there'd never be any way for "generations of Argonians" to be kept as slaves in Morrowind, far from any Hist. Reference: - "We were slaves to Dark Elves for generations. When the Ebonheart Pact formed, we refused to fight beside our former captors. [...]". It would make sense for slaveowners to want to breed their slaves, rather than pay to have new ones captured every year. The only way to resolve this is to assume Keeper Uxith-Ei was misrepresenting the situation - or he actually believed that without the Hist the eggs would die, but it is not actually the case.
Now, considering Uxith-Ei's work and profession - I think it's likely that he believes everything he's saying - but it has to be that the role the Hist plays during egg development is exaggerated, like an old folk tale, or else there never be a single Argonian born away from the Hist. It's far more likely that Uxith-Ei is misidentifying natural fertility challenges with the role and nuance of the clutch laying and egg bonding and the Hist, because that's what he was taught. Sometimes, what we believe to be true and what is true are not the same. — Unsigned comment by Korrek ar (talk • contribs) at 16:02 on 5 July 2021