Online talk:Dreadsail Reef
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Health on Normal[edit]
I want to have this written down somewhere, for when the pages get created:
- Swashbuckler, Brewmaster, Keelcutter: 1,584,305
- Overseer: 2,112,407
- Serpentcaller, Ranger: 1,373,064
- Deadeye, Flame Hound, Frost Hound, Coral Crab, Pirate: 160,944
- Ornaug, Harpy Windcaller, Dreugh: 321,888
- Turlassil, Lylanar: 10,906,420 each
- Frost Atronach, Iron Atronach: 2,414,184
- Coral Crab Broodmother: 1,448,510
- Coral Drift Bear: 536,432
- Bowbreaker: 11,928,902
- Coral Drift Haj Mota: 1,100,204
- Sorticthel, Ardahan: 804,728
- Aethawn, Valtultilmo, Engyye, Grashuzag, Knifesbane: 264,051
- Pennystone: 2,253,238
- Bloodwater: 3,218,911
- Daihjara-la: 1,609456
- Sail Ripper: 11,928,902
- Reef Guardian: Varies due to mechanics, I saw 2,726,605, 13,633,026, and 6,543,853.
- Fleet Guardian Taleria out of Combat: 52,831
- Coral Drift Senche: 241,416
- Tideborn Taleria: 29,538,220
- Seaborn Behemoth: 160,456
Oath2order (talk) 01:41, 10 June 2022 (UTC)
Health on Veteran[edit]
- Keelcutter: 3,881,031
- Swindler, Stormrider, Deadeye, Flame Hound, Frost Hound: 287,485
- Flame Hound, Frost Hound Hard Mode: 395,356
- Swashbuckler: 3,234,192
- Viper: 2,587,355
- Serpent Caller, Ranger: 2,802,966
- Turlassil, Lylanar: 31,048,264
- Frost and Iron Atronarch: 4,312,258
Oath2order (talk) 03:08, 11 June 2022 (UTC)