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Tyss | |||
Location | Apocrypha, Cathedral of Hermaeus Mora, Cenotaph Fundament, Cenotaph Rise, Courtyard of Communion, The Crux | ||
Race | Dremora | Gender | Female |
Reaction | Friendly | ||
Other Information | |||
Faction(s) | Remnants Clan |
Tyss is a member of the Remnants Clan seeking to take back the Cenotaph from the Dreamcarvers.
Related Quests[edit]
- Forgotten Glories
: Please add a description for this quest
Chronicle of Fate
: Learn what was forgotten.
Quest-Related Dialogue[edit]
Forgotten Glories[edit]
Approaching her, she will be tending to one of her fellow Remnants:
- Tyss: "Outsider, we need you."
- Remnant: "Empty. Empty. So quiet. Where are we?"
Speaking to her to find out what kind of assistance is needed:
- "Outworlder. You come upon us exactly when needed. Perhaps the Great Eye watches.
Invaders swarm our fortress, the Cenotaph. Dreamcarvers devoted to Vaermina come to wrest the gifts we have guarded for countless millennia." - What kind of gift?
- "How far our clan has fallen to go unrecognized. We are the Remnants, swords of Lord Hermaeus Mora. He bestowed a potion of his will upon us in exchange for our defense of Apocrypha. This pact has stood for eons.
Until recently. It may be lost." - How would you lose your pact?
- "Long ago we locked the pact in a space named the Crux. If the Dreamcarvers breach it, the power our lord granted us becomes theirs.
The Remnants are hobbled. A shadow of our former selves. We need help. Purge the invaders and we shall reward you." - I'll help you against the Dreamcarvers and protect your pact.
If you start the quest through Zenkif:
- "Greetings, outworlder. We know why you came. And we offer gratitude for your timely assistance."
- Zenkif sent me to help defend the Cenotaph.
- "Our situation grows dire. Very few of us still stand, and we can no longer hear those who do. The Dreamcarvers must not reach the Crux, but we cannot stop them in our weakened state.
You, however, are an unexpected development." - What do you need me to do?
After you done speaking with her, Zenkif will arrive to express the futility of reclaiming the fortress and that the Remnants should accept being a dead order:
- Zenkif: "Dreamcarvers swarm our fortress. It is theirs now."
- Tyss: "While our pact exists, so do the Remnants."
- Zenkif: "Stop clinging to a dead order. We must accept our fate."
- Tyss: "This mortal can change our fate. Stay here. Tend to the stricken."
You can ask further questions before going into the fortress:
- "Dreamcarvers roam the halls of the Cenotaph, seeking a path into the Crux. Resetting the fortress defenses shall be our first task.
You can enter through a cave system to the north. We will secure this camp, then meet you inside." - Why did Zenkif call you a dead order? / Why does some of your clan call you a dead order?
- "The Dreamcarver invasion proves that our plan has grown weak. If we cannot defend our home, how can we serve the Great Eye?
A rift threatens the Remnants. Do we attempt to regrow or disband entirely?"- What do you believe?
- "Although our power sputters and dims, we still emit a small glow. The Remnants are the sword and shield of the Eye-Who-Sees-All. No greater honor exists in Oblivion.
Our pact with Hermaeus Mora still holds, so we must defend it."
- Tell me about the Remnants. / Tell me more about the Remnants.
"All of Apocrypha once knew of us. We guarded Hermaeus Mora's most treasured secrets. Even explored the mortal realm.
We were a force unmatched."
- What changed?
- "We faded. It started slowly. Our numbers dropped subtly. We noticed our strength waning as our clan dwindled. The more we left, the weaker we became.
A cycle of withering began. Weakness bred deserters, which led to more weakness."- Did something happen to start the cycle?
- "We have thought about that for a long while. Those who left claimed to lose faith in our lord, the Eye that Wanders. This confused us, but we accepted it.
Perhaps if we pushed harder for their return, some of our clan would not call us a dead order."
- Can you tell me about yourself.? / Care to tell me about yourself?
- "You question confuses us. We told you, we are the Remnants. Should we feel concerned about you weren't listening?"
- No, I mean tell me about you, specifically.
- "Ah, now the problem becomes clear. The Remnants are a whole. Our minds, linked. Our experiences, shared. We do not distinguish individual parts the way mortals do.
Speaking in your tongue, the best word to describe us is we."- But you are distinct beings.
- "Hmm. Your fingers—do they not form your hand? And your hand, it is part of your body, yes? As is your foot, your legs—these are you.
Such it is with us. The Remnants are a body. To perceive the parts as separate misunderstands our nature."
Once inside the Cenotaph Foundations, she will ask to start planning:
- Tyss: "We entered unseen. Come, let us plan."
She will ask to reset the wards in the Cenotaph:
- "These caves wind through the Cenotaph's lower levels. Many of our defensive measures originate here and extend through the fortress.
The Dreamcarvers disabled our wards as they invaded. We must reset them." - How do we reset the wards?
- "We will find them north of here. They will require both of our efforts to set. You must hold the trigger while we funnel energy into it.
Once set, the wards will drive most of the Dreamcarvers from the Cenotaph." - All right. Let's find the wards.
Asking further questions about the Cenotaph:
- "We may run into Dreamcarvers as we search. Do not hesitate to dispatch them with prejudice. Remember, they will reform in Oblivion over time. You will not.
Let us move north through the tunnels. We will alert you when we find a ward." - Why did the Remnants place these wards under the fortress?
- "They are meant to deal with any thieves that should find their way inside. We store many of Hermaeus Mora's treasured secrets here, after all.
When active, their power floods the entire Cenotaph. But that will take time." - How long have the Remnants had the Cenotaph?
- "A time existed when the Remnants had no home. We served as wandering knights for our lord.
Then, as if flung through the void, this castle landed within Apocrypha. We took this as a gift and soon occupied it."
As you progress through the foundations:
- Tyss: "This Dreamcarver spell opens a void in our thoughts. It feels like an erasure."
Encountering the first ward, she will start resetting it:
- Tyss: "Come, we can recharge this power node."
After resetting it:
- Tyss: "Our fire traps should ignite now."
Encountering the second ward:
- Tyss: "Here. A node of power for the traps. Help us recharge it."
After recharging the second ward:
- Tyss: "This should surprise our invaders."
Encountering the final ward:
- 'Tyss:'A power node. Let us charge it."
After recharging it:
- Tyss: "We hope this one hurts."
Once you finish recharging all the wards, she wants to talk more about further steps:
- Tyss: "That covers our exits. Let us talk about next steps."
Hearing her out on what to do next:
- "With the traps powered, we should find navigating the Cenotaph much easier. They should destroy most of the invaders with ease.
However, they won't get them all. We need to determine how close they are to reaching the Remnant pact." - How do we learn that?
- "We head to the courtyard. If the Dreamcarvers wish to breach the Crux, they must go there to do it.
The passage to the east will take us to a balcony. We can assess their progress from there."
Speaking to her before going to the courtyard:
- "You may not feel it, but we do. A shift in the power that flows through the Cenotaph. The Dreamcarvers may soon breach the protections around our pact. We must hurry to the courtyard!"
Once in the courtyard, you will witness Dreamcarvers preparing a ritual to break into the Crux:
- Tyss: "Such a massive ritual! Destroy the focus."
Speaking to her before interrupting the ritual:
- "See there? The ritual information. A battering ram through the door into the Crux.
Help us shatter it. Then we can find others like it."
Breaking the ritual focus will free Urzif:
- Tyss: "Facets of the ritual may tell us something. Look for clues."
Speaking to her before examining the clues:
- "A ritual that would breach the walls of the Crux requires enormous power. The Dreamcarvers may have left signs of how they constructed this focus.
Search the grounds. I can no longer hear our injured, so we must learn more."
After speaking to Urzif:
- Tyss: "Remnants function as a whole. Why isolate us?"
After examining the ritual remains:
- Tyss: "Fragments of ritual medium. We can learn from that."
After investigating Uxunath's Vision:
- Uxunath: "A sample of my vestige for each stone. This unlocks the way."
- Tyss: "That is the ritual's core. Her own essence."
Once you examine all the clues, you speak to her again:
- "That creature, Uxunath, she leads these invaders. We know her reputation—savage and impatient. No wonder she managed to take the Cenotaph by force.
To use her own vestige as fuel for the ritual presents a massive risk." - What do you make of what we found?
- "The walls of the Crux cannot break. We connected the locks to the Remnants' mental web. Only we may enter unscathed.
Uxuanth's ritual siphons Remnants minds. She blends their psychic energy with her own essence." - What does that mean?
- "What it means, mortal, is she has crafted a key to the Crux. Once she blends enough Remnant minds with her own vestige, she will appear as one of us.
The Crux will open. The pact will be exposed." - What do we do?
- "We search the grounds. Find other ritual foci and destroy them.
Steel yourself. Dreamcarvers roam everywhere." - I'll destroy the ritual foci.
Before you head off to destroy the ritual foci, you ask more questions:
- "We did not choose our fortress. It arrived when we needed it most. Once, sounds of training and discussion echoed through the halls. As our numbers dwindled, the Cenotaph fell quiet."
- What is happening to these Remnants?
- "We no longer feel their presence in our mental connection. The Dreamcarvers have learned a way to isolate us. Severing us from ourselves.
Such a process, it seems, drives us to madness." - You recognize the Dreamcarver leader?
- "The Remnants keep watch on many of the other clans. Our calling is the defense of Apocrypha, after all.
We once had agents across realms that a mortal's mind can hold. Perhaps we can regain that reach once more." - What can you tell me about the ritual? / The ritual seemed to anger you.
- "Uxunath steals our defining feature. The thing that makes us Remnants.
Our mental web, the connection that binds us. We believe it is more than a means of sharing knowledge. It amplifies us."- What do you mean?
- "Think of the power nodes we charged. Our pact with Lord Mora is the kernel from which the Remnants' gifts emerge.
Our mental web amplifies those gifts. The more who are connected, the stronger we become. To isolate us from it is savagery."
Approaching a ritual focus:
- Tyss: "Another ritual focus. Destroy it!"
After destroying it:
- Tyss: "Good, that should weaken the ritual."
Approaching the final focus:
- Tyss: "Destroy the ritual! Sever the connection!"
Once destroyed, Tyss will ask to find Uxunath:
- Tyss: "Let us keep searching."
Speaking to her at this point:
- "Without those rituals, the Dreamcarvers' plans should move drastically slower.
Our next task is obvious. We find Uxunath and stop her from entering the Crux. If we ascend the tower, we can get a better view. Perhaps see where she hides."
You will reach the balcony where Uxunath stands. Tyss will demand the Dreamcarver to stay away from the Crux, but Uxunath does not care.
- Tyss: "You! Our pact with Lord Mora is sacred. Do not dare enter the Crux."
- Uxunath: "Here you are. The rats scurrying around to cause trouble."
- Uxunath: "Despite your efforts, I have what I need. Good try, though."
<Uxunath flees in a portal.>
- Tyss: "Quick, we need to plan."
Tyss will despair initially but will realize it is not too late to stop Uxunath:
- "No! After everything, we were too slow. They have entered the Crux and can access our pact with Lord Hermaeus Mora.
The Remnants may actually end." - Can we follow her into the Crux?
- "Perhaps. No one has entered for countless eons. The Remnants have keys to the Crux, but we have never needed them. Until now."
- Where are these keys?
- "We need the Journal of the First Remnant. It will tell us which relics we need to place around the circle to open the door.
There is little time. We must go, now."
After speaking to her, she ask to hurry:
- Tyss: "Find the relics. Hurry."
Speaking to her before you find the Journal of the First Remnant:
- "We must hurry and check the state of the pact. There is no telling what damage the Dreamcarvers could do to the Remnants and Hermaeus Mora if left alone in the Crux."
After reading the Journal of the First Remnant:
- Tyss: "A journal containing the wisdom of the first Remnant."
Asking her about further questions of the relics:
- Why are the Remnants storing these relics?
- "The Remnants have acquired these relics while gathering secrets for Hermaeus Mora. They either made our jobs easier or could not be left for anyone to find. So we gathered and stored them to keep them safe."
Picking up the ancient spyglass:
- Tyss: "That spyglass peers through the void to find new realms."
Picking up the ancient key:
- Tyss: "That key itself is a lock, which another key then opens."
After picking up the two relics:
- Tyss: "Well done. Now we go to the ritual dais."
Speaking to her before going to the dais:
- "These are all we need. Now, let us hurry to where Uxunath had that portal. The longer we leave her alone, the more damage she can do."
Reaching the ritual dais balcony:
- Tyss: "Here. We will guide you through the next steps."
Speaking to her on the steps to open the portal to the Crux:
- "Place the relics where I tell you. Once complete, our power shall flow through them. Hurry, our power wanes. We can feel it."
- How do we open the portal?
- "We use the gathered relics. Once placed, our power shall bind them together. They will connect to what remains of the Remnants' mental web. The resulting mesh will open the Crux."
- I'm not a Remnant. Can I still enter the Crux?
- "We shall open a door like any other. You will have no problem entering.
That said, once inside we must close the door behind us. Otherwise, we risk a swarm of Dreamcarvers joining us within."
She will immediately start the ritual to open the portal:
- Tyss: "Place the relics while we channel our power through them."
Placing the spyglass on the ritual pedestal:
- Tyss: "To pierce the void and see our promise held."
Placing the key on the ritual pedestal:
- Tyss: "To form a lock that holds tight the door."
Placing the journal on the ritual pedestal:
- Tyss: "To bind us all through ancient wisdom."
The portal opens and she goes inside:
- Tyss: "We opened the way. Enter the Crux, outworlder."
Once inside the Crux, you will see Uxunath in the center:
- Tyss: "The Crux. Wait…our connection. We have gone silent."
Speaking to her before fighting Uxunath:
- "Destroy her. Protect all we have left. The Remnants need this to remain a force in Apocrypha."
After defeating Uxunath, she will notice the Pact of the Remnants in the center:
- Tyss: "She is right. It is empty. Except for this."
Speaking to her before examining the pact:
- "Uxunath is gone. She may return, of course. Eventually.
A more pressing matter. Entering the Crux severed our connection to the Remnants. We don't understand. Let's examine the document at the center. That must be our pact."
The pact has no words much to her surprise:
- Tyss: "There is…nothing here. The room is empty. Even the book has no words."
After trying to read it, she will head to a portal back to Apocrypha:
- Tyss: "Follow. We must think."
You will be back outside of the Cenotaph. You will see Tyss , Urzif, Kusuna, Telpizan and other Remnants gathered in a circle. Tyss seeks your advice on what was discovered:
- Tyss: "What does this mean, mortal?"
- Tyss: "We need your guidance."
Hearing her out to decide the future of the Remnants:
- "As far back as we can recall, the Remnants believed we directly served Hermaeus Mora. Our connection to him drove us to defend his will.
Perhaps that was a lie? The pact was nothing. A shattered plane with a rotting book." - Why's the book of the pact empty?
- "Further, where does our power come from? We cannot say.
Now, we must decide. Do we tell the Remnants of our discovery? It would surely destroy us. Or, do we use the victory to reinvigorate the clan? Show that Apocrypha still needs our defense." - This must mean your power is your own. You should rebuild the Remnants.
- "An excellent point. Our goals do not need to come from some external source. We can reinvest in our purpose on our own.
Perhaps others will join out of a desire to gather knowledge, instead of to serve another." - Your clan is built on a lie. Allow it to end. You should disband the Remnants.
- "
If you convince her to rebuild the order, she will be more optimistic:
- How do you feel about rebuilding?
- "We feel more certain than ever about our task. Our clan will gather and discuss how to prioritize. The Cenotaph of the Remnants will become the sword and shield of Hermaeus Mora once again."
- I hope the order rebuilds successfully.
- "It's only through your efforts that we have a chance to rebuild. The Remnants will rise again and last for eternity. All thanks to you.
This outcome was unexpected. Nonetheless, you earned this. We offer it in gratitude."
After the quest if you convince the Remnants to rebuild:
- "What comes next feels mysterious. Perhaps the others will have an idea on how to proceed.
Until then, you have our gratitude, outworlder. May we fight alongside each other again in the future." - What are your plans now?
- "We shall rebuild. Our order may have seemingly collapsed, but perhaps we can rebuild stronger. We will create a more solid foundation.
We still believe in serving Hermaeus Mora. The task is still worthwhile. We feel rededicated."
Once done speaking to her, she will rally the Remnants:
- Zenkif: "They have emerged. And unharmed. What fate comes for our order, then?"
- Tyss: "See what we have done—the Cenotaph stands! Our order can rekindle its strength. This proves it."
- Zenkif: "Our gifts return and we hear our thoughts once more. Perhaps the Remnants can still serve."
Chronicle of Fate[edit]
If you convince her to rebuild the Remnants, both her and Zenkif will attend your ceremony at Cipher's Midden. She has removed her horns.
Speaking to her:
- "The Cenotaph firmly remains in Remnant control, thanks to you. Our group is stronger than ever."
- What will you do now?
- "Since our purge of the Dreamcarvers, the Remnants feel renewed. We have dedicated ourselves to regaining everything that we lost."
- How have the other Remnants not learned about the Crux?
- "That is a mystery. When we entered, our voices silenced. Perhaps that knowledge stays locked within the Crux.
Or, perhaps our Lord Mora does not wish that knowledge to spread. Who are we to question such a judgement?"
She will be one of the voices to support you during Scruut's speech:
- Tyss: "This strong mortal bravely fought the Dreamcarvers alongside us."