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Home City Mournhold
Location Mages Guild
Race Dark Elf Gender Male
Reaction Friendly
Other Information
Faction(s) Hidden Armigers

Thrush is a Dark Elf spy, and the leader of the Ebonheart Pact's spy network, the Hidden Armigers. Along with Naryu Virian and Vanus Galerion, he will aid you during Messages Across Tamriel.

Related Quests[edit]

Quest-Related Events[edit]

Messages Across Tamriel[edit]

Pact Version[edit]

You can meet him at the Mournhold Mages Guild, where he will be with Naryu. He will introduce himself as the leader of the Hidden Armigers:

"Well, well, if it isn't the hero of the Pact. Glad you made it."
I don't believe we've met
"I'm the leader of the Hidden Armigers. If you've heard of us, we haven't been doing our jobs.
The Armigers do the Pact's dirty work. Sometimes that involves agents from the Morag Tong and other secret organizations. Like Naryu here."
Why would you need an assassin?
"She owes me a favor. It's a long series of stories we don't have time for. She saved my brother, I saved her life. We're back and forth.
That's it for story time. You're here about Vanus Galerion?"
Yes, I am.

He will reassure you the Armigers will do their part in arranging the meeting of the alliance leaders:

"That crazy Altmer wants to organize a secret meeting of the alliance leaders in neutral territory.
He'll be here any minute, so I'll let him give you the details. But don't worry, the Armigers will do our part."
What's your part?
"Little details. Making sure the right agents are in the right places. Protecting Pact interests. That sort of thing.
I could tell you more, but then Naryu would want to kill you. Or maybe just cut on you a little."

Afterwards, he and Naryu will have a conversation while you wait for Vanus Galerion. Thrush will ask Naryu to contact the other alliance spy networks to help arrange the meeting of the alliance leaders. The pair will head out:

Thrush: "Turns out I'm glad you came, Virian. I'm calling in that favor."
Naryu Virian: "You mean you called me here without knowing if you needed me, Thrush? Ugh. What's the favor?"
Thrush: "I need you to contact the other spy networks, the Eyes of the Queen of the Aldmeri Dominion and the Ring of Daggers in the Daggerfall Covenant."
Naryu Virian: "Contact. You do mean with the tips of my daggers. Repeatedly. Right?"
Thrush: "No, no, this is a diplomacy thing. No killing."
Vanus Galerion: "Apologies for my lateness."
Naryu Virian: "Waste of a favor, Thrush. Should've asked for something your lackeys couldn't do. We're even after this, you know."
Thrush: "I know, but this is important. Thanks, Naryu."
Thrush: "I'll even ride with you as far as Auridon. Let's go."

Covenant and Dominion Version[edit]

Thrush will be one of the agents guarding the Skald-King and will threaten you as you and Vanus approach.

Thrush: "Watch yourselves, outsiders. Give us a good reason, and the Armigers will cut you down where you stand!"
Hopper: "We'll burn you …."
Longfin: "Freeze you …."
Scathecraw: "And shatter you …."
Thrush: "Any questions? I didn't think so."
Vanus Galerion: "Honored Skald-King, I am here with the personal champion of Queen Ayrenn/High King Emeric …."
Thrush: "You dare to bring a Dominion/Covenant lapdog here?"
Jorunn the Skald-King: "Silence, Thrush! Master Galerion, please continue."
Vanus Galerion: "My companion hopes to speak with you about the impending Coldharbour crisis."
Jorunn the Skald-King: "I have heard tales of this one. The Skald-King favors the bold, even among his enemies! Come, champion. let us speak."