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This page lists all the stores in Elder Scrolls Online. See also Services.
Aldmeri Dominion[edit]
- Vulkhel Guard:
The Crystal Vial — An enchanter/alchemist's shop in Vulkhel Guard. (map) *
- Elden Root:
Apothecarium — An apothecary in the Elden Root Mages Guildhall. An advanced safebox can be found on the northern side of the stall. (map)
- Haven:
The Clever Retort — An apothecary on the main trading plaza of Haven. (map)
- Mistral:
The Hissing Phial — An apothecary at the Mistral docks. (map)
Daggerfall Covenant[edit]
- Sentinel:
Scholar's Way — A street in northern Sentinel containing an apothecary and a chironasium. (map) *
- Evermore:
The Mystic Mortar — An apothecary in southern Evermore. (map)
- Hallin's Stand:
The Sublime Elixir — An apothecary in the southern section of Hallin's Stand. (map)
- Shornhelm:
Untamed Elixirs — An apothecary store in western Shornhelm, near the south gate. (map)
- Wayrest:
Chironasium — An alchemy and enchanting store in the Wayrest Mages District. (map) *
Ebonheart Pact[edit]
- Mournhold:
Hlaalu Alchemical Goods — An apothecary located at the Plaza of the Gods in Mournhold. (map)
- Windhelm:
The Adept's Retreat — A chironasium, apothecary and outfit station in Windhelm. (map) *
- Riften:
Scent of Serenity — An apothecary run by Darva. (map)
- The Hollow City:
Mixed Results — An alchemist store run by Calanor located in The Hollow City. (map)
- Belkarth:
The Gem & Flask — An apothecary and chironasium in the center of Belkarth, in Craglorn. (map) *
Vaifa's House of Enchantment and Admixtures — A shop on Eyevea which houses an enchanter and an alchemist. (map) *
Gold Coast
- Kvatch:
The Dabbler's Den
— An apothecary in Kvatch. (map)
- Orsinium: Hydalion's Potions & Elixirs
— An alchemy shop within the Mages Guild in Orsinium. (map)
* An apothecary sharing premises with a chironasium.
Aldmeri Dominion[edit]
- Vulkhel Guard:
Brightsteel Armory — A shop in Vulkhel Guard housing a weaponsmith and a woodworker. (map)
- Elden Root:
Elden Tree Armory — A collection of stalls selling various types of armor and wooden weapons on the ground level of the great graht-oak of Elden Root. (map)
- Arenthia:
Two Notched Hilts — An armory located on the central trading plaza of Arenthia. (map)
Daggerfall Covenant[edit]
- Evermore:
The Golden Cleaver — A weapons store in western Evermore. (map)
- Evermore:
The Whistling Hammer — A woodworker store in western Evermore. (map)
- Shornhelm:
The Fighting Edge — An armory store located inside the northern wing of the Shornhelm Fighters Guild. (map)
- Wayrest:
Red Squall Armory — A store located by Wayrest Market Square. (map)
- Port Hunding:
The Armored Forge — An armor shop found in the center in Port Hunding. (map)
Ebonheart Pact[edit]
- Davon's Watch: The War-Worn Carapace — A shop run by the armorer Durena Avani. An advanced safebox can be found on the floor. (map)
- Eastern Elsweyr Gate:
Armory Merchants — An armory located at the Eastern Elsweyr Gate in Cyrodiil. (map)
- Northern Morrowind Gate:
Merchant House — An armory located at the Northern Morrowind Gate in Cyrodiil. (map)
- Southern High Rock Gate:
Merchant House — An armory located at the Southern High Rock Gate in Cyrodiil. (map)
- Western Elsweyr Gate:
Armory Merchants — An armory located at the Western Elsweyr Gate in Cyrodiil. (map)
Gold Coast[edit]
- Anvil:
Anvil Ironworks and Tannery
— A smithy in Anvil. (map)
Aldmeri Dominion[edit]
- Vulkhel Guard:
Timber & Tools — A carpentry in Vulkhel Guard. (map)
- Woodhearth:
Shipshape Carpentry — A carpentry in western Woodhearth. (map)
- Mistral:
Old Sawdust Mill — A carpentry in Mistral which houses a carpenter, a woodworker and a woodworking station. (map)
- Rawl'kha:
Planed Plank Carpentry — A carpentry in southern Rawl'kha. (map)
Daggerfall Covenant[edit]
- Daggerfall:
Daggerfall Millworks — A lumbermill, carpentry and alchemy store in Daggerfall Castle Town. (map)
- Evermore:
Chrinitte's Carpentry Corner — A carpentry store found just inside Evermore's West Gate. (map)
- Hallin's Stand:
Desert Sun Woodshop — A carpentry in the south of Hallin's Stand. (map)
- Shornhelm:
Hammer & Saw Carpentry — A woodworkers' and joinery store located inside the east gate of Shornhelm. (map)
- Wayrest:
The Bough and Birdsmouth — A carpentry store in Wayrest Residential District. (map) *
Ebonheart Pact[edit]
- Windhelm:
The Tree's Bounty — A carpentry in northeastern Windhelm. (map)
- Davon's Watch: Silver-Gills Woodworks — A stall owned by the carpenter Silver-Gills. An intermediate safebox can be found on the floor by the wood chopping block. A copy of Woodworking For Simpletons can also be found here. (map)
- Ebonheart:
Stonecrush Lumber Camp — A carpentry located on the outskirts of Ebonheart. (map)
- Belkarth:
High Road Woodworks — A carpentry in Belkarth. (map)
- Dragonstar:
Sawdust Woodcrafts — A carpentry in Dragonstar. (map)
Gold Coast[edit]
- Anvil:
The Carved Bough
— A carpentry shop in Anvil. (map)
- Morkul Stronghold:
Palm-Blister Carpentry
— The carpentry on the east side of Morkul Stronghold. (map)
Aldmeri Dominion[edit]
- Vulkhel Guard:
The Crystal Vial — An enchanter/alchemist's shop in Vulkhel Guard. (map) *
- Elden Root:
Chironasium — A chironasium and a mystic stall in the Elden Root Mages Guild. (map)
- Haven:
Enchanted Elegance — A chironasium in the central part of Haven. (map)
- Mistral:
Sea Glass Enchantments — A chironasium on the docks of Mistral. (map)
Daggerfall Covenant[edit]
- Sentinel:
Scholar's Way — A street in northern Sentinel containing an apothecary and a chironasium. (map) *
- Evermore:
Spell-Weaver's Sanctum — An enchanting shop in southern Evermore. (map)
- Hallin's Stand:
The Magical Ring — A chironasium just inside Hallin's Stand's southern gate. (map)
- Shornhelm:
Stoneglow Enchantments — A chironasium in western Shornhelm, opposite the Mages Guild. (map)
- Wayrest:
Chironasium — An alchemy and enchanting store in the Wayrest Mages District. (map) *
- Port Hunding:
Doom and Draughts — An alchemy and enchanting shop in Port Hunding near the west gate. (map) *
Ebonheart Pact[edit]
- Mournhold:
The Kind Enchanter — A chironasium located at the Plaza of the Gods in Mournhold. (map)
- Windhelm:
The Adept's Retreat — A chironasium, apothecary and outfit station in Windhelm. (map) *
- Riften:
Lakeside Experiments — A chironasium, apothecary and dye station in Riften. (map) *
- The Hollow City:
Exceptional Enchants — An enchanter store run by Davilia Ralas located in the Hollow City. (map)
- Belkarth:
The Gem & Flask — An apothecary and chironasium in the center of Belkarth, in Craglorn. (map) *
- Southern Morrowind Gate:
Shadutsei's Emporium — A chironasium located at the Southern Morrowind Gate in Cyrodiil. (map)
- Kvatch:
Famula's Wonders
— A chironasium in Kvatch. (map)
- Abah's Landing:
This One Sells Glyphs
— A chironasium found at Promenade in Abah's Landing. (map)
- Lilmoth: Seaside Charms — A enchanting stall run by Gorendir. An intermediate safebox can be found on the table. (map)
- Orsinium: Fabasi's Runes & Enchantments
— An enchanting shop within the Mages Guild in Orsinium. (map)
- Eyevea:
Vaifa's House of Enchantment and Admixtures — A shop on Eyevea which houses an enchanter and an alchemist. (map) *
* A chironasium sharing premises with an apothecary.
- Belkarth:
The Lonesome Loom — A clothier in Belkarth. (map)
Guild Kiosks[edit]
Aldmeri Dominion[edit]
- Firsthold Wayshrine:
North Road Exchange — A guild kiosk run by Panersewen, located just to the northeast of the Firsthold Wayshrine. (map)
- Skywatch:
Skystep Stalls — A collection of guild kiosks located on the steps to Skywatch Wayshrine. (map)
- Vulkhel Guard:
Carillda's Crates — A guild trader kiosk run by Carillda, located on the bach near Vulkhel Docks. (map)
- Vulkhel Guard Outlaws Refuge:
Uraacil's Trading Post — A guild kiosk in the Vulkhel Guard Outlaws Refuge run by Uraacil. (map)
- Cormount Wayshrine:
Star-Eyed Stall — A Guild Kiosk run by Nirywy, located near the Wayshrine outside Cormount. (map)
- Elden Root:
Trunkshade Traders — A guild kiosks marketplace located outside the Elden Root great trunk, near the southern entrance. (map)
- Elden Root Outlaws Refuge:
Elden Root Outlaws Refuge — An outlaws hideout situated beneath Elden Root. (map)
- Southpoint Wayshrine:
Glothie's Sellcart — A guild kiosk run by Glothozug, located near the Wayshrine outside Southpoint. (map)
- Greenheart Wayshrine:
Bridgeside Barter — A guild trader kiosk run by Halash, located on the road between Greenheart and the Labyrinth ruin. (map)
- Marbruk:
The Marbruk Mart — A collection of guild kiosks located at the Marbruk trading plaza. (map)
- Marbruk Outlaws Refuge:
Marbruk Outlaws Refuge — An outlaws refuge hidden beneath Marbruk. (map)
- Verrant Morass Wayshrine:
Hect-of-a-Sale — A guild kiosk run by Seeks-Better-Deals, located outside Hectahame. (map)
- Mistral:
Dockside Dealers — A guild kiosks market in Mistral. (map)
- Baandari Trading Post:
Trade Post Triumphs — A collection of guild kiosks at Baandari Trading Post. (map)
- Dra'bul Wayshrine:
Crossroad Trading — A guild kiosk run by Ulyn Marys, located on the road from Vulkwasten to Velyn Harbor. (map)
- Valeguard Wayshrine:
Kharg's Cart — A guild kiosk run by Kharg, located near the Wayshrine, on the crossroads. (map)
- Velyn Harbor Outlaws Refuge:
Andalen's Confidential Sales — A guild kiosk in the Velyn Harbor Outlaws Refuge run by Galis Andalen. (map)
- Dune:
The Dune Rise Dealer — A guild kiosk run by Uzarrur, located at the foot of the Dune Wayshrine. (map)
- Rawl'kha:
Moonlight Market — A guild kiosk market in western Rawl'kha. (map)
- Rawl'kha Outlaws Refuge:
Sharaddargo's Trading Co. — A guild kiosk in the Rawl'kha Outlaws Refuge run by Sharaddargo. (map)
- Vinedusk Wayshrine:
Crystal Corner — A guild kiosk run by Ambarys Teran, located to the east of the Malabal Tor gate. (map)
Daggerfall Covenant[edit]
- Bergama Wayshrine:
Last Chance Lejesha's — A Guild Kiosk run by Lejesha, located near the Wayshrine outside Bergama. (map)
- Morwha's Bounty Wayshrine:
Feast of the Sands — A Guild Kiosk run by Manidah, located on the road to Salas En. (map)
- Sentinel:
The Crown's Coster — A guild kiosk marketplace located near the Sentinel Wayshrine. (map)
- Sentinel Outlaws Refuge:
Marbilah's Mindful Sales — A guild kiosk in the Sentinel Outlaws Refuge run by Marbilah. (map)
- Bangkorai Pass Wayshrine:
Culled from the Crypt — A Guild Kiosk run by Malirzzaka, located beside Bangkorai Pass Wayshrine. (map)
- Evermore:
The Back Alley Market — A collection of guild kiosks located in eastern Evermore. (map)
- Evermore Outlaws Refuge:
Ornyenque's Trading Post — A guild kiosk in the Evermore Outlaws Refuge run by Ornyenque. (map)
- Hallin's Stand:
Glorgzorgo Loves Cheese — A Guild Kiosk run by Glorgzorgo, located near the Hallin's Stand Wayshrine. (map)
- Stonetooth Fortress:
This Orc Reads Books — A guild kiosk in the southern part of Stonetooth Fortress. (map)
- Daggerfall:
The West Step Stalls — A collection of guild kiosks located on the steps leading down to the Harbor District. (map)
- Daggerfall Outlaws Refuge:
Fallen Fates Market — A guild kiosk in the Daggerfall Outlaws Refuge run by Zulgozu (map)
- Lion Guard Redoubt:
Redoubtable Deals — A Guild Kiosk in the Lion Guard Redoubt run by Nameel. (map)
- Wyrd Tree Wayshrine:
Mogazgur's Mart — A Guild Kiosk run by Mogazgur, located just to the east of Wyrd Tree Wayshrine. (map)
- Hoarfrost Downs:
Traitor's Trades — A guild kiosk in Hoarfrost Downs, run by Aldam Urvyn. (map)
- Oldgate Wayshrine:
The Meat Hut — A Guild Kiosk run by Fanwyearie, located on the south side of the milegate. (map)
- Shornhelm:
South Shornhelm Stalls — A collection of guild kiosks located outside the southern gate of Shornhelm. (map)
- Shornhelm Outlaws Refuge:
Bixitleesh's Bargains — A guild kiosk in the Shornhelm Outlaws Refuge run by Bixitleesh. (map)
- Firebrand Keep Wayshrine:
The Storm Route Stall — A Guild Kiosk run by Dromash, located just to the south of Firebrand Keep Wayshrine. (map)
- Koeglin Village:
Bayside Barter — A guild kiosk run by Aniama, located on the eastern side of Koeglin Village. (map)
- Wayrest:
Stormhaven's Trade Coster — A collection of guild kiosks located near the west gate of Wayrest. (map)
- Wayrest Outlaws Refuge:
Lion's Share Market — A guild kiosk in the Wayrest Outlaws Refuge run by Essilion. (map)
- Port Hunding:
Makmargo's Merchandise — A guild kiosk in Port Hunding located at the western city gate. (map)
Ebonheart Pact[edit]
- Dhalmora:
Target Trades — A guild kiosk in the southern Dhalmora, run by Galam Seleth. (map)
- Bleakrock Wayshrine:
Bleakrock Barter — A guild kiosk run by Inishez, situated near the Bleakrock Wayshrine. (map)
- Mournhold:
Mourner's Market — A collection of guild kiosks located at the Mournhold Plaza of the Gods. (map)
- Mournhold Outlaws Refuge:
Mournhold Outlaws Refuge — An outlaws refuge beneath Mournhold. (map)
- Muth Gnaar Hills Wayshrine:
The Trade Pen — A guild kiosk operated by Feran Relenim, located near the Muth Gnaar Hills Wayshrine. (map)
- Tal'Deic Grounds Wayshrine:
Arobar's Arch — A guild kiosk operated by Telvon Arobar, situated near the Tal'Deic Grounds Wayshrine. (map)
- Fort Amol:
Muslablizs' Booth — A guild kiosk in Fort Amol. (map)
- Voljar Meadery Wayshrine:
Don't Mess With Elves — A guild kiosk run by Alareth, located near the Voljar Meadery Wayshrine. (map)
- Windhelm:
Windswept Stalls — A marketplace housing several guild kiosks in Windhelm. (map)
- Windhelm Outlaws Refuge:
Berendus' Binding Sales — A guild kiosk in the Windhelm Outlaws Refuge run by Meden Berendus. (map)
- Hissmir:
Fen-Stewards's Stop — A guild kiosk run by Talen-Dum, located to the east of Hissmir. (map)
- Stormhold:
The Stormhold Exchange — A marketplace housing several guild kiosks in Stormhold. (map)
- Stormhold Outlaws Refuge:
Geeh-Sakka's Scales & Sales — A guild kiosk in the Stormhold Outlaws Refuge run by Geeh-Sakka. (map)
- Weeping Wamasu Falls:
Fenwalker's Post — A guild kiosk run by Junal-Nakal, located near the Weeping Wamasu Falls crafting site. (map)
- Davon's Watch:
Ashland Treasures — A guild kiosk located at the southeastern gate of Davon's Watch. (map)
- Davon's Watch Outlaws Refuge:
Adagwen's Addled Market — A guild kiosk in the Davon's Watch Outlaws Refuge run by Adagwen. (map)
- Ebonheart:
Plaza Trademarket — A gathering of guild kiosks in central Ebonheart. (map)
- Kragenmoor:
The Anchor Exchange — A guild kiosk at the central plaza of Kragenmoor. (map)
- Nimalten:
Atheval's Traveling Trades — A guild kiosk in Nimalten situated near Nimalten Market. (map)
- Riften:
Lake Honrich Holdings — A collection of guild kiosks located near Riften, outside the southwestern city gate. (map)
- Riften Outlaws Refuge:
Majdawa's Majestic Trades — A guild kiosk in the Riften Outlaws Refuge run by Majdawa. (map)
- Shor's Stone:
Treasures, Tribute, and Trade — A guild kiosk in Shor's Stone situated near the northern gate. (map)
- Brass Fortress:
Chancel of Transaction
— A collection of guild kiosks located in the Brass Fortress, south of the city bank. (map)
- Slag Town Outlaws Refuge:
Clockwork Castoffs — A guild kiosk in the Brass Fortress Outlaws Refuge run by Nardhil Barys. (map)
- Court of Contempt Wayshrine:
Cart of Contempt — A guild trader kiosk run by Harzdak, located on the road to the Cave of Trophies. (map)
- Haj Uxith:
Trades-in-Cold-Water — A guild kiosk in southeastern Haj Uxith run by Shuliish. (map)
- The Hollow City:
The Hollow Market — A collection of guild kiosks in the western part of the Hollow City. (map)
- Belkarth:
City's Edge Stalls — A guild kiosk marketplace outside Belkarth, located on the northwestern road, across the bridge. (map)
- Belkarth Outlaws Refuge:
Makkhzahr's Market — A guild kiosk in the Belkarth Outlaws Refuge run by Makkhzahr. (map)
- Anvil:
Guild Traders
— A guild kiosk marketplace on the docks outside of Anvil's walls. (map)
- Anvil Outlaws Refuge:
Syalleth's Goods & Services — A guild kiosk in the Anvil Outlaws Refuge run by Syalleth. (map)
- Kvatch:
Trader's Circle
— A castlefront marketplace in Kvatch. (map)
- Skingrad:
Guild Traders
— A collection of Guild Kiosks in northwestern Skingrad. (map)
- Abah's Landing:
Guild Traders
— A guild kiosk marketplace found at the Abah's Landing docks. (map)
- Thieves Den:
Blue Bottle Trading — A guild kiosk in the Abah's Landing Thieves Den run by Dahnadreel. (map)
- Gonfalon Bay:
Guild Traders
— A collection of Guild Kiosks in northern Gonfalon Bay. (map)
- Lilmoth:
Guild Traders
— A collection of guild kiosks located in the middle of Lilmoth, south of the wayshrine. (map)
- Lilmoth Outlaws Refuge:
Gir-Ta's Traders — A guild store stall owned by Gir-Ta. (map)
- Rimmen:
Rimmen Commerce Exchange
— A collection of guild kiosks located near the Rimmen Wayshrine. (map)
- Rimmen Outlaws Refuge:
Hidden Treasures — A guild kiosk run by Begok. (map)
- Markarth:
Guild Traders
— A guild kiosk marketplace located around Markarth's wayshrine. (map)
- Markarth Outlaws Refuge:
Twilight Treasures — A guild kiosk in the Markarth Outlaws Refuge run by Morborgol. (map)
- Senchal:
Guild Traders
— A collection of guild kiosks located in Senchal, south of the Senchal Saddlery. (map)
- Senchal Outlaws Refuge:
Greater Goods — A guild kiosk in the Senchal Outlaws Refuge run by Laytiva Sendris. (map)
- Alinor:
Market of the Aedra
— A collection of guild kiosks located near the Alinor Wayshrine. (map)
- Alinor Outlaws Refuge:
Bog-Bottom Discount Goods — A guild kiosk in the Alinor Outlaws Refuge run by Utzaei. (map)
- Lillandril:
— A collection of guild kiosks located in Lillandril just after entering Lillandril's city gate, north to the Wayshrine. (map)
- Shimmerene: Abacean Imports — A collection of Guild Kiosks, manned by Shargalash, Quelilmor and Varandia, just outside Shimmerene. (map)
- Balmora:
Market Gate
— A collection of guild kiosks located outside Balmora, surrounding the wayshrine by the southeastern city gate. (map)
- Sadrith Mora:
Sadrith Mora Market
— A collection of guild kiosks in Sadrith Mora. (map)
- Vivec City:
Pilgrim's Market
— A collection of guild kiosks located north of the Vivec City "Foundation" area. (map)
- Vivec City Outlaws Refuge:
Relieves-Burdens Bargains — A guild kiosk at the Vivec City Outlaws Refuge run by Relieves-Burdens. (map)
- Solitude:
Courtyard Marketplace
— A collection of Guild Kiosks in northwestern Solitude. (map)
- Solitude Outlaws Refuge:
The Chicanery — A guild kiosk in the Solitude Outlaws Refuge run by M'deshargo. (map)
- Morkul Stronghold:
Guild Traders
— A collection of Guild Kiosks on the north side of Morkul Stronghold. (map)
- Orsinium:
Guild Traders
— A guild kiosk marketplace located outside Orsinium's northern gate. (map)
- Orsinium Outlaws Refuge:
Narkhukulg's Goods — A guild kiosk in the Orsinium Outlaws Refuge run by Narkhukulg. (map)
Aldmeri Dominion[edit]
- Skywatch:
The Mercantile — A trading street in the southwestern Skywatch. (map)
- Elden Root:
Great Trunk Artisans Court — A marketplace housing various merchant stalls and crafting stations on the upper level of the great graht-oak of Elden Root. (map)
- Redfur Trading Post:
Redfur Trading Stalls — The marketplace around which Redfur Trading Post is built. (map)
- Marbruk:
Merchants' Plaza — A marketplace in central Marbruk. (map)
- Woodhearth:
Traders Tree — A collection of stalls in southern Woodhearth. (map)
- Woodhearth:
Tree-Ring Trading Circle — A marketplace in southern Woodhearth. (map)
- Baandari Trading Post:
Trade Stalls — A marketplace housing a collection of stalls in Baandari Trading Post. (map)
- Velyn Harbor:
Traders Crescent — A marketplace housing a collection of various stalls in Velyn Harbor. (map)
- Arenthia:
Riverside Traders — A marketplace in northern Arenthia. (map)
- Dune:
Artisans Alley — A trading plaza in the northeastern Dune. (map)
- Dune:
Crafty Mazduni's Caravan — A road-side camp housing a chef and a merchant. (map)
- Dune:
The Stalls — A collection of merchant tents at the central trading plaza in Dune. (map)
- Rawl'kha:
The March Bazaar — A marketplace in central Rawl'kha. (map)
Daggerfall Covenant[edit]
- Bergama:
Bergama Bazaar — A marketplace located in western Bergama. (map)
- Kozanset:
Baandari Caravan — A marketplace located in northwestern Kozanset. (map)
- Sentinel:
Sentinel Bazaar — A marketplace located in southern Sentinel. (map)
- Evermore:
The Stalls — A collection of merchant stalls in northern Evermore. (map)
- Hallin's Stand:
Fountain Court Market — A marketplace located behind the main gate in Hallin's Stand. (map)
- Stonetooth Fortress:
Dockside Trading Stalls — A group of stalls by the docks on Betnikh. (map)
- Stonetooth Fortress:
Stonetooth Market — A marketplace located inside Stonetooth Fortress. (map)
- Aldcroft:
Dockside Green — A marketplace in southern Aldcroft. (map)
- Aldcroft:
Lionguard Camp Market — A marketplace in the northern half of Aldcroft. (map)
- Northpoint:
Marketplace — A collection of stalls located south of the gate leading to Northpoint Lighthouse. (map)
- Shornhelm:
Shornhelm Market Plaza — A marketplace located just inside Shornhelm's southern gate. (map)
- Alcaire Castle:
Alcaire Marketplace — A marketplace located in the grounds of Alcaire Castle. (map)
- Koeglin Village:
Town Square — The marketplace in Koeglin Village. (map)
- Wayrest:
Merchant District — A marketplace west of the river in Wayrest. (map)
- Port Hunding:
Port Hunding's Open Marketplace — A marketplace in the center of Port Hunding. (map)
Ebonheart Pact[edit]
- Dhalmora:
Dhalmora Hall of Merchants — A trading hall in Dhalmora which houses a smithy and a marketplace. (map)
- Bleakrock Village:
Bleakrock Trading Hall Merchants — A marketplace in Bleakrock Village. (map)
- Mournhold:
Royal Bazaar — A marketplace in northwestern Mournhold. (map)
- Narsis:
Merchants' Stall — A tent in Narsis housing a chef, a brewer and a general goods merchant. (map)
- Fort Amol:
Merchant Caravans — A marketplace in northern Fort Amol. (map)
- Windhelm:
Oaken-Hull's Emporium — A marketplace in Windhelm. (map)
- Nimalten:
Nimalten Markets — A longhouse in Nimalten which serves as a tavern, a crafting area and a marketplace. (map)
- Riften:
Marketplace — A trading plaza in Riften, which houses a collection of various stalls. (map)
- Stormhold:
Shadowfen Markets — A trading plaza in Stormhold. (map)
- Davon's Watch:
Davon's Watch Market District — A gathering of market tents in Davon's Watch located at the southern gate. (map)
- Ebonheart:
Ebonheart Plaza — A Marketplace in the center of Ebonheart. (map)
- Kragenmoor:
Whisker-Twitch Trading Hut — A store run by the merchant Kaasha located in the city of Kragenmoor.
- The Hollow City:
Hollow City Marketplace — A trading plaza in the central part of the Hollow City. (map)
- Belkarth:
Belkarth Bazaar — A trading plaza in Belkarth housing a gathering of various vendors. (map)
Eyevea Merchants' Circle — A collection of stalls in the Merchant District of Eyevea. (map)
- Kvatch:
Furniture Wonders of Kvatch
— A merchant stall in Kvatch. (map)
- Abah's Landing:
— A shopping street in Abah's Landing. (map)
- Abah's Landing:
— A shopping and entertainment street in the center of Abah's Landing. (map)
- Morkul Stronghold:
Market Square
— A marketplace in Morkul Stronghold. (map)
- Orsinium:
Haggler's Bluff
— A marketplace in central Orsinium that houses many merchant stalls. (map)
Cyrodiil and the Imperial City
Aldmeri Dominion
- Western Elsweyr Gate:
Victory Tavern — An inn and a tavern at the Western Elsweyr Gate in Cyrodiil. (map)
- Aldmeri Dominion Base (Irrigation Tunnels):
Stone-Roots Market — In a corner of the Aldmeri Dominion Base in the Irrigation Tunnels. (map)
- Western Elsweyr Gate:
Daggerfall Covenant
- Northern High Rock Gate:
Highlands Glory Inn — An inn and tavern at the Northern High Rock Gate in Cyrodiil. (map)
- Daggerfall Covenant Base (Irrigation Tunnels):
Murky Mercantile
— In a corner of the Daggerfall Covenant Base in the Lambent Passage. (map)
- Northern High Rock Gate:
Ebonheart Pact
- Southern Morrowind Gate:
Warrior's Rest — A tavern located at the Southern Morrowind Gate in Cyrodiil. (map)
- Ebonheart Pact Base (Irrigation Tunnels):
Refugee's Respite
— In a corner of the Ebonheart Pact Base in Harena Hypogeum. (map)
- Southern Morrowind Gate:
Aldmeri Dominion[edit]
- Vulkhel Guard:
Aegis of Auri-El — A store in Vulkhel Guard that has many merchants. (map)
- Haven:
Artaeum Armor and Vestments — A shop in Haven run by a tailor and a leatherworker. (map)
- Arenthia:
The Steel Pauldron — A shop in northwestern Arenthia run by a tailor, an armorer and a leatherworker. (map)
Daggerfall Covenant[edit]
- Wayrest:
Lion's Crown Outfitters — A store north of Wayrest Market Square. (map)
- Shornhelm:
Tailor's Way — A street in Shornhelm containing two outfitters' stores. (map)
Ebonheart Pact[edit]
- Windhelm:
Stormcrag Armorer's Hall — A two-story Nord-style building in Windhelm which sells all kinds of armor. (map)
- Davon's Watch:
Artisans' Row — A trading street in southeastern Davon's Watch which houses crafting stations, an enchanting shop and four vendors' stalls. (map)
The Loom and Lathe — A crafting shop in the Merchant District of Eyevea. (map)
- Orsinium:
Orcish Pride Outfitters
— A leatherworking shop near Rime Hammer Forge in Orsinium. (map)
Aldmeri Dominion[edit]
- Skywatch:
The Watcher's Forge — A smithy in Skywatch. (map)
- Vulkhel Guard:
Guard's Forge — A smithy in Vulkhel Guard. (map)
- Elden Root:
Fighters Guild Forge — A crafting area housing a blacksmith, a clothier and a woodworker in the Elden Root Fighters Guildhall. (map)
- Haven:
Haven Foundry — A smithy in central Haven. (map)
- Marbruk:
Steel, Will, and Skill — A smithy in eastern Marbruk. (map)
- Mistral:
Moonfire Forge — An open-air terrace in Mistral which houses various vendors' stalls along with blacksmithing and clothing stations. (map)
- Velyn Harbor:
Smithy of Velyn Harbor — A smithy and crafting area located on the central plaza of Velyn Harbor. (map)
- Rawl'kha:
The Black Anvil — A smithy and crafting area in Rawl'kha. (map)
Daggerfall Covenant[edit]
- Kozanset:
Kozanset Smithy — A smithy located in the center of Kozanset. (map)
- Sentinel:
The Forebear's Forge — A smithy located in eastern Sentinel. (map)
- Evermore:
Evermore Smithy — A smithy in western Evermore. (map)
- Stonetooth Fortress:
Stonetooth Smithy — A smithy near the Stonetooth Fortress on Betnikh. (map)
- Aldcroft:
Aldcroft Anvil & Armor — A smithy in southern Aldcroft. (map)
- Crosswych:
Iron Mine Arms & Armor — A smithy located in the northern part of Crosswych. (map)
- Daggerfall:
Tradesman's Square — Located just inside the south gate of Daggerfall. (map)
- Shornhelm:
Shornhelm Smithy — A smithy located in eastern Shornhelm. (map)
- Wayrest:
The High King's Forge — A smithy in Wayrest Residential District. (map)
Ebonheart Pact[edit]
- Dhalmora:
Fit-For-Kings — The Dhalmora smithy. (map)
- Bleakrock Village:
Bleakrock Trading Hall Artisans — A smithy in Bleakrock Village. (map)
- Mournhold:
Artisans Craftworks — A smithy at the crafting circle in Mournhold. (map)
- Windhelm:
The Anvil & Pauldron — A smithy in central Windhelm. (map)
- Riften:
Artisan's Hall — A smithy in western Riften, which houses several crafting stations and four vendors. (map)
- Ebonheart:
Ebonheart Unified Metalworks — A smithy in Ebonheart which houses blacksmithing and clothing stations along with respective vendors. (map)
- The Hollow City:
Cold Iron Forge — A smithy at the Hollow City central plaza. (map)
- Belkarth:
Waste-Walker's Forge — A smithy in Belkarth in Craglorn. (map)
- Dragonstar:
The Cracked Anvil — The smithy located in the town of Dragonstar.
- Kvatch:
The Crafter's Square
— A crafting center in the north of Kvatch. (map)
- Abah's Landing:
Sharper's Alley
— A smithy and outfit station in Abah's Landing. (map)
- Morkul Stronghold:
The Morkul Forge
— The smithy on the east side of Morkul Stronghold. (map)
- Orsinium:
Rime Hammer Forge
— The large Smithy in the center of Orsinium. (map)
Other Stores[edit]
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Aldmeri Dominion[edit]
- Vulkhel Guard:
The Handy Haversack — A pack merchant store in Vulkhel Guard. (map)
- Vulkhel Guard:
Harborside Market — A merchant tent at the Vulkhel Docks. (map)
- Vulkhel Guard:
Starfall Arcana — A mystic's shop in Vulkhel Guard. (map)
- Haven:
Menthorn's Supplies — A merchant shop in northeastern Haven. (map)
- Haven:
Plentiful Packs — A pack merchant store in central Haven. (map)
- Haven:
Sisters' Steel — A store in Haven run by an armorer and a weaponsmith. (map)
- Haven:
Swimmer's Stuff — A merchant shop in southern Haven. (map)
- Woodhearth:
Blade and Song — A store in Woodhearth run by a blacksmith and a weaponsmith. (map)
- Woodhearth:
The Cat's Bazaar — A general goods shop in western Woodhearth. (map)
- Woodhearth:
Maiden's Guard — A shop in Woodhearth owned by an armorer and a clothier. (map)
- Vulkwasten:
Mystic Moons Imports — A merchant shop in central Vulkwasten. (map)
- Dune:
The Shop-on-the-Steps — A merchant tent at the Dune western entrance. (map)
Daggerfall Covenant[edit]
- Crosswych:
Gestor's Fine Goods — A general goods store near the west gate of Crosswych. (map)
- Crosswych:
Menoit's Emporium — An apothecary and enchanting store that houses the Crosswych branch of the Mages Guild. (map)
- Fell's Run: Sabir's General Goods — A merchant store located on the central plaza of Fell's Run. (map)
Ebonheart Pact[edit]
- Fort Amol:
The Uncanny Alembic — A single-room, Nord-style shop run by an alchemist outside the Fort Amol walls. (map)
Quality Auridon Imports — A merchant stall on the dock in the Eyevea Wayshrine district. (map)
Zessura's Enchantments — An enchanting stall in the Eyevea Traveler Falls district. (map)