Online:Sergeant Banthor

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Sergeant Banthor
Location Boulderfall Pass
Race Nord Gender Male
Reaction Friendly
Other Information
Faction(s) Ebonheart Pact
Sergeant Banthor

Sergeant Banthor is a Nord soldier of the Ebonheart Pact found at Boulderfall Pass.

Related Quests[edit]

Quest-Related Events[edit]

If you have not completed Unearthed yet, he will be the quest-giver at Boulderfall Pass. When you approach him, he will shout out orders at the Pact soldiers:

"Watch your flank. Watch your flank!"

He will mistaken you as a scout sent by Gjakil but will quickly accept your aid to defend the position from the Reachmen:

"You're a scout, yeah? Sent by Gjakil? Quick, you've got to get word back…."
Sorry, I'm not a scout.
"To Oblivion with military messengers. You wouldn't happen to be a volunteer? Have some experience with these Reachmen, yeah?"
I think I can figure it out. What needs doing?
"Captain Jardirr led the charge after the Reachmen attacked. I lost track of her in the battle and we got overrun. Get out there, ease the pressure on our troops, and look for Jardirr."
As you say.

You can ask further questions about the pass or convince him to provide assistance in dealing with the lurchers:

"Good, good. Need to hold the line here. Can't let the Captain down, yeah?"
What is this place?
"A pass cuts through the hills here, yeah? Straight into the Smokefrost Peaks. Normally comes out just north of Riften. But not after that damned giant Sinmur collapsed the hillside."
Sinmur did that?
"Aye. No easy way to get through here, send word to Riften. With what's happened over at Fort Greenwall, we're almost cut off here. Hmm. We'll have to get the fires lit.
What happened at Fort Greenwall?
"Bandits, sounds like. I'm not sure. Only a few of our runners are getting through, yeah? I don't know if they're caught up in combat or what."
Fires? / You mentioned fires?
"Aye. There's a tower on the hill near here. Great big horker of a bonfire set up, with wood treated all special. Light that fire and the whole Rift will see the smoke. Put everyone on alert."
[Persuade]Lots of Lurchers out there.
"Well, Murmurs-to-Trees has been working on a ward to use against them. He's just down the stairs, go ask him about it."
Thanks. I'll do that.

After speaking with Captain Jardirr:

"Found the captain, yeah? Ysgramor's strength stands before me."

If you started the quest through Centurion Gjakili or Scout Claurth, he will say instead:

"Good to meet you! You fought beside the Centurion at Shor's, yeah? Amazing!"

Speaking with him after addressing the Centurion for the quest:

"Good, good. Need to hold the line here. Can't let the Captain down, yeah?"

After lighting the signal fires during Smoke on the Horizon and before turning in the quest:

"I can see the smoke! Now everybody knows the danger they face. Blood for the Pact!"

Speaking with him after the quest:

"I only received a promotion a few weeks ago. First time commanding in the field, yeah? Can't believe it kicked off with … this."
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