
Online:Reanimated Shadowbow

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Reanimated Shadowbow
Location Bloodrun Cave
Race Dark Elf Gender Varies
Health 29870
Reaction Hostile Class Poison Archer
Other Information
Faction(s) Dark Brotherhood
Condition Undead
Reanimated Shadowbow

Reanimated Shadowbows are undead Dark Elf poison archers found in Bloodrun Cave. They are the reanimated corpses of Dark Brotherhood assassins from the old Bloodrun Sanctuary.

Skills and Abilities[edit]

Acid Spray
The enemy shoots a spray of poison arrows in the direction it is facing as indicated by a red cone. This attack does very high poison damage over time as well as snares all enemies hit. This attack can be interrupted to set the enemy off balance or simply avoided. Blocking also prevents the snare and reduces the damage.
Shadow Cloak
If the target is in close proximity to the enemy, they will turn themselves invisible and move to a better location and set the player off balance.