Online:Ra Gada Envoy

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Ra Gada Envoy
Location Velyn Harbor
Race Redguard Gender Male
Health 66,924 Difficulty ON-misc-Boss 1.png
Reaction Hostile Class Foot Soldier
Other Information
Faction(s) Ra Gada (Malabal Tor)
Ra Gada Envoy

Ra Gada Envoy is a Redguard found in Velyn Harbor's Town Hall during the quest One Fell Swoop. He can be heard making a deal with Chief Makhug as soon as you enter the building.

Related Quests[edit]


When you enter the townhall, you will eavesdrop on his conversation with the Drubolg chief:

Ra Gada Envoy : "… as our agreement stipulates, 'By fire and sword.'"
Ra Gada Envoy : "Captain al-Hallen insists Velyn Harbor must burn."
Chief Makhug : "Drublog do not slaughter those who keep us fat with plunder!"
Chief Makhug : "Tell your "Captain" my decision stands!"
Ra Gada Envoy : "He won't be pleased."
Chief Makhug : "Ha! Then he will meet my fist and those of my people!"
Chief Makhug : "Leave me, dog! I've heard enough barking."